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Ok, let's just see how many phrases which are used in every day language we can find that illustrates that it is society that is doing that shall we? these are used daily and affect us all deep within out psychy. Children use them every day and actually most people do not realise the significance, but it is hugely significant to how man behave toward women, woman behave toward men and even why woman sometimes feel "insignificant"
These phrases are used as derogatory term, mostly said in jest, but doesn't lessen the damage done to gender perception.

"You throw like a girl"
"Don't be such a big girls blouse"
"they are acting like a bunch of women"
we tease out son's by saying "shal we get you a barbie doll for your birthday" (the ultimate humiliation)
"the venue, clothes, decorations etc, were too effeminate"
"he/she hasn't got the b@lls"

Yet the flip side is phrases encouraging masculine behaviour as being superiour
"he/she has b@lls"
"he/she wears the trousers"

2006-12-19 20:45:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Teasing you daughters by threatening to buy her an action man is not huniliating at all.

possitive affermation of the masculin and being a man is what is causing women to "become" men. Not feminism.

Yet being a woman is seen as something to be ashamed of and be teased about.

2006-12-19 20:47:52 · update #1


I don't think women SHOULD measure up to men. They already do. It's just not recognised as such by society in general.

As for "a few phrases" it's not just a few phrases, it's a whole undercurrent of language of which I have illustrated only a handful of phrases.

I'm sure I could give you more than 30/ 40 instances A DAY of terms, phrases and general context of conversation that I hear every day. It's just "normal" conversation that even I use, without thinking. But as has been said here already, it's a form of control, although we have all be conditioned into beleiving it and ALL do it. Including women.

My 4 year old comes out with stuff like "mummy, girls aren't as clever as boys are they"

Well I know he hasn't be taught that, but he has LEARNT it, merely by the language he hears on a regular basis.

2006-12-19 21:15:46 · update #2

And it;s not about the words, it's about using them as derogatory terms. Saying "they are acting like a bunch of women" is used as an insult. It's not the words it's the context.

And saying "he is acting like a dick" is also derogatpry, but the general perception isnt slating men as a whole. Saying "you throw like a girl" is. And I am fullt aware of the physical differences, but again the term is used to insult, making women oce again out to be inferiour. Said in a different tone, or with a different context is is not an insult.

But my point here is that Feminism isn't making women lose their femininity. Society is, by continually praising those masculin traits and weakening the feminin ones. It's no wonder that woman are taking these traits on because society demands that they do in order to be a success.

2006-12-19 21:30:21 · update #3

13 answers

You are 100% right...I couldn't agree with you more! The whole "who wears the pants in that family" is SO ridiculous...obviously the average American still believes that only one person should have any authority and of course, that would be the man...
The "you throw like a girl" is really hurtful. How many of us as girls were taught how to play catch with our dads? Yeah, like maybe 2. Could that be why we "can't throw", cause we were never taught!?! Do you think boys are just naturally able to throw when they're born? Of course not, it takes some training and lots of practice, which is only offered to boys.
"Acting like a bunch of women/little girls" is ridiculous...it just encourages society to see all women as the same no matter what their individual personalities are. We're just a bunch of hens pecking and chattering nonstop, right? No, there are huge differences between men's personalities, and there are just as many differences between women!!
I remember when "you don't have the balls" used to be "you don't have the guts"...why did it have to become sexualized? Only men can be brave? I don't think so.
I don't think the men on here realize how hurtful these sayings really are...little kids definitely pick up what they mean and it shapes their image of themselves and their gender. Of course, I think that's the goal in continuing to use gender stereotypes in everyday language...to teach girls to stay in their "place".

2006-12-20 00:14:42 · answer #1 · answered by Julia 3 · 2 2

It's a valid criticism, but it speaks more to historical feminism than current organisations and practices. Influential feminists of colour such as the internationally renowned educator bell hooks and the Egyptian pilitocal leader Nawaal El Saadawi have addressed these issues powerfully and with great effect in an ongoing way, and continue to do so, and their voices are heard and respected by most thinking people. Like any political movement or philosophical position, feminism has changed over time, and there is not reason why a process of growth and change should stop. I doubt women such as Emmeline Pankhurst would recognisemodern feminism, but there are also very few of today's feminists who would be much interested in winding the clock back to those earlier times. It's good to honour our foremothers, as we do our real life mothers, but we are not them, and don't need to be. With modern knowledge, technology and awareness, we can share our interests, concerns and goals with people from all sorts of backgrounds, cultures and heritages. That's something the first feminists would never have envisaged as possible, and so their aspirations were naturally more limited. Times have changed, and we can do the same. Cheers :-)

2016-05-22 23:28:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gender perception. You think a handful of insults really harm "gender perception" as a whole? So when you say someone is acting like a dick, they're really disparaging all men?

1. Women can't throw as hard as men because men are physically stronger. Therefore, it's an insult to throw like a woman if you are not one. Makes perfect sense.

2. (I've never heard that second one, so I have absolutely no idea what it means).

3. So? They're acting like a bunch of women. Does that insult you?

4. As well you should. Young boys should not be playing with Barbie dolls, despite attempts to feminize them.

5. This is the same as number three. So they were too effeminate. Who cares? I've heard a function described as too testosterone-laden as well, but I doubt that one offends you.

6. Saying someone "has balls" isn't always a compliment. It's a statement that someone is doing something either very brave or very reckless.

In summation, you're getting offended at nothing. I'm guessing you're a feminist.

2006-12-19 20:57:46 · answer #3 · answered by Steve 4 · 2 4

I agree that society is having the effect of masculinzing women here in this country...but what is it that has changed society? Feminism! Sorry, but that's the sad truth. The media pushes the feminist agenda strongly in the same way it pushes all liberal agendas. The TV and movies have a TREMENDOUS effect on society...which is where most of the change comes from. But it all starts with feminism...the media is just the vehicle that carries the message. Turn on the TV and watch commercials or any sitcom. Men are run down as being stupid or incompetent...if they are present in the family scenario at all (their absence indicative of the idea that they aren't necessary).

Your phrases have no effect on girls when they are said to boys...IF SPECIFIC GENDER DIFFERENCES ARE MAINTAINED! When gender differences are NOT maintained, such phrases apply equally to all. So, as you can see, girls must first be lead to believe that they are equal (in ALL ways) to boys before these phrases can have any effect on them. They must first be "feminized".

2006-12-20 02:22:07 · answer #4 · answered by fishman 3 · 1 3

Feminism is an ambigous word that is used to describe many different concepts.
Fortunately nowadays psycology (see Carl Jung) and other sciences states that there is no gender related backgound into our mind. I mean, boys and girls can thnk, reasonate, decide in the same way, then, then can behave in the same way.
Why do we behave and resonate different? There are education reason and also biological reasons.
Education reasons are easy to see. Since 3500 years ago in abrahamic cultures (islamic and western cultures) and since 1000 to 2000 (depends on region) years ago in Asia, males owned culture, politics, laws, etc. They built a masculine world, a masculine civilization.
Biological reasons are also easy to see. Emotions have an strong influence on thinking and behaviour. Hormone balance in males is rather flat along a month, they use a linear reasoning (processes have one start and one finish). In females, it is a cycle, so our thinking and behaviour is rather an spiral (we aggregate easily in a never ending process).
This is designed to be helpful and complementary if society is balanced among genders. If one gender dominates, and more if one gender dictates, that brings a flat point of view.
The modern feminism tries to restore the balance among genders and differentiate what is gender related from what is genderless. Ussually, it means that as wrong or correct is the ussual boy behaviours as the usual girl behaviours.
Both genders will gain

2006-12-19 21:12:22 · answer #5 · answered by carmenl_87 3 · 0 3

Peoples language has changed alot over the years such as "what up yo" and stuff like that.I use the balls comment alot and women compare themselves to breasts some want bigger ones to feel like a real women.Corteny love was looking for a bass player to her band once and the qualifactions where that you had to have ovaries to apply.

2006-12-19 23:04:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I could give you so much more to chew on with this. I have an English degree and love picking apart language in this way...

For instance, here's another...they also want women to feel dirty about their bodies...ever notice how maxi pads for our periods are called "Sanitary Napkins". Sanitary, because we are unclean.

2006-12-20 02:58:30 · answer #7 · answered by AH0030 3 · 4 0

I think you might find the works of Wilhelm Reich interesting. He says patriarchal society's to blame, and it's a means of control, through the duality of male and female, and through phraseology.

2006-12-19 20:50:04 · answer #8 · answered by ladybugewa 6 · 3 2

I think women should be proud to be who they are(women) and not feel like they need to measure up to men. Women have their own gifts and abilities. If we were all like men, why would women even be needed?

2006-12-19 20:59:26 · answer #9 · answered by ruby 2 · 0 3

feminisim wanted just equality its just these other dick envy women who are hyping it up

2006-12-20 08:48:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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