Ching chong has got to go. She's got such a narrow minded view of the world, it's tunnel vision, and highly ironic given the name of the show.
2006-12-21 04:52:22
answer #1
answered by Prakash V 4
Absolutely. She is lowering her standards by keeping her there. I thought that Barbara Walters had more class, but now I'm beginning to doubt that. I've never watched the View - don't care to - never even knew what it was until a couple months ago [and this had nothing to do with Rosie being there or not].
If any of you want to watch a lesbian who really has it together, is polite and funny - try watching Ellen. She's great, and I watch her when I'm home. She's like a breath of fresh air - and NO, I don't watch her because she's a lesbian - some of you have mentioned that term.
2006-12-21 12:50:11
answer #2
answered by theophilus 5
The viewers love Rosie though. From a business perspective, it would be a huge mistake not to keep Rosie.
2006-12-21 12:47:29
answer #3
answered by gigi_victory 3
Big Mistake. I think Barb might be losing touch with reality. Do you ever notice how she behaves when black people are on her show. She falls all over herself and just seems so fake. I'm not a big fan of the decisions Barb is making on the show these days, including putting and keeping Rosie on the show.
2006-12-21 12:47:34
answer #4
answered by volkgal 4
I think one of the reasons she was brought on was to increase ratings, even if this is often done by mild controversy. Some stars are watched for the simple reason that you don't know what they will say or do next to cause a stir. She may be one of those.
2006-12-21 12:47:15
answer #5
answered by Rvn 5
I think so. I think Rosie is a bit over her head. She needs to quiet down some and grow the heck up. She needs to stop thinking of herself and focus on what's best for her children, THEY are the ones who have to live with her, and the aftermath of all she does.
2006-12-21 12:46:58
answer #6
answered by RetroDiva65 4
I've been wondering that myself since this last blow up with Donald Trump. The View says that they are "standing" behind Rosie but I can't help but wonder if they really are.
2006-12-21 12:46:59
answer #7
answered by Marenight 7
now a days it makes for good TV, people want to watch just to see what she might say.
it's all about ratings, i know Barbara doesn't want her on the show but money talk and ratings equals money
2006-12-21 12:48:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, BIG MISTAKE. This was once a respected show now it has become what will Rosie say next.
And no I don't care about her sexual orientation, in fact if she could stop reminding us every two seconds it would be great.
2006-12-21 12:47:52
answer #9
answered by P&B 3
Are you kidding me? Rosie has breathed new life into that show. The ratings are to the moon. Rosie speaks her mind and a lot of what she says, like it or not, is very true.
2006-12-21 12:47:14
answer #10
answered by Penelope Yelsopee 3