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33 answers

I'm sympathetic to the peace loving people on both sides that are getting drowned out by the terrorists and those filled with hatred. There are good Israelis and good Palestinians and they have been put in the unfortunate position of having groups on each of their respective sides that value violence over peace.

2006-12-19 11:56:45 · answer #1 · answered by Mrs. Bass 7 · 3 0

First of all i believe that every people on this world deserve to hane their own independent country. I sympathise more the palestinians because they fight a right cause BUT in a WRONG way Arafat knew that. The healthy thinking Israeli's understand that. I can't believe that a nation that has suffered so much from the Nazi's uses the same tactics against other people like Israeli's do.
Will someone in the USA wonder who actually attacked the twin towers, why the palestinians celebrated the fact even though they are not sure who did it, why in alot of Arab houses have pictures of JFK?
Will any palestinian wonder that suicide missions make things worse that they might be ordered from outside Palestine from people who want to harm their cause?
I do not know if anyone will get into troubke to think any of this but people should try to find out what is really happening because someone exploits our fears

2006-12-19 19:37:45 · answer #2 · answered by be good 2 · 1 0

Let me tell you that you have posted your question in awkward words..............sorry.

It's not a matter of "sympathy". Because if we looked at it from that angle we would say: "Palestinians and Israelis deserve sympathy, because there are dead people from both sides". But it's not like that. This summer in Gaza, many Palestinians were killed and Israel's justification was: "technical mistake and self defense Because Palestinians strafe Israeli settlements with "rockets". And they are such ROCKETS!!!!!! Made from simple materials like soil fertilizers, they don't even kill unless they hit in the head......... ha ha ha ........ These "ROCKETS" even explode before being launched...... really funny........
And when these rockets killed an Israeli woman and wounded two men.... Israel wanted to fight back...... but the Israeli bombs which killed many families shouldn't be condemned even because of the U.S Veto right........
In west bank -where I live now- Israel continues its arrogant policies against Palestinians...... the Racist wall which preyed our lands and transformed Palestinians into landlocked, prisoned and isolated people (Internet is their only way to communicate). Even on the way to my school, sometimes I have to wait for hours and at least 10 minutes each day on the Israeli barriers which have been used by Israel to make us suffer more.......or simply you can avoid the barrier by going through another way...... extra 50 Km at least won't make a difference..... you're sick or you have a final exams....you have to wait while the Israeli soldier is smoking or chatting with his friends.......Or if you own a piece of land (like my grandfather) the settlers will seize it.... regardless if you inherited this land from your 66th grandfather or the 77th one. They just take..... And if you get there you will be jailed or beaten by them....simply because you're a thief!!!
Killing Palestinians on daily basis, if not killing, then Israel seizes their lands and tears down their houses..... you see all these "Perks" that Israeli people have although they came to this land 60 years ago.....and Palestinians who lived in their homelands since the beginning of the history (the rocks are made from their blood)...they just get killed........ Who’s the aggressor?????? Of course "the Palestinians”. Their presence on this land irritates the Israelis who want to take the entire land.
If you want to talk about peace partners.........ok...I have the best answer........ Today the Israelis in west bank (where I live) were raising the flag of Israel........ What do you call it when someone raises the flag of his country in yours by force......... oh>> I forgot>>>> it means that he recognizes you and accepts you as a partner......
Do you realize now that it's not a matter of sympathy??

2006-12-22 22:35:55 · answer #3 · answered by MagicWand 3 · 2 0

It is not a matter of sympathy but what is right.
From all, legal, ethical, UN and International court decisions there is no doubt that the Palestinians are in the right.
Israel only exists in its current form and sanctions not applied due to the USA constantly using its veto on the UN security council that has gone on since 1948.
This is in fact why the problem has not been resolved years ago.
There can be no peace until there is justice for the Palestinian people.
Sympathy : Palestinians only.

2006-12-19 20:22:23 · answer #4 · answered by ian d 3 · 3 1

The Palestinians. There is no doubt that Israel is the agressor in this situation; Israel has superior firepower from the US; Israel has nuclear weapons; Israel usurped Palestinian land WITH NO COMPENSATION; Israel currently bulldozes and occupies Palestinian land; Israel makes living conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip intolerable. Unfortunately, Israel learned a lot about genocide during WWII.

The Palestinians are using suicide bombers because they don't have weapons that can compete with Israel's. If Palestine had some F-18's, they'd be using them instead.

Israel gets a lot of ill-deserved sympathy. Remember, poor, pick-on Israel is the only country in the Middle East that can nuke his neighbour.

2006-12-19 16:04:20 · answer #5 · answered by Webber 5 · 2 1

Palestinians of course...
Israel was created without caring that on that land Arabs were living for centuries...As I remember one of the reason the British gave Palestine to Jews was that anyway the Arabs have enough lands,so a country less wouldn't be such a big loss for them...
Creating Israel was not the right solution for the Jews,nor for the Palestinians...it only caused many more problems...
It was wrong to created Israel there,as it would be wrong to create it in any other place...
The Palestinians are the victims there...They are killed on a daily basis,they had to leave their homes and go live in UN's refugees camps outside Palestine...They lost everything...not Israel is the victim there...

2006-12-20 17:45:36 · answer #6 · answered by Tinkerbell05 6 · 2 1

Palestinians. It takes great courage for women and children to take to their streets to fight unarmed for justice in the face of American-funded Israeli tanks and armour. Americans do not realise that their country is hated across the Arab world because of its support for its ally Israel, which persecutes a people who simply desire to have their own nation. And the USA believes in freedom and democarcy? Huh!

2006-12-23 07:32:35 · answer #7 · answered by mini metro 6 · 1 0

In terms of 'people' then the innocents on both sides who are living in fear and pain.
In terms of who is getting a bum rap, then definitely the Palestinians. They may not present themselves with the same dignity as the Israelis, but they have been treated like dogs for nearly 60 years now and that is unacceptable on anyone's terms.

2006-12-19 18:05:06 · answer #8 · answered by Christine H 7 · 2 1

To the innocent people suffered much nor israelis or palestinians they should come and talk so that peace can attain the rest of the world.

2006-12-19 17:14:57 · answer #9 · answered by mario t. reoyan 3 · 1 1

It has come to my attention recently that Jesus Christ, who's birthday bash we're about to enjoy, was born in the town of Bethlehem in Palestine- he was therefore a Palestinian. The Palestinians get my vote.

2006-12-19 19:17:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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