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many people im the news & public say ALL muslims are terrorists.! it really hurts . especially since i live here in america . i dont hate america. i love it but i dont know why some people say ALL muslims are bad. its not only muslims there are many people in the world who do bad things but they say it all about muslims. can someone please explain that. do tou tink all muslims are terrorits?

2006-12-19 15:04:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

21 answers

The moment someone says ALL people in a certain category have a certain characteristic, look to your logic. Actually, there is almost nothing that can be said of ALL people, even within a certain group. Would you say, for example, that all Americans are arrogant? Would you say that all Frenchmen are elegant? Even that all Englishmen are stoic? We have stereotypes, true; but nobody really believes they apply to each and every individual in a group.

We know, rationally, that most Muslims are just people going about their business, raising their families and not harming anyone. But lately it seems most terrorists are Muslims, just because the other hot spots have been fairly quiet. But terrorists have also come from other groups in recent history, and perhaps will again.

A terrorist is such an extreme position that anyone who says all Muslims are terrorists knows this is not literally true. Perhaps he is trying to say, like that old cliche about "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem," that all Muslims are effectively responsible for the terrorists because they fail to stop them. That's a far cry from being a terrorist themselves, and I suspect it is as good an argument as any to prove the old cliche wrong. Many people are not part of the problem or the solution; they are staying out of the fight.

2006-12-19 15:15:06 · answer #1 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 0 1

Unfortunately, most only have as examples of Muslims the ones that either are legitimate terrorists (like Al Qaida) or have been brought up on theachings that it was the muslims that desecrated the holy land and had to be purged by the Crusades. And there are FAR too many that simply accept that infromation and look no further. People either don't care that there is a truth to find, or just dont want to know. Either way it results in one thing, the perpetuation that ALL members of a group are somehow inherantly eveil simply by being a part of that group, or, as is more often the case, by NOT being part of the group making the accusations to begin with.

There are people that are FAR worse than those that can be truly called "Terrorists" but yet THEY are not even challenged, they are not called to bear upon their own acts of violence against others and are often even praised for it...

I know that MOST Muslims are NOT terrorists, I have known many and only a very few of them actualy ARE terrorists (but then at the time I was dealing with such people so in those years EVERYONE I met then was a terrorist, or was trying to be one) I have had (and still have) dealings with a number of people from various groups both religious and secular that truly ARE terrorists and the majority of them are not only NOT Muslims, they are not even of MIddle Eastern ancestry. In fact of those that I currently have dealings with I would say probably only about 3 to 5% are Muslim.

Basically, by labeling an entire group as being terrorist it removes the need to learn anything about them, it removes the need to have any respect for that group, or their beliefs. It allows those making the accusations to set policy that anyone that even possibly resembles that group in appearance, attitude or language can be mistreated and persecuted in any way they want with out having to be held accountable for it.

I don't know if this helped, or made it more confusing, but then the entire subject is little more than that.

2006-12-19 15:19:29 · answer #2 · answered by kveldulf_gondlir 6 · 0 0

Not all people are bad, but some are and they hurt other innocent people just because they can. Unfortunately the Muslim faith and the (I do not mean to be rude) so called "holy" book the read is not a book of peace. It say very plainly to convert or die. Those who follow it literally do what it say to do. Alla is not the God of Jews or Christan's. If you get a bible and read the book of Geneses you can see that Joesph was the promised child whom was given to Abraham and his wife Sara. Ishmael was the son born of of disobedience when Sara gave her Egyptian slave girl to her husband. And Abraham listened to her and ignored the promise he was given by God, which was He and Sara would have a son. The muslim faith is from the line of Ishmael. The history of most religions are not always positive. However the truth behind the religion never changes. Mohamed's wife was as much to blame for the visions he had as he was. Mohamed was not a holy man nor was he a righteous man. He created the muslim religion for his own purposes not so he could bring any honor to a god.

Like I said I don't say any of this to hurt any one. The truth behind the religion never changes.
So to answer your question, If a person is seen with people who do bad things then then others will assume that the person is bad too.
And no I do not think all muslims are terrorist

2006-12-19 15:34:57 · answer #3 · answered by alanpendragon 2 · 1 1

some people are just dumb no you can't ever lump in a whole group due to some bad apples but then again on the other side when was the last time a muslim or muslim organization stood up publicly and condemned the beheadings the attacks the " infidels must die " attitude you sometimes must make it clear also to everyone that no you don't stand for it or condone it not sit back and do nothing or wish different but all and all people can be stupid and be ill advised.

2006-12-19 16:14:46 · answer #4 · answered by jerseyman34 2 · 0 0

I don't think that most people call all Muslims terrorists. I think that some people associate Muslims with terrorism and hold it against the rest of them. I myself think that most Muslims are a peace loving people.

2006-12-19 15:10:31 · answer #5 · answered by thrill88 6 · 0 0

i'm a Muslim female who does not positioned on hijab.....and Im nonetheless a Muslim! if you're a so called ex Muslim then you extremely would keep in mind that the hijab does not make or smash you as a Muslim. i understand many Muslim women those who positioned on hijab and drink, so it has not some thing to do with it. Hijab is a decision, there is not any position interior the Quran positioned on it says women human beings should be forced to positioned on hijab, anybody has loose will!

2016-11-30 23:51:46 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

"Love is the only force
capable of transforming an enemy into a friend"
Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968

Learn how a former terrorist's love for his wife set him on a journey that ultimately exposed the lies he was taught and helped the walls of hate within him crumble as love and respect for mankind finally grew in his heart.

The solution to terrorism is in his story. Walid Shoebat


2006-12-20 03:07:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm glad I'm am not one of the most,I know better. Some terrorists have badly hurt America,and that scares us,alot. Many people cant help but be afraid,of what they dont understand.

2006-12-19 15:09:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you know the answer to that. No, not all Muslims are terror its, not even the majority of them. A small group (small compare to the total Muslim population) of radicals who have defiled Islam use the Koran as an excuse to create violence. There are many good and peaceful Muslims in all countries.

The people who make those kinds of statements are ignorant. There are good and bad persons in all ethnic and racial groups.

2006-12-19 15:09:53 · answer #9 · answered by nowhere 3 · 3 0

I haven't heard ANYBODY claim that all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, most media pundits seem to bend over backwards trying to stress that most Muslims are NOT terrorists.

I HAVE heard many people in the media who point out that:
1. ALL of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks were Muslims
2. ALL of the terrorists involved in the attack on the U.S.S. Cole were Muslims
3. The people who kidnapped and beheaded two CIA station chiefs in Beirut were Muslims
4. The people who hijacked the Achille Lauro, pulled elderly Leon Klinghoffer out of his wheelchair, and threw him overboard to drown were Muslims.
5. ALL of the terrorists involved in the earlier World Trade Center bombing were Muslims
6. ALL of the terrorists involved in the suicide attacks on the embassy and the marine barracks in Beirut were Muslims
7. ALL of the terrorists involved in the 1998 attacks on embassies in Kuwait, Kenya, and Tanzania were Muslims
8. ALL of the terrorists who destroyed PanAm Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland were Muslims
9. ALL of the terrorists involved in the 1996 attack of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia were Muslims
10. The people who killed a Dutch filmmaker for utilizing his free speech rights in Holland were Muslims.
And they are all correct in stressing these facts.

They usually point this out to illustrate that...though ALL Muslims are certainly not terrorists...most terrorists nowadays seem to all be Muslim...and it's only logical and reasonable that we pay closer attention to Muslims than we do to others who have NOT proven to be more dangerous. (In much the same way that...if we were looking for rapists...it'd be more logical and reasonable to watch straight males more closely than we inspect 80 year old grandmothers.)

2006-12-19 15:27:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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