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I haven't seen the movie but I heard she was terrible and Jennifer shined like a star!!

2006-12-21 07:37:37 · answer #1 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 2 2

Does Beyonce deserve to win an OSCAR for lead actress in Dreamgirls? To answer that question, I must say it real loud--NO. She has not proven to be an actress. To me, she is a singer, role that she play more of. As an actress, she needs more practice and with practice she still will not be OSCAR material. When Beyonce reach the A List of Hollywood, she will be a whisper in the air. As a matter of fact, she is still being recognize as Jennifer Lopez. She needs to stick to singing and leave acting to real actors. She can dream and hope for such an event in her life.

2006-12-21 08:20:06 · answer #2 · answered by Red1879 2 · 1 1

Anyone who has the dedication to lose 20 pounds for a role deserves to win something, even if it's not an Oscar. I heard that Jennifer upstaged all of them though. I'll be happy if any of the cast members won.

And in response to Mona, sure there are some really GREAT actors and actresses who are magnificent at the art, but keep in mind, back in the day it was required for many of them to know how to sing and dance, let alone act, like Gene Kelly for example. Those were the ones who really worked for their money.

2006-12-21 07:56:05 · answer #3 · answered by wrtrchk 5 · 1 0

If ANYONE thinks Beyonce should win an Oscar.....Then they don't know what REAL acting is. Being in a movie doesn't make you a fine actress---the performance does. People like Helen Mirren, Dame Judi Dench and Meryl Streep are actresses. The rest are just wannabes. I'm losing more and more respect for the craft every year. It's disgusting. Can't somebody be original--What ever happened to Hollywood? Actresses were required to be GOOD at acting, singing, and dancing. The Golden Age is gone. It's heartbreaking.

2006-12-21 07:50:19 · answer #4 · answered by Mona 2 · 2 1

She's even lucky to be nominated for the GGlobes, and I don't think she'll get an Oscar nomination cos when the Oscar has only one best actress category unlike Globes with 2... so the number of nominees will be 5 instead of 10. Meryl Streep or Annette Bening deserve to win it cos they were outstanding in Prada and Scissors respectively.

2006-12-21 07:41:30 · answer #5 · answered by xander 5 · 1 0

Beyonce is an awful actress. There is nothing about any of her roles that sounds natural. She sounds like she is trying so hard to "act", which does not make someone a good actress at all. It should come freely.

2006-12-21 08:12:44 · answer #6 · answered by elle 2 · 1 0

No, it'll just go to her already inflated head. Jennifer Hudson deserves it more. Beyonce's had her time in the spotlight. It's time for someone else to shine....

2006-12-21 07:38:37 · answer #7 · answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7 · 0 0

She is good in the film but Helen Mirren will win Best Actress.

2006-12-21 07:37:12 · answer #8 · answered by Sally H 3 · 1 1

Probably not since she is just playing herself or playing herself as Diana Ross as herself as a Dreamgirl.

2006-12-21 07:38:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

maybe a golden globe but not an oscar this is her first really major role but she can really sing but can she act!?!?! ....her acting in her other films sucked so i dont think she deserves a oscar like i said maybe a golden globe(best actress in a MUSICAL)

2006-12-21 08:04:10 · answer #10 · answered by Venus in Furs 5 · 1 1

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