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Should abortion be legal or illegal? As an adopted person I can see both sides of the story. I might not be here today if abortion was legal in my country (Ireland). At the same time, I don't think it's reasonable to force a rape victim to carry the child to term against their will - especially if the victim is a child. Opinions would be welcome.

2006-12-19 20:59:26 · 14 answers · asked by Paranormal I 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

14 answers

touchy subject... i don't think it should be banned... like with the issues of rape, BUT i do think it should be taken alot more seriously and have to have a damn good reason for doing it,
people should use more discretion with it and you should have to do it like IMMEDIATELY

2006-12-19 21:03:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Abortions have always taken place and always will. The only difference is that the right to get an abortion makes it safer than when it was illegal and women had them performed in back alleys or tried to do it themselves. If a woman wants to abort badly enough, she will find a way. Banning it would only make the situation worse. Besides, it is a matter of choice. I don't want anyone telling me what I can do with my body. I had 3 children before I was 21, the second pregnancy was twins when my oldest was not even 2 years old, (and I was using birth control at the time). I could not even consider abortion, but I would not force someone else to undertake the responsiblity that I did, especially if the pregnancy were a result of a rape or incest.

2006-12-20 05:40:06 · answer #2 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 0 1

I believe very strongly in the "Morniing after" pill. In the case of rape, incest or child molestation, I believe they should be given A"D&C" and have any trace of the pervert removed from their bodies. A hot shower will not clean out what is inside. Other than that, I have no problem with a 1st trimester abortion, but I do not believe a person should be allowed to use it for birth control. Here in Canada the Health Care pays for abortions, so I would suggest that if someone shows up for a 3rd abortion, they should be advised to have their tubes tied or accept financial responsibility for future abortions.
The asker was adopted & I do think that is by far the best option. That way Madonna, Angelina/Brad , and others wouldn't have to travel so far.

2006-12-20 06:48:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe there is a fundamental right to life that should be enforced by the federal government--which would make abotion unlawful.

Everyone would admit that the taking of a human life is a horrendous moral wrong. The issue then becomes when does a fetus become a human being. No one can answer that conclusiviely.

Is it at the second trimester, when the brain fully developed, when brain 50% developed, one minute before delivery, only after delivery, when the baby could survive outside the womb with current technology, when it could survive at the time the US Constituion was written??, etc.

There is no answer. Therefor I believe there is no choice but to assume that human life begins at the moment of conception. It is a moral imperative. And the presumption and imperative must remain in force until someone can provide clear and convincing evidence to prove otherwise.

I do beleive that woman have a privacy right to control over their bodies. But in the case of an unborn baby, I believe that the baby's fundamental right to life trumps the woman's privacy right and interest.

In the case of rape, I still can not endorse abortion. As repugnant as rape is--it is not the fault of the unborn baby. Again, I think the baby's right to life has to control. I do personally know one woman who has a five year old daughter who was the product of a rape. Her daughter is her life. And you have no idea how glad she is that she did not choose abortion.

2006-12-20 05:23:20 · answer #4 · answered by beckychr007 6 · 1 1

It should be banned. Rape victims from what I've read and heard account for less than 1 percent of all abortions. I wonder what pro- choice peoples opinion is on when they became a living being. Why can we be fined 25,000 dollars for destroying eagle eggs in this country if there not alive yet. For people who say we are overpopulated why don't we outlaw fertility drugs. for people who say it's the woman's right to do what she wants with her body why does she engage in the act of procreation with that body if she doesn't want to create ( this is of course barring the less than one percent of abortions who are rape victims and didn't have choice) what about the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the defenseless child in the womb how can we charge someone with murder for killing an unborn child if it isn't yet a child. (killing a pregnant woman and her baby)

2006-12-20 05:53:31 · answer #5 · answered by jsph 2 · 2 0

I am glad you are still alive. I also think your adopted parents are good people, they chose you. A person who rapes a child, needs to spend the rest of their life in prison or worse. I also think that people who murder children deserves the same punishment. Do you not think that maybe there is another family that would adopt this child and be happy to just be able to love that child like their own for the rest of their life? Would you want to be the child that your wanting to abort.

2006-12-20 05:19:20 · answer #6 · answered by m c 5 · 1 0

Mr. Wizard..you are such a jerk....
not having an abortion is not punishment to just the woman...it is punishment to the male also....
do you also think that women should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?..
go back to the stone ages why don't you?
I have seen some doozie's for answers...but you take the cake so far..
Abortion is as far as I am concerned, a choice to be made in the privacy of two people....and sometimes, when both partners are not together..it is the choice of the birth mother to either abort or give birth.
Rape is not the only reason to abort...what about the conjoined twins just born in Canada...and the 20 year-old mother (now of 4!!!) is on social welfare. She also has just gotten these two kids home and is trying to say to the media that they are just like any other kids....welllllll...I have news for you..they are NOT...joined at the HEAD does not make for any possibility of walking, or looking each other in the eye...nature usually has a way of dealing with these anomolies....and we have taken that away by our "medicine"...
the cost to these children...and the cost to the family...(not just in money) is horrendous.
abortion would have removed all of that.

2006-12-20 05:37:26 · answer #7 · answered by flyboss1107 3 · 1 2

Abortion I feel is wrong if done when an adult woman seeks to opt out of parental responsibilities in the name of inconvenience.

The only justification I feel there are for abortions comes into acceptance is when the female is a pre-teen (yes, there ARE a few), teen or a rape victim (regardless of age).

Women who seek abortions as a way out of inconvenience often face a lifetime of guilt/regret---something I view is an appropriate punishment for having one done. So why stop such a woman from getting her issue for such a sin while living; she'll surely face it on her Judgement Day.

In effect, I choose to let the matter be as it now stands.

2006-12-20 05:08:32 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 0 1

I know I'll get thumbed down for this.. But it's real answer..
I am for abortion..
Why make a child be born into this world that was never wanted.. Or will never be truly loved.
Rape is another story.. I am totally for abortions of rape victims.
People need to think about contraceptives before having sex..
Then abortions wouldn't be needed..
15 minutes of fun can = 18+ years of parenting..
Think with your brain.. Not your **** or *****.!.

2006-12-20 05:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by emanon 6 · 1 2

I dont think it should banned. I get why people get so upset about it but at the same time some of those people are crazy and try to bomb abortion clinics. *shrugs* ha!

I think its good. Some girls get pregant and their dad finds out and beats them up. So it prevents that. Then there's the whole rape issue.

I think its kind of F-up when 30 year old woman that could take care of a baby have abortions.

Oh and when some woman wait to have the abortion and they have to cut the its head off. I forget what thats called. THAT should be banned! That's a baby! even if technically it isnt developed ect ect. It has a head. Thats just wrong.

2006-12-20 05:16:53 · answer #10 · answered by Lori 1 · 0 3

You pose a difficult question for me to answer...I'm pro-life........but recently my second son was going to have a baby with his fiance but while she was pregnant in its 5th month term.........Dr's confirmed that the cradle of the baby's head was severely undeveloped...the baby's cradle which is the top of the head was so undeveloped that no brain existed and the opening went down to its eyelids....the baby was sadly aborted and we had to deal with the grief....now I'm am stuck.... I am pro-life ....with exceptions for extreme cases....the abortion issue...is primarily an economic one, poor people or young adults get mistakenly pregnant and want to abort their child.....I am totally against that...they should have someone adopt that child...instead of killing a person...a wonderful creation of God.....I wish my son and daughter-law was that fortunate to have a healthy baby.

2006-12-20 05:19:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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