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2006-12-21 08:13:09 · 7 answers · asked by The Question Man 2 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

7 answers

The metalic characteristic decreases from up to to down in periodic table. 1A and 2A groups are metal groups and B groups are transition metals.

Strongest metal: Berilium

Strongest transition metal :Titanium (stronger than berilium)

Strongest Aloy: An alloy of about 2% beryllium and 97% nickel, with a touch of titanium. It has an ultimate tensile strength of 300,000 psi, and 245,000 psi yield strength! This is 375% stronger than the best high tensile steel. The tensile strength of 98.5% beryllium is about 58,000 psi, so it seems to do a lot better when mixed with other metals (from web)
(stronger than any metal)

Strongest material on the earth: Carbon nanofibers.(stronger than alloys, even stronger than diamond)

Strongest material on the universe: Any particle from a black hole which is super dense. Stronger than anything else known by humanity

2006-12-21 08:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by Bilge Khan 1 · 1 0

That's a very loaded question. If you mean pure metal, most likely it is Tungsten. If you're willing to consider fibers, then boron fibers (tungsten centers) are very strong (2 GPa or 290 ksi). If you'll consider alloys, then steels can be upwards of 800 MPa (116 ksi). Titaniums are around the range of 500-700 MPa, aluminums can get up to ~600 MPa. If you count cemented carbides (generally Cobalt bonded Tungsten Carbide), they can be upwards of 2 GPa. Granted, this may be cheating as Tungsten Carbide is the major phase and is ceramic, not metallic.The thing you must take into account, though, is that the stronger the material becomes, the less ductile and crack tolerant it becomes. It's another engineering tradeoff.

2006-12-21 08:43:39 · answer #2 · answered by olaf_mcmannis 2 · 0 0

both one among your questions be counted on the crystalline structure of the metallic. maximum elemental metals can style a number of diverse platforms, and each and every has diverse houses. The caveat 'obtainable' will also impression the answer, considering that some metals are very uncommon, therefore they don't look used except in alloys and are not obtainable in organic style. Chromium has a hardness of 8.5 on Moh's scale, yet isn't as sturdy by technique of itself by means of the undeniable fact that is in an alloy. Titanium is definitely one among the most powerful elemental metallic obtainable commercially, in spite of the undeniable fact that it truly is hardness is in effortless words 6. Boron and Carbon are non-metals that would style the hardest crystalline platforms. if you're wondering what's the most powerful metallic alloy, it extremely is yet another question altogether.

2016-11-28 02:33:17 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Tungsten; 19.3 times denser then water.

2013-12-24 16:05:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd guess carbon fiber Your question is too short are you talking tensile strength sheer force what? bolts are grade 8 but sheer strength is grade5 . titanium ? dont know question too bleak

2006-12-21 08:16:42 · answer #5 · answered by I race cars 4 · 0 1

platinum steel conglomerate

2006-12-21 08:14:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

diamond baby

2006-12-21 08:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by electra 1 · 0 3

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