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i saw when the question about why it is the people that criticize the war effort are always non-military struck a nerve.

immediately the liberals start crying " i dont have to be a woman to know childbirth hurts" or whatever sophomoric analogy they can make.

ofcourse when they say that the two teenage bush twins had to serve before they would, or scream "why dont u go to iraq then" to shut up anyone supporting the United States, that was ok to them.

why dont u radical liberals just admit that you fall into two groups. u hate the united states or u are a coward. because of this the pool will never quite be the right tempeture to jump into. never the right war. never the right cause. never the right president.

its not like u are fooling anyone. just be honest. .....for once.

2006-12-19 16:44:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

g---who i have seen answer several questions all with a lie, I suggest u go look at the congressional vote on Afghanistan. I suggest u go read the liberal articles before that endeavor. half the democrats or more voted against afghanistan. 13 democrats brought suit against the first president bush for throwing saddam out of kuwait. the truth will set u free.

2006-12-19 16:59:07 · update #1

hmmm wanted to join with another lie. the military is one of president bush's strongest supporters. their voting record backs that up. try again.

2006-12-19 17:01:44 · update #2

for the dude that pretends hes a liberal: another talking point of the left. hes a proud military guy whose anti abortion but hes EXTREMELY liberal?? right, that makes sense. and for the guy who cut and pasted the numbers of troops etc and states "were against because its not the right war" did u even read my post?? u are lying. the same people that are chirping now were chirping on DAY ONE. AND U KNOW IT.

2006-12-19 17:53:50 · update #3

g --if u dont even know there were votes on afghanistan and TWO on iraq why would i show u the links at this point?

im not responsible for your education son.
watch a little real news and not the biased media that spends all its time on how the president is evil. keep lookin son.

2006-12-21 15:05:19 · update #4

13 answers

That's right call them out-

2006-12-19 16:52:35 · answer #1 · answered by josh m 5 · 0 6

What are you conservatives smoking these days. From your babbling it must be better than the stuff they supplied us in Viet Nam. The funny thing here is you are directing your ranting at liberals and it sounds like your definition of a liberal is right out of the mouths of some conservative politicians and not based on any knowledge that you might have. I am an extreme liberal that does not even come close to your description. I did 7 tours in Viet Nam, at the age of 56 I was recalled into duty in Iraq because of my expertise, am anti-abortion and I have 2 sons who proudly serve in the military at this time. So you see liberal is not the bad word that your daddy taught you. You might be one of those conservative cowards who blows up abortion clinics or even worse, one who has justified a war in his own mind but doesnt have the courage to get in there and serve his country as I believe every red blooded American male should. You have not been there nor have you seen what I have seen during my times behind the gun. I assure you that anyone with a pea sized brain can go on a tour in our war and not come back unchanged. In the meantime, why dont you find something constructive to do like study your subject before making a fool of yourself or better yet, be a man and be the first one in line at the recruiters office in the morning. Your country needs you and you need educating.

2006-12-20 01:04:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We criticize the war because it was unnecessary, it has killed nearly 3,000 American troops, it has brought chaos to Iraq, it caused us to miss the chance to KILL Bin Laden, it has cost $300,000,000,000, we are no closer to getting rid of terrorists than we were before the invasion, it has split the country with only 29% think we were correct to invade in the first place, the current administration has no plan, no concept of how to extricate us from this mess and now they want to send in more troops that the military doesn't want after refusing to send additional troop early in the war when the military wanted it.

This administration talks like they support the troops but when the deal comes down, they squander their lives and send them into combat ill equip and not prepared.

You have now been marginalized by the Bush Administration and Bush, the self described "Uniter" has done more to divide the American people than LBJ.

2006-12-20 01:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 1 0

You would have to be living in a cave to not realize there are thousands upon thousands of military personnel who oppose the war in Iraq. Active soldiers can't speak against the war publicly without fear of retribution, but plenty have chosen to do so any way. Not to mention the countless generals and former military personnel who have spoken out against Bush's miserable Middle East failure. Surely you remember the slew of generals who demanded Rumsfeld resignation? Or maybe you don't. Surely you know that official newspapers of EVERY SINGLE MILITARY BRANCH called for Rumsfeld resignation. I guess the military is full of "cowardly liberals" as well.

Here....Go crazy. Enlighten yourself....




2006-12-20 01:08:45 · answer #4 · answered by truth be told 3 · 1 0

Have you seen combat? Neither has Bush. Neither has Cheney. At this point it is very tempting to tell you to shut your freakin mouth, but I truly do not believe in censorship

Colin Powell served with honor, & tried to warn Bush. The generals on the ground have obviously served, & most have tried to warn Bush. I guess that puts you in the same gutless crowd of know-it-alls.

You know, that felt much better than telling you to shut up. Sometimes it feels good to have real beliefs!

2006-12-20 02:27:38 · answer #5 · answered by bob h 5 · 0 0

I don't remember anyone crying about Afghanistan...

you know... a real war with a real reason...

and the majority probably wouldn't have minded going into Pakistan after bin Laden...

some people hate all wars... most people don't...

most people just want to fight wars for a reason... and they want to know what the reason is and that the reason is true...

Republicans have had a very hard job supplying that in Iraq...

you go on and on, but all you can do is come back to the old standby of calling names... "traitor" and "coward"... hiding behind patriotism because that's all you got?

I'm going to go look some things up... I'll be back ;)

I'm back with a little... I may ask a question on it...
but I can't find any actual congressional passage... since we attacked directly after Sept. 11... no one really waited... president just said to bomb and they did... which is in his authority...


and of course there may have been a few kooks that said they didn't like it... you can find someone to say anything... but no one I ever heard or payed attention too... no one on a national level even... I don't remember one?

why don't you try and actually cite something for once in your life?

I'm going back to look...

the more I look, the less it seems that there was a vote... so... you seem to be the one lying here... because I can't find diddly poo....

2006-12-20 00:51:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

The military is taught to do as they are told, and family members must believe that they are fighting/died for a good cause....

I love my country but hate the corporations and super wealthy that control it, and the war we are in is for their best interest, not the american people........now, you believe the war is noble and good,,,well you are supposed to believe that.....be a good conformist..... now, i am not,,,,I have my own ideals that create my perception,,,,,,,these ideals say,,,,, war is not to make money......for the rich......if there must be war it must be for a noble cause......the difference between us is that you believe it is a good cause and i do not........who is right, time will tell......

2006-12-20 00:53:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I hate you. So very, f*cking much.

All far left and far right factions are crazy nutjobs.

You've got f*cking idiots in every group who crisscross their own words.

Then you've got f*cking ******* like you who can only generalize other people because god forbid you actually talk to a liberal and actually have a meaningful time with one.

Know what's really funny about the so-called "joy of child-birth?"

80% of the time, your vagina will tear through the process, and expand several times humanely possible. You will probably poop too.

2006-12-20 00:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by Synth 3 · 4 5

Uuh...Synth...you could be a little more polite. I don't agree with him but that doesn't mean I'm gonna cuss.

2006-12-20 00:59:23 · answer #9 · answered by Raï 3 · 0 0

Yup....by the logic of "why don't u go to Iraq then", FDR was a chickenhawk. Why didn't he roll his wheelchair onto Omaha beach if he wanted to fight Germans?

2006-12-20 00:49:07 · answer #10 · answered by michinoku2001 7 · 1 5

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