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37 answers

yes. They are people and deserve the same treatment. Same sex marriage will, in no way, affect my life so why should I care? (unless I stand in a same-sex wedding) It is legal and Canada, and the world as not blown up because of it. People are just afraid of things that are different.

And for all those bone heads that say that it devalues the sanctity of marriage...you do realize that divorce does that too you know. So if divorce is allowed, so should same sex marriage.

2006-12-19 13:31:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

That's one of those questions that I don't really know how to answer. It's like: Why don't you have a swastika tattooed on your forehead. How would you answer that?

The concept of marriage precludes two people of the same sex entering into it. Obviously, two people of the same sex my enter into some type of relationship. Historically, that relationship has been considered illicit, and immoral. To call this a marriage means having this recognized as a legitimate institution by the state.

If two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage, what about brother and sister? Father and daughter? Three men and two women? You and your dog?

Obviously, two people of the same sex cannot reproduce. Should they be allowed to adopt? What is the effect on the child? Were children meant to be raised by two people of the same sex?

2006-12-19 14:12:18 · answer #2 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 1

what is marriage?

An agreement between people sanctioned by church, state,
community, and themselves in which the people entering
into the agreement agree to certain financial consequences.
the offspring or other dependents of such a relationship
may be a part of the financial relationship.

I don't see any reason for the government to be involved in
marriage at all, except to help enforce the agreement into which the parties enter.

To my knowledge, the only reasons to get married are
for insurance and other benefits provided by employers and
certain tax issues. Lots of prenups are used now to modify
standard marriages.

At present, it seems to me that all other things could
be handled by contractual agreements between people
of any sex and between any number of people regardless
of their marital status. The insurance and taxation issues
should really be ammended.

Who really cares and why? If folks think they have a better
way, let them try....it probably won't work well for long anyway...
we probably partner off for a reason...it works. But there's always going to be the odd ones, and they won't hurt anything.

To me it shows a real insecurity in one's religious and sexual
identity to condemn the arrangements between others.

2006-12-19 13:43:57 · answer #3 · answered by farmer 4 · 0 1

Of course I do. Gay men deserve to be with the man they love and gay women deserve to be with the woman they love. And that's all marriage is: an official bond between 2 people that are truly in love and want to stay with each other for the rest of their lives. What heartless person could deny someone this right?

2006-12-19 14:40:12 · answer #4 · answered by ☆Tąrą☆ 3 · 1 0

Yes I support same sex marriage because there's nothing you can do to stop it. People should be allowed to be with whomever they want to be with. The Bible is a book it constitutes nothing to do, besides there are more imporant issues to think about like starvation, global warming, etc.

2006-12-19 14:15:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Of course gay people should get hitched! Our country is just full of morons right now. To say we are "protecting the sanctity of marriage" is a joke! 52% of all marriages this year will end in divorce. What are we protecting? And they don't even know who wrote the bible! None of the Apostle's could read or write! Back then only the rich were educated and Jesus did not hang around rich people! So to guide the countries destiny or mine by a book with 35 years of rumors in it is a joke.

2006-12-19 13:40:47 · answer #6 · answered by dfgrace22 4 · 4 1

No. The primary purpose of marriage is to have a family and gays cannot produce that naturally.

Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. That is how nature made humans to reproduce. I know from reading up on it that children need a mom and a dad to teach them how to live in the world. They need both and nothing will ever change my mind.

I am against civil unions because

1. It is false marriage. With that, eventually, gays will want marriage. I have seen the same on abortion. First it was for unwanted pregnancies, then it is aborting a child because of a defect, then it is because it causes the mother to be bothered, and it will evolve into genetic designing. Where does it stop?

2. Civil unions for gays violates the Constitution. You cannot do for one group and not all. Marriage is the only legitimate form of relationships.

3. I am 100% making it so a gay person can have the benefits of marriage. This means allowing anyone to leave any property to anyone that they wish without any taxes. This means that if someone wants to put a will together and have anyone they wish to have visitation rights, fine. This means eliminating the tax code as it is and implementing the Fair Tax, which would eliminate any discussion of the marriage penalty. This also means tort reform so that there are caps on lawsuits. This would cause health insurance premiums to drop (also enforce immigration law so illegals stop bankrupting hospitals because they have to be cared for).

2006-12-19 13:38:43 · answer #7 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 1 5

i support it for many reasons
1) if you actually find true love despite the odds and discrimination in the gay community god bless you
2) why not? heterosexuals have a 50% divorce rate-committed gay couples have far lower rates of separation
3) they deserve the same rights that married heterosexuals do in terms of health benefits, child custody, etc
4) some people are homosexual and still very religious-why should they not be able to have the marriage they choose?
5) Homosexuality is not wrong or learned. Like I said before, if you find the one you wanna marry in this crazy world, go for it!

2006-12-19 13:36:50 · answer #8 · answered by baylor88 3 · 4 2

Personally, I dont. Im not racist towards gays or lesbians or anyone of that catagory. But I just dont believe its right. And before you ask, yes im a Christian, but not a full blown one that condemns Gays or beats up hobos with christian tracts. I merely believe in Jesus, God and all that. Back to the original subject, this country was born on the effect of pure marriage. A marriage with a mother, and a father. I also find that it will be hard for a kid to grow up without a father or a mother. What if two gays have a daughter? What happends when she has questions about her life and puberty? Will the two gays be able to answer her questions with full empathy? No, which leaves alot of unanswered questions for the daughter.

In reality, im not going to march to Capital Hill and scream till my eyes bleed. I know that its up to our Supreme Court if Gays get full rights or whatever. I dont know, im torn with this certain issue. You didnt say what your views were?

2006-12-19 13:39:36 · answer #9 · answered by TehOverlord 1 · 1 3

Religion doesn't get to dictate our laws and that's exactly what it's doing when it prevents same sex marriage.

Same sex marriage is THOUSANDS of years old. And yet the fundies pretend it's a new idea. Citizens of ancient Rome in 500 BC had no problem with it. Why do you?

2006-12-19 13:35:17 · answer #10 · answered by BiyGuy 2 · 7 2

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