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Ok, we have two boys. Both were born naturally ON the due date. Now we are having a girl and she is already causing drama. 1&1/2 weeks overdue. Things have are getting kind of stressed out at our house. Everyone is ready and sitting around just waiting on something to happen is getting tough. So we have decided to get some suggestions or wives tales and try them tonight. The boys and I have been given the task of collecting ideas. My boys are 3 and 5 so their ideas have been entertaining if nothing else. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

2006-12-21 06:09:20 · 18 answers · asked by Brian 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

Natural Induction Methods

There is no doubt that the induction rate is rising. Here are some natural and non-medical ways to induce labor:
1. Relaxation techniques, to get you relaxed then use some visual imagery of labor beginning. I have a friend who swears by a good cry- she gets a tearjerker form the video store and has a good bawl to relieve tension. She has had 3 children and went at least 1 week overdue with each of them. The most important thing to do is to find a way to relieve tension. Tension works against labor. Relieve it, let everything go, and you may be surprised to find yourself in labor.

2. Visualization. Get quiet and relaxed, and imagine your uterus contracting as well as the process of labor. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis has been known to really do wonders with this one.

3. Sex has long been a method of inducing labor, making use of the Prostaglandin in semen and orgasm as a stimulating contraction. It is often more relaxing than using Pitocin and is done at home rather than a hospital. I know some of my clients simply do not feel like having sex in the last month of their pregnancy, but it beats a cesarean and medical induction. It will not arms the baby, and if you can find a comfortable position female orgasm can open the cervix of 2cm. WOW . If you really are not in the mood try using his sperm by inserting it in your vagina as close to the cervix as you can.

4. Nipple stimulation can be done successfully and uterine hyper stimulation may be avoided by following this protocol from Maternity Nursing: Family, Newborn, and Women's Health Care by Reeder, Martin and Koniak-Griffin:

*roll nipples between thumb and forefingers for 2 minutes

*rest for 3 minutes

*repeat rolling/resting for 20 minutes*

*increase rolling to 3 minutes and decrease resting to 2 minutes for 20 minutes if inadequate contractions occur after initial 20 mins.

Enemas- this causes the bowels to contract and could cause the uterus to contract, which will open and efface the cervix. Use with caution.

Exercise- Walking, swinging in a swing and general exercise contracts the uterus.

A bumpy car ride may sound like an old wives tail, but if the baby is not in a good position, your sitting and relaxing while being moved by the car through bumps has worked.

Pineapple. I just found out about this one, and I love pineapple. If it doesn't give you heartburn, eating lots of pineapple is reputed to begin labor and ripen the cervix. I assume it has to do with the enzyme found in Pineapple

Cumin Tea. This is used by midwives in Latino cultures. Traditionally, a raw cube of potato is added to the tea, it absorbs the bitterness of the cumin. You can add sugar to this one or honey.

For labor, several herbs are used by midwives to induce labor or to stimulate contractions. Care should be taken NOT to take any of these herbs without first conferring with a midwife, physician, and a herbalist. These labor-enhancing herbs are:

*Evening Primrose Oil: ripens the cervix

*Castor Oil

Please consult your care provider always before beginning any induction procedure.

If you do decide to go ahead and use castor oil, three teaspoons is about right – try mixing it with some juice or pour it over a salad (tuna salad is a good alternative). A word of caution, castor oil can give you cramps and diarrhea if you know how you react to laxatives (strong ones) then you know if you want to use this method during labor and delivery. Dealing with Diarrhea while also dealing with contractions may not be fun!!!

For long labors and tired moms, Ginger root (should not be given within an hour of birth) and Ginseng can increase a mom's energy level during a long, difficult labor. For pain, some midwives suggest meditations along with Motherwort or Skullcap (take the edge off the pain). St. John's Wort has been known to help with back and uterine pain and may be used in conjunction with Skullcap for a complete effect.

While no official evidence exists regarding acupressure and inducing/stimulating labor, many perinatal specialists (midwives, physicians, childbirth educators and doulas) confirm the relationship between acupressure points and increased uterine contractions. When applying finger acupressure, instruct the client to press against the desired point on the skin. Massage in a small circular motion. Continue for 1-5 minutes.

Three points are commonly used to stimulate labor and the first two are also linked to relief of migraine headaches.

Hoku (Large intestine 6): located deep in the webbing between either hand's thumb and forefinger; in between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones. Stimulation of this point has been know to begin labor, enhance contractions during labor and in non-pregnant females, bring on menstruation several days early. Also may relieve pain from migraine.

Chih-yin (Bladder 67): located approximately 1/10" behind the lateral corner of the smallest toe's nail of either foot. Stimulation of this point has been known to relieve labor pains and migraine discomfort.

San-yin-chiao (Spleen 6): placing your left hand on your right leg with your pinkie finger just above the interior ankle bone, the lateral tibia is located just under where your index finger lies. You may utilize both points simultaneously by placing a thumb on each point as shown.

Just as care providers need to share information regarding the administration of medication to either eliminate pain in labor or to induce or augment contractions during labor, so should the client inform the care provider when she decides to use any of the above methods to induce or augment labor.

1.Bobak, I., Jensen, M. Maternity & Gynecologic Care: The Nurse and the Family. (1989) St. Louis: Mosby Publishers.
2.Nichols, F., Humenick, S. Childbirth Education: Practice, Research & Theory (2000) Saunders & Co.
3.Whitely, N. A Manual of Clinical Obstetrics (1985) Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.

Reeder, S., Martin, L., and Koniak-Griffin, D. Maternity Nursing: Family, Newborn, and Women's Health Care. (1997) Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.

2006-12-21 06:15:26 · answer #1 · answered by mcdaid36 2 · 3 0

Well this isn't an old wives tale it's simply a fact get her walking!! The more active she is the better. Tell her not to listen to the comment about eating i ate a lot before i went into labor and let me tell you it wasn't pretty, if you know what i mean!! That's about it walking really does the trick, i was over due with my first so we went walking at the mall for a few hours and the next night i was in the hospital in labor.

2006-12-21 06:16:35 · answer #2 · answered by Curious J. 5 · 1 0

i used evening primrose oil! if you have an herbal store around where you live thats the best place to buy it you can buy it at wal-mart but i was told its not quite the same the evening primrose at an herbal store is all natural i broke the capsules and rubbed them on my belly it is supposed to be absorbed through the skin i also took the dose it tells you to take orally and it is supposed to soften the cervix by inserting it vaginally sorry too much info you can google it it is not necessarily a proven method but it did soften my cervix and help me to finally dialate then when the cervix is softened alot of sex will help from then on out i know its graphic but it worked for me walking also helps the baby drop but is almost pointless unless youre already dialating when i was in labor they had me walk so the babys head would put pressure on my cervix to help me dialate i also meant to tell you have you seen those exercise balls on t.v? have her sit on one a few times a day as long as she's comfortable the hospital also had me do that but once again mainly works when youre already dialating you would be suprised some of these "wivestales" really work one more thing DON'T use castor oil! it can not only make L&D messy but it can also cause the baby to have a bowl movement in the womb if they ingest it, it can cause serious problems!

2006-12-21 06:17:38 · answer #3 · answered by tiffany b 3 · 1 0

Lots of great advice here. Another one is having your wife suck her thumb or a lollypop. That is one of the methods we used in conjunction with sex, nipple stimulation, herbs and teas, and exercise. Being overdue is fine since there is no such thing as a definitive due date. Inducing labor even now may be jumping the gun a bit, but hey, my wife and I are kind of on the alternative end since we prefer natural everything.

2006-12-21 06:45:54 · answer #4 · answered by playdeaux 3 · 0 0

Sexual intercourse - This works in two ways to induce labor. First, female orgasm can bring on contractions. Second, semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins work to help ripe and soften the cervix.

Nipple stimulation - Stimulating the nipples triggers the production of natural oxytocin. Oxytocin contracts the uterus.

Accupressure - Accupressure may be helpful in inducing labor. Some pressure points you can try are the roof of your mouth, the webbing of your fingers between your pointer finger and thumb, and above the ankle about four fingerspaces above is a pressure point.

Raspberry Leaf Tea - Rasberry leaf tea is not actually known for it's labor inducing properties, but it is believed to be helpful in toning the uterus and helping with labor.

Cinnamin stick tea - Take cinnamin sticks and boil them into a tea and drink. It actually tastes good so even if it doesn't bring on labor it may help you to relax.

Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil comes in small capsules similar to vitamin E. It is believed to help soften and ripen the cervix.

Walking - Walking may help to get baby to drop into proper position.

Visualization/relaxation - Relaxation can help with labor induction. Try doing relaxation exercisers. They are also good practice for when labor actually begins.

Pineapple, cumin tea, eggplant parmesan, and spicy foods - are another thing you can try.

2006-12-21 06:11:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't know how effective this is on the third baby but when I was pregnant I walked for over an hour mostly out of anger, it was kind of uncomfortable but at 7 am the next morning my water broke and had delivered by that afternoon... it was my one and only child so I don't have much "experience" but it worked for me. Good luck and Happy Holidays.

2006-12-21 06:15:30 · answer #6 · answered by Wiked 5 · 1 0

I don't know if this has any bearing or not, but my wife and I were intimate about 6 hours before my first daughter was born. However, she was born about 10 days earlier than her due date if it makes a difference. Good luck and God bless mother and baby girl, whenever she decides to gets here! And before you ladies start chastizing me...it was my wife you initiated it, I swear!

2016-03-13 09:22:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having sex can induce labor. and also they say that drinking castor oil. when i was pregnant with my now 1 year old daughter my doctor told me that having sex was the sure fire way to induce labor.

2006-12-21 06:11:57 · answer #8 · answered by ♥i LuV mY nEw HuBbY LEO♥ 2 · 1 0

my girlfriend worked at a carnival , she was over do. she did was hanging on a pole her feet dangling hoping it would put her into labor guess what. i didn't work. when the baby is ready to come. she will. but talk to your doctor and see whats going on. and if there is anything that he can do for you.. congradulations.

2006-12-21 06:27:25 · answer #9 · answered by misty blue 6 · 0 0

my son was late a week and the night before he was born I walked 4 miles, and that help with my labor too

2006-12-21 06:12:31 · answer #10 · answered by aaaime 3 · 1 0

1st- your doctrs let you go that long? ask about inducing. you could try walking, even if its just up and down the side walk once or twice. try a little "homework" ifyoure cleared...(sex) . my friendsdocotor told them to go home and hve sex, that it might start labor

2006-12-21 06:22:01 · answer #11 · answered by psychoticangel_kitty 3 · 0 0

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