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In some areas, especially where the majority population of its residents are poor and uneducated, you see many girls getting pregnant at a very early age. They even have day care at some high schools. Society is changing, so we need to take appropriate measures. Do you believe that if there were a more aggressive approach taken...such as requiring students to attend a sexual education class, there will be less children subject to std's or pregnancy so early in their life.? I know they touch on the subject a bit in health, but I don't feel that it goes in depth enough to get kids to truly understand what they're doing.

2006-12-19 14:50:17 · 9 answers · asked by angie20k 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers

Okay, I'm new to this, but I believe that the sex education class should include the tough things that parents don't like to discuss; like: all of the std's (with the ugly graphic details) of what it does to your body, symtems, and how easily it can happen. I think the high school students should be taught that having sex is a very serious circumstance to completely consider before attempting. Boys need to be taught to think about what might happen in the end beyond achieving the act itself; and girls, need to learn that the boy they like today may not be the boy they love tomorrow. Teenagers need to be teenagers and not think that they are grown just because they mimic us adults. They need that pressure lightened off of them. They need to be taught how to take care of their own bodies, to get to know themselves first so that they may hopefully feel comfortable with themselves enough that they don't feel as though they need to be trying to have sex just to fit in with the "popular" group. They need to be reminded that being grown is all about responsibility and thinking of consequences constantly. I do feel that they should be allowed to obtain "protection" in school. That might help. As adults, we have to remember that we are the role model and that it is our job to be there, but it might help if we could show them other ways to be popular...

2006-12-19 15:32:39 · answer #1 · answered by STEPH 1 · 1 0

As long as it isn't taught by Planned Parenthood.

If you think Planned Parenthood is a good thing check out the history of it, and it still follows the same guidelines today. It considers abortion just as another form of birth control. They also help rapists and pedophiles. If you don't believe that then why do they push so hard for the parents or Police to NOT be notified? Under the so called "Right to privacy." Check the link below and REALLY READ what their mission statement is.
Parents are the ones that should be teaching their kids not some stranger. I know I would rather teach my children MY views than have some stranger teach them THEIR views, which could be totally opposite and against what I believe.

Those that have the idea that the abstinance only isn't working is only because God and religion has been taken out of the schools and Gov. If parents would teach their children that they should save themselves for the right person and to HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR THEIR BODIES and others. Lose the attitude that "Boys will be boys" and "Everybody is doing it" and things could get a lot better. Also most teens have the idea that "It won't happen to them," they need to lose that attitude also.

Society has gotten the idea that people can do whatever they want and they don't have to feel guilty or bad about it. Just be yourself no matter what and everybody has to accept it.


Sorry I went a bit off track there but that is my opinion of what is the cause of some of those problems. And, I know I will get some thumbs down for my opinion.

2006-12-19 16:23:30 · answer #2 · answered by trollwzrd 3 · 1 0

You are Correct Sex Education is a very important issue and should be done At home and at school no later than age 10. Children are maturing faster than in earlier days and they need to be educated. When my Kids were growing up I always talked to them about Sex, because I wanted them to know the Truth and not just speculations about it, that they had heard from classmates. There are still alot of parents that are uncomfortable discussing Sex Topics with their children and so the Kids are gonna learn on their own by experimenting. I spoke with My neice last week who is in the 6th grade and she told me some of her classmates are already having sex. Parents we need to take the Blinders off and start educating these Children as soon as possible, because they Will search for the truth and the consequences are not always very pleasant.

2016-05-22 23:00:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is none of the school`s dang business...they have a hard enough time teaching math and english, and the research shows that places that have agressive sex ed programs the pregnancy rate goes up as does the abortion rate etc etc etc...planned parenthood has done noone any favours...places where they teach abstinence programs in schools are having alot more success in reducing teen pregnancies...it is also a myth that lesser educated parents leads to teen preg...how do you think their kids came to be? No leave the schools out of it...give that responsibility to the state, then they will decide that other things should be state mandated...then you have socialism...the ultimate in social control...

2006-12-19 15:56:48 · answer #4 · answered by Therapist King 4 · 0 1

I used to think about it but I don't think it would make a difference, people do what they want to do and ignore what anyone else is going to say most times. Sex ed. would just give people allot of ideas even, especially if they handed out protection. I only had to take health once, now that I'm in highschool I don't even think I have to anymore they may have given up seeing how no one seems to listen.

2006-12-19 14:58:12 · answer #5 · answered by curiosityreincarnated 3 · 1 0

Yes, an agressive sex education program is needed! I think sex education hand in hand with life education. I t hink a very real part of the problem is that our teens are living in the moment, and not seeing a future, and not making a plan for any kind of future.

2006-12-19 15:19:48 · answer #6 · answered by realjustice 2 · 1 0

It's not just necessary in poor areas...it's necessary everywhere. We start teaching kids about abstinence in 5th grade where I teach...very affluent area. Any kid can get into trouble if they don't understand the consequences. We're just trying to fill in where the parents don't dare tread. They want to be their kids' best friends, and not parent them. We just pick up the pieces.

2006-12-19 14:55:46 · answer #7 · answered by Brenda B 2 · 1 0

Yes and it needs to be a comprehensive sex ed class, not just "abstinence ed" because that clearly isn't working out...

2006-12-19 14:55:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I've been through two sex ed programs, one in middle school and one in high school, everyone goes through those, but still there are two pregnant girls at my school. Some people just do not listen.

2006-12-19 14:52:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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