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The guidance counciler at the elementary school is documenting LIES about me regarding my behavior while I'm at the school.(interacting w/ my child) I can't come up with a real motive of why she would have such ill will towards me. I'm going to lose custody of my child if I can't discredit the counciler and the school's behavior. Me and my child's Dad are divorced and they've always favored him over me. I've never understood why since he walked out on me and my child and they're aware of that. Both my child and me have both been diagnosed with ADHD. They're aware of my son's diagnosis but I've never told the school of my diagnosis. I'm inclined to think that my child's Dad has made the school aware of this and maybe this is a motive into the guidance counciler's documentation against me. As of today they told his father that I was abusing my son. His father went to court for temp.custody, Because of the schools documentation, it was granted.My son takes meds. and therapy for ADHD

2006-12-19 14:46:54 · 9 answers · asked by evegrey 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

9 answers

My thoughts are that perhaps your husband is feeding them with these lies. I think you should sit calmly with the guidance counselor and the principal and ask questions about your son's behavior and interaction with his peers. Then I would ask about the school's documentation and recommendations. Remember to stay calm! Best of luck and stay strong!

2006-12-19 14:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by J G 4 · 1 0

First, for the uninformed and judgemental answers many of you do NOT know that ADHD is an ACTUAL DISEASE as defined by the AMA.

I am only here because perhaps my experience might helpsomeone see a different side to a problem or life issue.

To some of the other answers, if you don't know what you are talking about PLEASE SHUT UP! You ANNOY me.

Now to the question.

Any time there is a divorce or a split in the home the KIDS many times become pawns to mend the lost self esteem of one party or the other.

Yes your ex may be causing problems for a couple reasons.

1. He really believes that it is in the best interest of your child.

I was married to a woman and had two kids; we divorced and we got joint custody. She called me before a shrink to prove that I was an unfit father. The outcome was that she was diagnosed as a pathological liar but could NOT step up because she had hired him. She was REALLY WACKED and the kids really should have come to me; this was in the 70's though and that just did NOT happen.

2. Perhaps your ADHD is acting up when you are meeting with the counselor and you need to ADDRESS this posibility. People with NO knowledge of this disease do NOT react well when the symtoms arise in the middle of a meeting and come to conclusions that may not be reasonable.

YES, many people see ADHD as a HUGE excuse to be a FLAKE, but look at several Captains of industry that have dealt with this afliction and build VERY SUCCESSFUL companies.

Get to your doctor and get it under control; NO need to raise the flag to the school, but get it under control or realize your limitations and deal with them.

Also, if your symtoms come about at home then you are NOT being the best parent for your child, particularly if he / she is ADHD too.

Look for ways to find consistency and order with your child because that is what they need to grow.

It is probably a cheap shot for your ex to involve the school, but he might just be looking out for the BEST interest of your child and it is NOT directed at YOU personally.

Perhaps your ADHD was a wedge in your divorce and might be brought under control?

PLEASE do NOT let the mean answers from unformed KIDS with NO real knowledge or experience bother you; they just have TOO much time on their hands, don't want to really offer a real answer and are simply here to gets points that they can brag about at school.

Good LUCK,

2006-12-19 15:34:00 · answer #2 · answered by jacquesstcroix 3 · 1 2

I have always had another theory about ADHD. I call it PADD (Parental Attention Deficit Disorder) Or PPP syndrome (Piss Poor Parenting) I'm not saying this applies to you though. Why are you even at your sons school? How is it that the school sees how you "Interact" with your son? I don't believe for a minute that the Councillor has it in for you, but that maybe she believes she is doing the best thing for the boy. I will give you this advice, It's the best advice I can give you. If you really want to keep your son, get in touch with a good Private Investigator to get the "Dirt" on Daddy.

2006-12-19 14:58:30 · answer #3 · answered by SGT. D 6 · 0 1

Listen, people everyone gather round and listen up cuz I'm getting tired of saying this. Strangers do not, repeat, DO NOT randomly go around trying to destroy people they hardly know. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. The only people that believe this to be the case are cynical beyond belief and/or mentally unstable. The fact that you admit you have ADHD leads me to believe that may be the case. Why oh why would your son's school conspire to take away your son and give him to his father. They don't know you, they don't know his father, they all got together and decided to lie? Does any of this make any sense? OF COURSE NOT! Try not doing what ever nutty thing it is that your doing at your sons school.

2006-12-19 14:54:53 · answer #4 · answered by Daz2020 4 · 2 0

(1) You need to fully disclose any and all medical conditions about your children when you enroll them in any school. Failure to do so is usually against several state laws, and may also break some new federal laws as well.
(2) You need to hire a GOOD lawyer to make this all go away. Enroll your kid in a private school from now on.

2006-12-19 14:51:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My gut says that you have abused your son in the eyes of the counselor. My gut also says that perhaps your are basing your views of abuse on what happened to you. Just because you are not AS abusive to your son as say perhaps your parents were to you, does not mean that someone else viewing the incident ould think it was ok. Take the time off to get your self some help. I feel you are in denial over the incidents and that you are just using this forum as a way to justify your actions.

2006-12-19 15:14:03 · answer #6 · answered by dingydarla 3 · 1 1

It's obvious your ex has gotten hold of the school and told them a load of crap.
Also this adhd and add crap is crap. It's a made up disease for people and kids that have had nor have had discipline.

2006-12-19 14:58:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Get a lawyer fast! If they are accusing you of physical abuse then they need to check your child for bruises or broken bones to prove it. But if they are accusing you of sexual or emotional abuse then they need evidence. Good Luck! I hope you get your child back!

2006-12-19 14:57:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Attorney. I can't help, an attorney might be able to

2006-12-19 14:50:32 · answer #9 · answered by johnnydean86 4 · 0 0

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