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there's no excuse for not knowing . Several networks, both Rep and Dem, did very thorough documentaries about Radical Islam !!!

All estimates said that of the 1.3 Billion Muslims, 10-15% were followers of Radical Islam . Small percentage ?? No Way !!
That's over 100 Million followers of Radical Islam/Terrorists !!!
And have you seen their TV shows.. . . have you ?? They teach little children to blow themselves up and kill as many 'infidels' as possible !!! Everyone who has SEEN these programs, like me, knows that I'm being truthful !!
Cmon man.. . .. . . You'll understand why we're so passionate about this AFTER you see it for yourselves !!!!!!

2006-12-19 16:26:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Oh Benjamin ? Yes they do and it's state-sponsored, state-run TV . For more than 30 years they've been regularly broadcasting programs like that !!!
I wish I knew how to provide a link, but star with 'obsessionthemovie.com' and there's a truckload of liberals on there who say that All Americans Need to View this Immediately !! And many links to further your interest . I've known about this for years, but it's only now going mainstream !!!

2006-12-19 16:48:39 · update #1

You should also know that they can only guess how many 'sympathisers' there are .
One estimate put the number at 40%, but regardless, watch the documentaries. ..they contain unedited film footage of Iranian, Syrian, and Al Jazeera TV . No spin, no twist !!! Then and only then should you comment on the REAL threat from Radical Islam !!!

2006-12-19 16:54:32 · update #2

Hey 'g' - Vast majority don't have ? What? It only took 19 terrorists to do severe damage on 9/11 ......
And don't forget the thousands that have had enough training to infiltrate Iraq and fight like little terrorists fight. ... .. killing civilians !! Watch the documentaries. .. . . SOON . Then I'd love to hear your opinion !!!!!!!!!

2006-12-19 16:58:59 · update #3

19 answers

the liberals of the world think good is bad and bad is good. they all hated religion until one came around chopping off peoples heads.

they are the height of hypocracy. very sick people. if u expect them to keep u alive u will be sadly mistaken.

2006-12-19 16:28:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Hey, Bottles!!!! For God's sake, CHILL. Most of us are aware of the threat of Radical Islamic rule in the Muslim world. What you don't seem to realize is Bush & his cronies are making the problem worse. He lied to the world & got caught, destroying what little credibility the US had before he illegally invaded Iraq.

The problem is now what the hell do we do to repair the damage? I agree we can't just pack up & leave. If we do, the Clerics win. There are other choices. I don't know what they are, & your crowd isn't even looking.

Read the freakin news , why don't you? 10 - 15% is a huge amount less than the 85 - 90% of Muslims who aren't yet radicalized. Let's face it, they don't want to live under the Mullahs' thumbs either. Better that than to live under Bush's, though, in their eyes. Do we let the President continue his failed policies & radicalize another 5 - 10%? The whole damned world knows this is a grab for even more oil for the benefit, mostly, of oil company shareholders. This whole war has been about greed. The mission needs to be about what is good for the Iraqi people & the world in general. We all see through the lies - well, part of them. Bush lost his grip on absolute power. Tony Blair lost his position. Even in Iran, the ruling party lost ground in the elections this week.

We do not live in an either - or world. And it is time we stopped believing it is before we lose the whole works due to the blinders we wear. When the Superpower stops acting like a bully, we will have respect again. You can't gain respect without also giving it.

2006-12-19 17:01:34 · answer #2 · answered by bob h 5 · 2 0

"All estimates said that of the 1.3 Billion Muslims, 10-15% were followers of Radical Islam . Small percentage ?? No Way !!
That's over 100 Million followers of Radical Islam/Terrorists !!!"

What research is this based on? Estimates are nothing if they have no credible source. I want to see some links and I want to see some CREDIBLE links, not something you found off a private owned website.

"And have you seen their TV shows.. . . have you ?? They teach little children to blow themselves up and kill as many 'infidels' as possible !!!"

That's ridiculous! They don't put that on public TV. Maybe a private PR video but that's it. It's never been aired on a wide level. I've been to some of these "dangerous" places before and I've never seen these videos on the TVs that you speak of. And I've never had any Muslims there chasing after me trying to kill me either.


I watched the 1 minute trailer and I'm not impressed. It's the same videos that I've seen over and over again on youtube. It's usually the same radical speakers with a couple hundred followers chanting "death to Israel" and then you have Al-Jazeera broadcasting it. Would you like to know why Al-Jazeera broadcasts it? Al-Jazeera broadcasts it not because it's encougraging it, it's broadcasting it to inform the public of what's going on. It's the same as CNN broadcasting Michael Richard's racist rant. CNN isn't encouraging it, it's informing people about it. There's a difference. Don't take these things out of context. There's a difference between informing the public and teaching the public.

Hey, did you know that you're more likely to be killed by coconut than an Al-Qaeda operative? I wonder why the sensationalist media isn't hyped up about that.


I saw the Glenn Beck piece too. I'm not impressed either. The piece with the contractors bodies being dragged and hanged was aired like 2 years ago. The part with the children wishing death to Bush isn't anything new either. That's the reality. Ask anyone in France or Germany about what they think of Bush and they'll give you the same response. For a moment there I actually thought that Glenn Beck was gonna give me something new.


I'll tell you what. Radical Islam is a threat but it's not even close to being as big of a threat as the other 1 million other things that take more lives than radical muslims.

2006-12-19 16:35:30 · answer #3 · answered by LaissezFaire 6 · 3 2

Because, if we killed them off - we'd be as bad as they are!

If they 'win', eventually, then the world will be a sorrier place. But, for many things, it is better to stick by your own standards and lose, than to lower them and 'win'.

The Amish community that showed such forgiveness to the family of the man who shot up their schoolhouse and children were voted "Best Person of 2006" on a site I go to.
They have the freedom - and the ability - to live as they do and to feel open enough to forgive because they are protected by people who will take up arms and fight.
If the USA, Europe and the 'Western Nations' decided to "make war" on Islam - radical or not - we'd be stooping to their indiscriminate level. Perhaps the "War Effort" would force the Senate to start drafting the Amish young men. European countries would need to consider some sort of fence, at the very least, like the USA wants to build along the Mexican Border. Muslims would be interned - there are millions in 'Christian' European areas!!

By the time we 'won' - if there hadn't been a nuclear confontation - would you want to live in the world that emerged? To get 'uniformity', the sort of Nazi Germany/"1984" control would be needed. Amish would join Jehovah's Witnesses and gays, lesbians, etc, in camps, kept 'out of the way' as threats to the "Norm" required for the war effort.
What happened to imprisoned Muslims - on the grounds they could be 'traitors' - I leave to your imagination.

"The West", based on Christian teachings and the ideals we claim to follow from Greek 'democracy', must allow freedom to all. Even those out to destroy that freedom.

(If they actually break the laws - that's another matter!)

2006-12-19 17:27:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That leaves 1 billion peace loving Muslims. I agree with your point though.100 million terrorists is an awful amount of dirty bath water but lets not throw out the baby with it.
Once the core of the Iraqi military is stable enough that a military coupe is a highly unlikely scenario, we will pull our military back to the borders and the 300,000 man Iraqi military will decimate the Al-sadir militia. Unfortunately tens of thousands innocent men,woman and children will be slaughtered in the process.

The far left has known this all along but had said nothing of it prior to the election. Their thirst for power knows no bounds and they will be known as new butchers of Baghdad. Bush will not allow this while he is in office. That's why Maliki briefly was stating that he wanted us to leave. So he could do the same thing Saddam did to the same extremist Shiite movement. Bush will go down in history not only as a compassionate conservative but also as a compassionate Commander In Chief.

Once the Extremist in Iraq are squelched the country will run and grow in leaps and bounds as did Turkey. Iran and Syria will fall from within. This is why they've invested so much into the insurgency in Iraq. A free Iraq is their worst nightmare.

BOTTLES keep up the good work!!!

Bob this whole oil thing just don't cut it dude. Just a blame game.

2006-12-19 17:03:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Radical islam is clearly a threat... to some degree...

but you're not really talking facts here that help... just a bunch of observations...

first off... how did it define "radical" because 100 million seems high... if you use my definition...

and how many are part of terrorist organizations?

and how many have successfully attacked the U.S.?

I'm looking for credible threats... people with training and money.... which the vast majority of that 100 million don't have...

not some farmer who doesn't like America but can barely feed himself in Egypt...

2006-12-19 16:48:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You are absolutely correct. Islam could be a fine religious group of people if not for the Qu'ran's section on Jihad. Read it and become scared as hell because it is what the Muslims are following. To die for Allah is a fast trip to Paradise with all the goodies that await the fallen ones. Do not associate with Jews and Christians because they are evil. I frankly do not need the documentaries. I read parts of the Qu'ran about Jihad. Middle of the road Muslims? Where? Who do think are sheltering Bin Laden? The Qu'ran actually tells Muslims that they must shelter their Jihad brothers.

2006-12-19 20:22:06 · answer #7 · answered by wunderkind 4 · 0 0

Why are we living with people who still haven't read The Koran. It is a fairly short piece, and should help everyone to better understand what is going on in the world today.

Just because the program is on TV doesn't mean it is true. Odds are it is meant to excite, to try to create news on its own by scaring us one way or another.

I'm not saying radical islam isn't a threat to the United States. Radicalism itself isn't a danger to us, as in fact there are many who could be considered radicals of one type or another in this nation who are important to its continued strength.

It is obvious that some adherents within the fold of Radical Islam view the U.S. as their main enemy, and we must be ready to fight them.

But, I worry that this is just a substitute international battle for the 50 year fight against International Communism. It gives military spending greater importance again, and further strengthens the Military-Industrial complex that Republican President Eisenhower warned us about.

The worst thing we can do is to try to see those who are attracted to radical islam as inhuman. We immediately label them "terrorists," forever branding them as "bad" guys, all along making these stern moral judgments when, in fact, we would do the exact same thing as them if put into their situation. If the U.S. were conquered by a foreign enemy, I certainly wouldn't be a collaborater, and it is likely that I would join in with groups fighting both the occupying force and those who chose to collaborate with them.

We must understand our enemy in order to win this overall War on Terrorism that has been so nicely created to replace the Cold War. We must also be careful that this War doesn't bring about an ever-increasing military budget, and with it, an ever more powerful military aparatus.

We must know the facts in this battle, but we must make sure that these facts are truly facts, and that we look at them in a nonjudgmental light. Otherwise our feelings of moral superiority or indignation may cause us to underestimate the power of their viewpoints, or may make it difficult to predict their actions if we distance ourselves from their way of thinking.

2006-12-19 16:42:57 · answer #8 · answered by waefijfaewfew 3 · 2 2

It is simply amazing. Honestly I think its a combination between simple ignorance and the fact that its easier to just not know about it in short apathy. The problem is that we can only ignore this situation for so long before it bites us in the rear. My advice is for anyone who is curious to catch Glenn Beck's special about radical islam on CNN. Its straightforward and really gets into the minds of who we are dealing with and why we will never be able to reason with them.

2006-12-19 16:37:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

You are right - the Radical Islamic movement is the most dangerous force facing America and the free world. North Korea may be right up there with them...

2006-12-19 17:17:51 · answer #10 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 1 1

It is much easier to stick ones head in the sand than to stand up and face the realities of the world. Like little children covering their heads with a blanket to hide.

2006-12-19 17:43:50 · answer #11 · answered by mark g 6 · 0 1

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