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ok i guess that everyone has the right to chose freely. but modern culture is in my view smashing the female and the male character. A real man must harass woman ! it is funny and she feels pretty ! (i am not talking about irrespect or without class jokes !). A real man feels well when he is leading the couple, bringing safety to his woman. Making love like a dominant male in bed. Listening to here complaints on anything. Always suportin here. And taking care of here. ??? Should we be EQUAL ? let the woman be "weak" and "charming" !! i am a male and see it like this. What is your view Folks

2006-12-19 22:53:43 · 14 answers · asked by tomcat 4 in Social Science Gender Studies

14 answers

In a natural world, a woman would, generally speaking, be happier being submissive and letting her husband deal with issues exterior to the household. Women have now been brainwashed by feminism to not be "happy" (I put it in quote because they usually seem quite miserable, stressed-out and worn down) unless they can "wear the pants" in the family. This is evidenced by their actions in spite of what they claim to stand for. As far as losing their sexual identity goes, it's too late...for the most part, they've already lost it. They've cast aside many of those things that make a woman something a man wants to hold, cherish and protect. That's why more and more men are looking for their wives in other parts of the world where women are still women.

An interesting thing that occurs to me is that many feminists run around claiming that culture is what creates the differences between men and women based on how they are raised. The truth is that the elimination (or supression, I should say) of many of the natural feminine attributes of a woman in this country IS a result of our now feministic culture, while the differences feminists have always sought to deny are the truly natural ones.

2006-12-20 02:37:02 · answer #1 · answered by fishman 3 · 1 6

As long as it is intentional, freely chosen game between partners, I am not against (but I personally don't like it). But when "harassment" becomes a real part of public, social, political or work relations, then it is nothing else but misery.

However, I am not sure what did you think by "a real man must harass woman", but ask yourself if you like to be harassed. And what does it have in common with protection and bringing safety to someone. Domestic violence, raping and sexual abusing rather come from the idea that women have to be "submitted" and "protected" as a territory. And this is what happens more often to women from "other parts of the world" than getting married to some prince from the West.

Another thing is what are real male and female characters: something that fashion industry or media offer? Or something offered by the cheap novels or soap operas? All are full of protective macho guys and pretty harassed girls in troubles. They are offering one very narrowed idea how proper men and women should look and behave like, but it is not a real life, sorry.

2006-12-20 05:18:08 · answer #2 · answered by Aurora 4 · 0 0

I do not believe in being submitted, but I do believe in doing as I am told to do. There is a fine line between obedience and submission.
A person who is obedient is more than willing to do what they are told to do. A submissive woman has had to get the crap kicked out of her first before finally deciding she'd better do as she's damned well told to do. Now with that all said and done, I do have a mind of my own and I am not afraid to use it.
I love a dominant man in bed; I mean I wouldn't want no wuss.
Yes it is nice to be protected, and I believe couples should protect one another.
Should we be equal? We never have been and never will be, unless you can find a woman who can produce sperm or a male who can deliver babies.
let the women be "weak": I have heard men say of me that I'm strong and had they been women what I've been through would have surely been too much for them. Put it this way I've had burdens put on me because of the way I am that were totally unnecessary.
These are my views.

2006-12-20 07:55:55 · answer #3 · answered by Laela (Layla) 6 · 0 0

I think there are a lot of factors that go into our identities. Some of it definitely is present at birth-- our parents, our genetic history, our culture, our family, our race, gender, and ethnicity, our name. I don't think that can be discounted or should be considered unimportant. But I also don't think identity is an entirely fixed thing, either. Our experiences do contribute to who we are. We can choose our actions, which influence our character. We are educated, both academically and morally. We choose which goals we will pursue. We're influenced by the people around us-- family, friends, teachers, spouses, our own children, etc. All of that contributes to who we are, and who we'll become. I don't think any piece of that can be completely separated out, or regarded as universally more or less important than the others. People grow in different ways. But we all do evolve and change; if we didn't, we would be permanently stuck in an infant mentality and sense of self. We don't... we become adults. Human beings don't live in isolated bubbles, we're social, and we do have influences on us besides ourselves alone. So identity... is complex. Some of it is the information printed on my passport and birth certificate, but I don't believe that represents the sum total of who I am as a person. My choices, experiences, and relationships through the years have also affected who I became as an adult. I believe identity has some aspects that are fixed at birth, and some that are forever evolving.

2016-05-22 23:36:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only human beings that need to be "protected" by a man are his children. The only time a woman "needs" to be "submissive" to a man is if they are in a BDSM relationship. I think the term you want is "flirt with" not "harass". Harassing isn't funny and not flattering(and to let you know, harassing IS disrespect and classless jokes). A real man feels good when "his" woman is happy with him and their relationship, regardless of who takes the lead in the relationship(some men are quite happy having "thier" women take the lead). Making love like a dominant man? You mean a guy that grunts and gets it done without worrying about her pleasure? A real man makes sure "his" woman is just as satisfied as he is. Both people in the relationship should be listening and supportive. And yes, we should be equal in the sense that if either the man or the woman wants to do something, than it should be a collaboritive effort. "Weak"? Yea, ok, whatever. "Charming"? Only if you are worth the effort(and from my side of this, I don't think you, specifically, are). And that is my view.

2006-12-20 02:26:59 · answer #5 · answered by littlevivi 5 · 3 1

No, let the woman be what they want. Yes, men and women should be equal when it comes to legal issues, jobs and respect. Now, if you want a submissive woman in bed, that is a totally different story. When it comes to sex, everyone should act in the way that makes them most comfortably, despite gender. Just because someone is submissive in a sexual setting, they shouldnt be considered less of a person or less important. And, no, a real man must not harrass women. It is annoying and makes the man look like a jacka$s. Make love however you want, but dont assume every woman will want it that way or try to force yourself on anyone. Dont treat women, or men for that matter, like they are all the same or all want the samethings. Sexual identity is personal and different for each person, not assigned according to gender.

2006-12-19 23:18:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

So, a woman being "weak" and "charming" in the bedroom and submitting herself to you is nice for YOU. Well that's great, but how about taking her feelings into account? Should a woman be there just to satisfy YOUR desires, or should it be equal? Should you not satisfy hers too?

I enjoy being submissive, on occassion. But I also enjoy being dominant in others. It really does depend of the mood at the time. Sometimes my husband just wants to lay there and let me do all the work, sometimes he likes to pleasure me totally and doesn't let me do a thing. It's what being in a relationship and respecting each other is all about.

I cannot think of anything worse that being the submissive one ALL the time. I would get very very bored. And so woud my husband.

You talk of loosing sexual identy, but in suggesting that women should submitt to their partner and act charming and be harrassed they HAVE lost their sexual identity. You have taken it. You find that sexy?

We are trying to gain one not loose one. It wasn't so very long ago that women weren't supposed to enjoy sex. Orgasm was thought a myth and whore like and woman had to see a doctor for "womb fury" (basically only a doctor could make a woman orgasm, it was a medical thing not sexual) and women still today have to fight this deep rooted unspoken inhibition about sex. I know I battle my demons sometimes as my mother was quite prudish about this stuff.

So, not it isn't better, it's an individual choice.

Not just in the bedroom, but in life. You really want a woman to suppress attributes that are part of her yet are not deemed "feminine"? You are asking her to be someone she isn't. That cannot be attractive in any person.

2006-12-20 01:50:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

a real man can relate to a real woman in a way that conveys respect, understanding, and also shows he knows men and women are different physically, emotionally, and when this happens, the result is a good match. there is no need for abuse. In western society, women do not lose their sexual identity as much as they assert it more openly than women in other cultures.

2006-12-19 23:07:28 · answer #8 · answered by Mr Smart 4 · 2 0

To be fair, I understand the mindset you are coming from and why you would think this way since women have for centuries been seen as "weak," "fair", "soft" etc. I understand that with religion and social teaching that this may seem to be the "correct" way of things because it's the traditional way of things.

Now let me explain a few things to you from my point-of-view. First off, traditional and the way things have always been done are NOT always for the best. Otherwise, we would not be striving to better human society. We would not be looking for cures for diseases, endeavoring in technology and looking for creative ways in which to enrich our lives. Instead we would be still living in grass huts and and clubbing animals for food and leaving the sick and injured to die alone and helpless (unlike now where they are given the chance for longer, happier, productive lives).

Should we be equal? Yes! Why? Because it's better for women AND for men. It is better for society. Women have much to offer this world besides "charm"! A woman is more than her womb as well. She has a capable mind, a strong body, a willful soul, a free spirit. She can think, dream, aim, seek and accomplish so much more than you are giving her credit for...Stop looking at the package's wrapper and start seeing what's inside.

More importantly, women just like men are human beings with their own needs and desires and they should have the freedom and choice to fulfill both those needs and desires. If nothing else look towards your humanity. Women need to able to create their own lifestyle, strive towards their own goals and aspirations and find happiness for themselves rather than having what they would NOT choose for themselves thrust upon them with the only rationale being "That's the way it's done."

Denying women the choices, freedoms, rights and liberties enjoyed and given to men without a second thought is SLAVERY. Period. There is no way around that fact.

2006-12-20 02:24:37 · answer #9 · answered by AH0030 3 · 5 1

do you really want a woman to cater to all your needs and not say nothing? oh boy and then when you are off to work she jumps in the convertible and go find her boy toy and have the time of her life. why try to keep women in the closet. men love to hear a woman complain sometimes otherwise they would never get married and spend the rest of their lives "hanging with the fellas"

2006-12-20 08:51:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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