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Any weird, supernatural things happening in the house you currently live in? Do share...

2006-12-19 11:50:16 · 19 answers · asked by CarribeanSpice 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

19 answers

Ooo. I sure don't live in a haunted house, but the cheese seems to magically disappear from the cupboard. teehee. :). My cousin lived a block or so away from a supposedly haunted house. The windows were shuttered up and everything. They tore it down did some ritual and rebuilt new homes there though. I sure wouldn't want to live there. ;)

2006-12-19 11:56:23 · answer #1 · answered by Arinadi 2 · 0 0

The first house I ever owned was haunted. One night I was reading in bed ('Whispers' by Dean Koontz) and I heard this noise outside like someone was trying to break in so I had a quick look around throught the window (like the brave person I am!) and saw nothing and decided it was just my imagination. Half an hour later I was still reading and all of a sudden there was a huge BANG and I swear it came from inside the walls of my bedroom it really scared the crap out of me, but the scariest thing was that my bedroom door then unlocked itself straight away afterwards. The lock was one of those hook ones that fit into an eyehole and it just jumped out. I didn't get much sleep that night! There were other incidents aswell but this was the worst one.

The house was about 200 years old and used to be a fishermans cottage.

2006-12-19 12:00:56 · answer #2 · answered by Helen B 4 · 0 0

I could write a book on this one. There are many different types of ghosts that you can see. Sometimes people can see spirits just after a loved one has died. Sometimes people see actual images of people that existed before (sort of a magnetic imprint in time). I have seen both.

1. When I was 6 the phone rang and my grandmother asked for my Mom to rush to the hospital and that my grandfather had taken a turn for the worse. My Mom told me to go to my room to pray while she was getting ready. I saw a little white light in the corner of my room while I was praying. I said Mommy , Mommy there is a white light in the corner of my room. I believe it was my grandfather saying goodbye. He died that night.
2. The same thing happened after my great grandmother died-too hard to explain, I see spirits a lot. I wouldn't believe someone if they told me, I guess you just have to experience it yourself to believe it, I feel as though I have a gift.
3. Once my Dad and I were having lunch on a Sunday afternoon at a restaurant that was previously an old pharmacy (100 year old building). The restaurant was rather empty and I saw a figure walk up to the table out of the corner of my eye and I turned and looked up thinking it was the waitress and I was about to ask her for more tea. Then I saw it was a woman in a black dress with her hands out over the table and then she vanished. That was the first time I ever saw what people call a "ghost". It was very strange. I looked up old pix of that pharmacy on the town's web site and in the picture of the pharmacy was a woman with a black dress! It looked just like the woman I saw!!!!!!!!!!
Oh so much more, but not enough room!!!!!!

2006-12-19 17:27:50 · answer #3 · answered by free2beme24 1 · 0 0

I've seen only one ghost in my life. It was in Norwich, CT on Otrabondo Ave. The former owner of the house had died in the kitchen (I wasn't made aware of this until AFTER I had seen the ghost). I saw her walking outside the house in the evening with a soft white glow all around her.

On top of this one night in the living room (next room over from the kitchen) the cat's hair stood up on end while it was on top of the TV and it ran out of the room (for no apparent reason).

On another night we were watching TV and the dog looked into the kitchen, its hair stood on end, and it growled. There was no one in the kitchen.

MANY other scary things have happened there that I can't explain. I believe in answering questions with science and logic, but have no idea how to explain the things I saw.

2006-12-20 01:37:10 · answer #4 · answered by ScienceRules 1 · 0 0

Yes,I've lived in several haunted houses and my sister has also.I lived in one when I was about 6.Four of my siblings were upstairs with me,when we heard someone knock on the door,we all went downstairs to check.We even checked outside,noone was there,but when we got ready to go back upstairs we seen a shadow go across the kitchen,we went in to check and again no .one was there and no one had went out the back door either.I also lived in another house that was haunted when I was 25,it had been used in the Civil War as a hospital so my family and I experienced alot of supernatural in that house.Too many to tell right here,right now.

2006-12-19 20:34:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I was the age of 0-10, I lived in a haunted house. I had an 'imaginary friend' that I always talked about to my mom, I told her that he always wore a suit, and was so nice to me. Then one day he told me he would kill me. And I was petrified.

So, fast forward 20 years. I was looking through old historical newpaper clippings from the house (that the owners still had), and I broke out into a cold sweat. There was a man on the front page. He was the man. The man that was my 'imaginary friend'. It was a paper from the early 1900's. He had lived in the house, and was in the paper because...he was the first mayor of that town!!!

I was SO creeped out!

Other things happend in that house too. There used to be a man that had an evil look on his face that would stand up against one of the walls in my parents bedroom. As a child, I was TERRIFIED to go into that room.

Let me clarify that I do not believe ghosts are good. Any of them. I do not believe people can come back from the dead, I believe that the devil uses them to invoke fear in us. He loves to do that.

2006-12-19 11:56:47 · answer #6 · answered by nrwilcox 2 · 2 0

The house that we live in now may not be classified as haunted..but my father died in this house when i was very young. The room that he died in is always the coldest and sometime very uninviting. Other time when i am feeling down or especially sad there is a peaceful feeling in the room and I sleep extremely well. I have not seen a ghost, but i feel my fathers spirit here.

2006-12-19 12:14:03 · answer #7 · answered by Barb 3 · 1 0

Well I wouldn't say I live in a haunted house, its just a normal house, though we do have 2 ghosts who have shared the house with us since we got married 22 years ago, they have never done us any harm though they are at times mischievous, never been scared of them and they must like us to still be here.

2006-12-20 03:06:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My GF's brother-in-law told me that they had lived in a newer house and weird stuff kept happening... they would leave and when they came back they would find a skillet on the stove with the stove turned on (they BOTH started checking this before they left, and it STILL happened almost every time... the basement lights never worked for very long, would just burn out quickly, except for the one on the very back wall... it NEVER would work... so one day they came home to find that there was the burnt imprint on the wall next to the stove of the skillet... the fire had ran DOWN the wall to that very same back wall! They got out of there and a couple weeks later the house burned down... then he found out that the man who had originally been building the house had died when his bulldozer had turned over on him and had caught on fire IN THE SAME SPOT AS THAT BACK WALL... creepy, huh? (I still get goosebumps when I recall this one!)

2006-12-20 17:53:07 · answer #9 · answered by buckaroo_57 2 · 1 0

Not in the one I currently live in but I have had visitations from my father. The house I bought I was visited by the old lady who owned it and my son saw her, because he referred to her as nanny person.

I was the passenger in a car and happened to glance over at this ute and saw this lady with sunglasses and dark clothes. i watched her for about 5 minutes but when I glanced back she was gone - I senced that she may of crossed over from cancer or some other illness.

I have had lots of experiences with hauntings and I am a big believer.

2006-12-19 17:01:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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