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28 answers

Heck why can't I build a meth lab in my basement, isn't that a basic human freedom too?

2006-12-19 12:45:23 · answer #1 · answered by Geoff S 6 · 2 2

Pretty easily. They can impose any laws they please and we don't have to listen. It is a free country and you are free to do whatever you want, even commit murder, but in commiting those acts you are voulentering to be responsable for your actions. Hypotheticaly, having a national 'no call list' for telemarketers is illegalizing a form of freedom of speach, but you don't compalin about that.

Freedom isn't the argument we should be using here.

Marijuana isn't illegal for any 'greater social good' as so many people seem to think. Marijuana is illegal because if it wasn't, police wouldn't have probable cause on three out of every five people in run down urban centers. It's more about racism, than anything. Not to mention preserving the social norm. Habitual marijuana use is theoreticaly perfect for America. Potheads mostly just sit infront of their TV and eat, just like everyone else. Many of these people would be otherwise doing economicly usless things like going for walks or keeping a journal, whatever. Marijuana makes the counter-culture nice and plyable, but without law enforcment, these people cannot be subject of police raids on a whim.

If the concern were greater social good, the logical solution would be to legalize the stuff and focus the billions of dollars being wasted in the futile attempt to make it unatainable and put it instead into treatment programs and even tax the hell out of it to pay for some of out other futile attempt to eliminate the influence of other more dangerous controled substances.

Honestly, in the age of Crackhouses and Meth Labs.. how can we justify the money spent on something as harmless as making yourself stupid for a few hours and getting the munchies?

Also, some respondants were incorrect. Hemp has a lot of really, really good uses beyond being a controlled substance. Hemp is not a controlled substance, but the DEA lumps it in with Marijuana. Anyone growing hemp in America would hase to protect their fields to a rediculous extent for a product that can't even get you high. Hemp is a much more efficent and more renewable source of paper.

I love some of the answers here. I smoke pot fairly often and for some reason, I seem to be able to answer questions more thoughtfuly and with greater balance than the people who call me stupid for smoking it.

I guess I just had a lot of intellect to spare.

2006-12-19 13:26:17 · answer #2 · answered by socialdeevolution 4 · 2 0

If something does not harm other people's freedom & human rights, any law forbidding it is not only a disgrace to a so-called free society, but the warning signs of a government that thinks it knows better than you what is best for you.

Most people will not even comprehend that they are being oppressed, but that's because most people are just Not That Bright. Those who are smart enough to figure this out need to speak out until ALL oppression and intolerance are stamped out, not just the ones we've so far LEARNED to reject (racism, sexism, religious bigotry).

LOOK AROUND YOU - there is intolerance, blame, nannyism, oppression and government interference in your freedom virtually everywhere.

Until tolerance and respect apply to EVERYONE in society and not just the identified minorities, this country and the world in general are headed in a Very Bad Direction.

2006-12-19 13:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by Stargazer 3 · 1 0

I'm not liking the character assassination of Cannibis users, especially from people who can't spell. In reality, all the reasons you hear for the legal stance of Weed (Gateway drug, Mental Health issues, habit forming potential) are highly questionable and were thought up in hindsight to justify a law that makes no sense.
The subject boils down to simple Math, a question of double standards. How many people died as a direct result of Alcohol and/ or cigarettes this year?
Tens of thousands, Hundreds, Millions?

People known to have as a direct result of weed- None.
Most of you already know, in the time it would take you to get enough THC into your system to OD you would pass out and be riding a small elephant down the back of your own neck (Might just be me)

Stay smart, know your connection and keep it Mellow, you dig?

2006-12-21 11:32:55 · answer #4 · answered by maria bartoninfrance 4 · 0 0

Yeah man, it is one of basic freedoms of our Founding Fathers written in the Constitution or the Mayflower Compact or some place that I dont remmember now that I whatever ... wow, man, that is real heavy and if the angle of the dangle could dance on the head of a pin ... that is groovy.

What was the question again? Oh yeah, the answer is Jay Leno in the 2nd race at San Quenton - wow, this is cool stuff.

2006-12-19 12:51:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A-JAD/Mullahs seem to operate on fear and power as well as limited human rights . I like the U.n my self and after ww2 over 50 nations signed up for it,,,,,its failure in a big part is due to BUSH<43> last 8 years of rules but it would be unlikely Iran's respectable murderers would honor such a pact anyway.....and as BUSH TRASHED the U.N so does Iran's Regime and now they put a WESTERN LABEL ON PROTESTERS THEY NOW CALL TERRORIST. why cause they can get away with it all day long......If over the past 8 years America would have supported the U.N and respected it then perhaps a different outcome in Iraq and the world. dino

2016-05-22 22:36:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A book called Legal Highs lists similar plants that are legal to grow.

2006-12-19 12:54:46 · answer #7 · answered by Wrath Warbone 4 · 1 0

i understand where ur coming from... av always thought ov tht one and a dnt smoke pot or do drugs... but its to stop young vunerable people from taking drugs... if u really think.....! most people say it leads on to bigger things smoking pot,,, so it is kind ov taking away the freedom in a strange sorta way but its took freedom away in a good way...... if u do grow PLANTS and its for ur own use a cant c the problem its ur life... as long as u arent affecting anyone else while u do it... then its down to ur morals...

2006-12-19 13:32:31 · answer #8 · answered by nufc mad 3 · 0 0

Just give it some time, now that the alcohol laws are really stricked as far as drinking, driving etc, more people are not going out and spending money, same with cigarettes they are going up, and also in some states you cant smoke in any public places, so again more people are quitting smoking and not spending money on them. So the goverment is going to say humm what can we make legal and tax the heck out of it? You guessed it Marijuana..

2006-12-19 12:58:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

your looking at the issue incorrectly.

its not the rights of the plant we should be concerned about, its a weed, and in any other lifetime it'd be squirted with agent orange...what is illegal is the harvesting of said plant, and smoking what you chopped down..also knows as processing... thats the illegal bit.

2006-12-19 13:11:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Its basic plant freedom denied, man.

Am gone and tootel on a dooby

2006-12-19 13:14:38 · answer #11 · answered by fizz 3 · 0 0

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