I absolutely hate the view its the worst show I have ever seen!
2006-12-21 04:07:21
answer #1
answered by BOOTS! 6
Meredith. When she was on, the View was actually watchable and was not in the news every 5 minutes.. Only every 10 minutes b/c of Star. But Meredith is kicking butt on the Today Show!
Rosie really just needs to stop acting like her opinion is fact and let other people have thier own opinions and stop acting like a self righteous bully.
2006-12-21 12:12:50
answer #2
answered by babygyrl_nyc 5
I like Meredith.
She was informative and intelligence and a little bit funny.Just your average mother and a wife giving her opinions and her "VIEW" on what's was going on at the time.
Rosie is just the opposite of that and she even brought the singing and dancing into the show where Ms. Walters started this out to be a discussions show on different views not a comedy act. I was very disappointed that Rosie would bring singing to the show.
So Now I don't even watch. Only if Rosie not on there. I really like Rosie she's fine but I thinks she forgotten that it's Ms.Walters "BABY
2006-12-21 12:21:31
answer #3
answered by bottom dollar 3
Meredith, Rosie is obnoxious in every way. Ain't nothing rosie about that one. Meredith seemed very stable. I quit watching the view when Starr became obnoxious.
2006-12-21 12:07:24
answer #4
answered by jupitor 3
Meredith- She is a really genuine lady. Wish I could say the same for Rosie.
2006-12-21 12:09:36
answer #5
answered by bernice l 4
I've always liked Meredith and Rosie, though they couldn't be more different. But lately, I think Rosie has decided to use the show as a platform for political and social rants that I believe piss more people off than she is able to persuade to see her perspectives. I'm afraid she's turning into a stereotypical raging bull dyke! I would bet they don't renew her contract ... she's bringing the show down! Meredith will always get my vote ... she's intelligent, articulate, interesting and attractive!
2006-12-21 12:18:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-12-21 12:08:10
answer #7
answered by Texas T 6
2006-12-21 12:06:49
answer #8
answered by redirishactress 5
I thought Meredith was the one who left. Didn't Rosie take her place? Anyway, I don't like Rosie.
2006-12-21 12:07:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I really got the hots for Meredith Vierra and watch Millionaire all the time. I like when she shows a little cleavage. I can't stand
Rosie O'Donnell so I don't watch the View at all because it is all
her. I want to see more of Elizabeth Filarski. She's cute but her
eyes seem too close together.
2006-12-21 12:09:13
answer #10
answered by Mailman Bob 5
Rosie just badmouths everyone. She's loud and obnoxious.
But I think Meredith made a wise career choice by leaving the View! That show's gone south!
2006-12-21 12:07:27
answer #11
answered by yahoo_girl 2