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Christians believe that all forms of magic and witchcraft are evil. Some close-minded Christians don't agree with movies where the "good guys" are using magic, and they also feel that movies like Harry Potter (which are developed mainly for kids) will cause their children to seek out the black arts. Personally, I think that if you explain to your kids that its all make-believe, there is no such thing as "good magic", there shouldn't be a problem. They are more likely to get into witchcraft by getting invited to a seance by the kid that wears all black and sits next to them in geometry ...

Its strange the things that parents find "un-Christian". My aunt (by marriage) won't let her kids watch Spongebob or Rugrats because she feels there's something wrong with them. Go figure ..

2006-12-19 13:57:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because some Christian groups feel that it PROMOTES witchcraft etc... Truth be told, some people cannot take good literature for what it is. If kids get into scorcery and witchcraft because of the books (and the parents don't approve of this) then those parents are not doing their job. This is just like blaming violent video games for problems in society. If the kids are taught that it is JUST A GAME and that hurting people in real life is not acceptable, then the problem is solved (I'm a very gentle person, but I do love blowing things up in games...) I think part of the problem is that Harry Potter is so front and center these days, that it is really open to criticism and debate. Personally I think they are great on several levels. First, they are a wonderful example of good literature. Second, despite the magic, they make the destinction between good/evil, and good choices/bad choices. I encourage all of my students (who are capable of doing so) to read them.

2006-12-20 09:27:07 · answer #2 · answered by Brian D 4 · 0 0

First of all you need to understand that a few people at the head of Christian churches made the decision that Harry Potter was bad. These people were listened to and the books were banned, in many cases with no one in the subject church actually reading them. The ban is more or less a test of faith since if any member of a congregation actually reads the books and contests the ban, they are not faithful.

You can put this in the same category as Muslims who riot whenever their religion is insulted. They get told to riot and they do it. There is no difference.

God gave us the ability to question and to learn. These churches have robbed their flocks of that ability.

The really stupid thing about the whole affair is the people who decided to ban Harry Potter in the first place, the ones who hopefully read it, were unable to recognize simple Latin. None of the spells were real but the uneducated leaders leading the flock lacked the ability to recognize a classic language and lacked the will to even question whether they were banning the book for good cause. Should they be leading the flocks? Or should they learn to open their minds and question as God intended them to do? Personally, I think they should go back to school.

2006-12-19 22:04:20 · answer #3 · answered by loryntoo 7 · 2 0

Many churches feel that HP leads people to the interest in witchcraft.

Exodus 22:18 states "Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live"...this statement has caused many innocent people to be burned and persecuted throughout history.

The bible takes a huge stand against things that are mystical.

There are many Christian sites out there that are against anything dealing with another religion. But you have to look at the facts when dealing with a work of Fiction. Harry Potter and other books like it are works of fiction. No where in any of the 6 HP books does it mention the pagan religion in any form. HP is no different than Lord Of The Rings, Eragon and so forth. It is a work of fiction and should be treated as thus.

Many Christian organizations don't want you to differientiate between the work of fiction and reality. They feel that anything that could lead a young mind away from the Christian faith is an abomination.

2006-12-19 21:51:14 · answer #4 · answered by aerialla 2 · 1 1

Some think that Harry Potter promotes the use of magick (real witchcraft that is actually used). Because of this they don't take the time to actually read the books, if they did happen to read the books they would realise that Harry Potter follows a Christian story and is based around this.

The books are actually focussed around binary oppositions (like black and white, hot and cold). The books are a story of a young orphan who feels worthless, lost and unwanted finding out that they are loved and adored and are in fact, not worthless but responsible for saving a great many lives.

The story, although it seems to be satanic to some, follows a strong Christian story - that of a young peasant boy being humbly born and as he grows, realising that he is actually very important to humanity and holds sway over how people live their lives. This story is in the Bible countless times, yes Jesus' story but more closely, Joseph and the Colourful coat. Joseph, just like Harry is brought up in a household where he is an outsider to hid siblings and is hated, when his siblings send Joseph away to the main city in the area they think they are selling him as a slave but it turns out, years later that Joseph is a strong political leader in the area and is very powerful. In this story Joseph started off being worthless and unwanted to find out that he is 'special' and important.

I think that some of the people accusing Harry Potter of being 'evil' don't really understand that the magic in Harry Potter is fictional and is not meant to, in any way resemble real magick.

2006-12-23 05:28:53 · answer #5 · answered by Laura 2 · 1 0

Because of the magic and witchcraft. I am a Christian and love the Harry Potter books and movies. But I also know that Harry Potter and friends is fiction, fun, but fiction. Some parents feel its easier to just ban the books instead of explaining that detail to their kids. I'm not sure what they think their kids are going to do, go to platform 9-3/4 and ride off to Hogwarts? Whatever, I have never banned any books from my home and allow my family to read what they wish to read.

2006-12-19 21:41:42 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 3 0

In response to Little Miss Bump, who mentioned Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, I have always found it odd that Lewis and Tolkien are considered among the great Christian allegorists of our time, and the majority of their writing dealt with magic, witches and wizards, sorcery, etc. It also puzzles me that most of the people I've spoken to who believe Harry Potter is bad have never read the books. If they had they might realize that religion of any sort is not mentioned in HP at all, there are only two options - good or evil (much like Christianity, there is no middle ground). Rowling's books are riddled - pun intended - with characters who are willing to die for one another. I believe someone once said "There is no greater love, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Harry himself is protected by his mother's love - after she dies for him. Rowling talks about the most terrible evil, the taking of another life. She says it tears the soul apart, it is an act against nature. She also talks about the power of a pure, whole, untarnished soul. I fail to see how any of these themes are un-Christian or godly. If these people cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction, perhaps they shouldn't read the books after all.

2006-12-19 22:55:52 · answer #7 · answered by BasBleu 2 · 2 0

It's because they are against people who believe they can do "witchcraft". They don't want people to get SO into Harry Potter that they start thinking it is real. Personally, (as a christian) I find it just an entertaining movie/good book to read.

2006-12-19 21:37:00 · answer #8 · answered by MARISSA!!! 3 · 3 0

harry potter is considered to be bad in the eyes of most christians, mainly because of the evil, witch/wizard spell casting business. personally i like the books and im a christian myself. i was taught early on the difference between fact and fiction, and my parents never stopped me or my brother from reading or watching anything. mostly i think people dont understand the books or they dont want to, therefore they see the books as being bad and want to ban it.

the church (most of them) thinks that they can force people to listen to what they want and think that if they say that the books r the most evil thing ever then no one should read it. i think God has given us the right to make up our own minds as to what to read, see, do, think, whatever. we dont need to listen to someone to find out that something is good or bad. we can make that choice ourselves.

i remember the whole thing with the da vinci code book/movie fiasco. the church wanted no one to ever read or see the book or movie. myself i have read the book and as a work of fiction its a really good book. i guess theres a few people who will take the book to b serious and think that what is writen is fact. same thing with the harry potter books. different in topic but same as in relation to the church.

i think that magic does exist in the word - just not as u see it on tv or read about it in books. that kind is nearly impossible but makes it an interesting read. myself i cant wait for the next movie and book to come out!!!!

2006-12-23 20:32:48 · answer #9 · answered by fuzzycakes 5 · 0 0

It's annoying I know cuz I love the whole Harry Potter thing but my mom doesn't approve because there is witchcraft, witches, wizards, and the evil side that supposedly has to do with the devil or something. Whatever tho

2006-12-19 21:36:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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