1. PBS - The Newshour, Frontline, Washington Week, NOW, Wideangle, NOVA, BBC (PBS version), etc...
2. I also go to many foreign presses a lot over the internet. I've found they sometimes report on issues right here in the states that our news media just oddly enough doesn't find news worthy.
I've found that local news is just plain crappy when it comes to world news. The evening world news programs are full of added in junk and cable news shows either run issues in the ground being redundant as heck or are full of propaganda.
I'm a democrat and lean far left.
2006-12-21 08:54:14
answer #1
answered by BeachBum 7
Ahh yes, the truly informed on current news, there are still a few of them left, who not only shun the mainstream media (MSM)
they have taught themselves how to ferret out the truth, amongst all the vitriole and diatribe espoused by the MSM.
Many of the alphabet electronic networks are managed by what
I would call type "A": personalities, who are under the age of 35.
That means their sense of right and wrong has no conscience.
No morals, scruples or principles
Just how to increase their market share for higher ratings, so
they can make more money, thats it in a nut shell.
The truth has nothing to do with it, if it gets in the way, kick it aside, go on with more prevarications and equivications. (lies)
To collect credible news, you have to carefully scrutinize other
sources of the MSM, no newspapers, periodicals, magazines,
even some newsletters electronic or otherwise may be accepted.
If you must read the New York Times, or the Los Angeles times, or the Miami Herald-Tribune, Seattle Post- Intelligencer, Philadelphia
Inquirer, Boston Globe, the Chicago Sun-Times, or the Tribune,
among the other major newspapers of the USA, keep in mind
what are the editors-publisher's political leanings?
Read their editorials, and letters to the editors, and get a consensus of how these people project themselves through the
eyes of the readers of their newspapers.
Most people don't even know the names of the editors-in-chiefs
of the newspaper they buy at the newsstand, or subscribe at home to.
Discernment, knowing, interpreting and understanding the content that you are reading, another hurdle that has grown higher over the last 50 years.
Our educational system has failed its target, as there has been
too much focus on multiculturalism, diversity, and political
correctness, its killing the nation by degrees.
Conservatism and moderation have strong reasons supporting their existence, and we as a nation must ensure that all of us to a man and woman be appraised of all the many dangers involved with
complacency and over tolerance.
If you follow American politics, there are only two major parties,
republican and democrat, and then the smaller parties, who usually have no impact on the outcome of any US Presidential election.
I don't favor one party control of the Legislative, Executive or Judicial, but I see that the powers that be will try to load the
US Congress in any way they see fit, as less than 5% of the population is in actual control of the US government.
I may be something of a curmudgeon and a cynic, but that is my right, and like an umpire, I calls them as I sees them.
They say democracy starts at home, and I agree with that adage.
We have world wide conflicts, most of which have been brought about by the radicals of one religion, the jihadists of Islam
These incorrigibles have caused more turmoil and upheaval than any other man made scourge ever produced in the Holy Bible.
CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN Headline News and Fox all give out
less than desirable news flashes, as does CBS, NBC and ABC,
who are also guilty of the same misdemeanors, and still they
continue to get away with it, very poor journalism in my book.
My sources: worldnetdaily.com, humanevents.com newsmax.com and townhall.com Ann Coulter.com Laura Ingraham.com, Peggy Noonan, government writer, the late
Barbara Olson, writer on the US political scene, there are more.
My political affiliation, I'm a Libertarian, with a strong sense of
common sense, ( I vote for the man, not the party)
Of course my vote never wins or counts, but that is my business,
isn't it?
Thats my message, good luck
Donald H. Sites
2006-12-21 10:07:36
answer #3
answered by sueanddon350@sbcglobal.net 2