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I got hurt 4 monts ago and sit at home everyday.I've always been active and now all I want to do is sit in front of this computer. Ideas, I need Ideas.All Ideas will be considered and welcomed.Maybe I'll take a class on grammer.

2006-12-19 11:39:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

20 answers

I was in your shoes not too long ago... I still am recovering but much better...

What I did...

1. Start praying or affirming positive thoughts i.e. mine was, The Lord is healing my heart and my family's hearts. The Lord is providing me strength and my family strength.

I repeated this with gratitude and feeling, it is amazing what faith and positive thought does, it will be difficult and uncomfortable at first, but keep it up, it will get easier.

2. I didn't want outside help but I finally relented to my family and saw a counselor once a week. It was really amazing how helpful it is. Be humble and wise enough to seek help. You will make much faster progress talking with a professional then with any friends, family and dealing with it yourself.

3. I started taking personal development courses. In this particular course there was individual work but a lot of interaction with the other participants. These two courses were some of the best experiences I have ever had! Pretty amazing, considering how depressed I was.

4. Be good to yourself and take it easy on yourself. There is no time limit to your healing, nothing to live up to, you are here and you have a right to be happen. Begin slowly and KEEP GOING! When things seems like they just keep getting worse and couldn't get any worse... JUST KEEP GOING! And keep looking for the light. In the end others can help you, but only to the degree you allow them and reach out. It is really up to you to find 'the light'. Keep moving in a positive direction no matter what!

Things will get better if you do this... I promise!

Peace, joy and love,


2006-12-19 16:39:08 · answer #1 · answered by David M 3 · 0 0

You have a million choices you can make in your head and with action every day of your life. Do you really want to waist time making negative choices. Obstacle is benefit. Learn from the hurt and move on. Life is about overcoming your "fundamental darkness" and growing as a human being. Life can be wonderful IF YOU ALLOW IT. Get out, take a walk, go to a book store and read the entire self help section if you want, get a coffee, go to a pet store and look at the purdy doggies in the window. Go paint some pottery, take a yoga class, push the cart around Target or Walmart for an hour. Just get out and do something for yourself. No one can get you out of a funk but you. Go to a comedy movie and buy yourself some jujubes. Just get out and live. Live like you appreciate the fact that you are alive and have the ability to dream, love, feel, just BE. Go and do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-19 11:49:49 · answer #2 · answered by 1truthseeker 4 · 0 0

Self-Help Strategies for Overcoming the Depression

Be around positive people. Their enthusiasm will energize you and lift your spirits.

Keep a regular schedule of sleeping and waking. Irregular or interrupted sleep adds to fatigue and depression.

Avoid alcohol or drugs. These substances can cause or worsen depression.

Exercise regularly. Do something physical daily, even if it's just walking around the block.

Do something new. Walk or drive to a new place, try a new restaurant.

Express yourself. Get to the heart of your feelings through writing, painting, etc. Enjoy doing something creative.

Be good to yourself. Practice relaxation exercises, visualize pleasant scenes, take a warm bath, listen to soft music, read a good book.

Depression: How to survive
depression one day at a time

Remind yourself of ONE thing: you are not your depression. This state of pain or panic is not an integral part of you, and it is not your fault. And it will go.

Tell ONE friend how you're feeling. You may feel awkward at first, but this is exactly what good friends are for.

Figure out ONE thing that someone has done that might have triggered your current feelings, and let them know not to do it again.

Tell someone ONE thing they could do to meet a need of yours, whether it's inviting you out to the movies or pouring you a cup of tea or coffee.

Take ONE walk today, optimally in a park or natural setting, and notice anything that strikes you're a colorful, pleasing to your senses or beautiful.

Feldenkrais-type movements that promote immediate improvements in wellbeing and effective movement while stimulating the brain to learn to form new connections on the basis of function instead of habit.

Take ONE minute to talk to your Higher Power, God, guardian angel or Universal Spirit--however you think of this kindly presence, even if you don't really believe in it. Offer this presence your gratitude, plea for help or even your anger-don't hold back any emotion at all.

2006-12-19 11:50:25 · answer #3 · answered by ♥chelley♥ 4 · 0 0

First of all, you need to get out of the house. Cooping up at home won't do you (especially your mental health) any good.

Go out for some fresh air and do some self reflection. Get a notebook and list out 10 blessings for each day. Even if there's nothing positive that you can think of, FORCE yourself to think of something. It could even be the simplest things like:
- I like today's weather.
- I am thankful that I've no cold or flu today
- I am glad today's lunch was good
- I saw the most breathtaking sunrise today
- I watched a good movie

Next, look around you to see if there are people you can comfort. Reaching out to someone else would help you nurse your own wound. If you are religious, turn toward your religious faith for renewed strength. Or you could learn from people who had once been in your present situation. They've all emerged from their unpleasant situation wiser and stronger.

Finally, go pick up a new hobby. Take time to indulge in yourself because if you are a happier person, you will be more attractive to other people. Good luck!

2006-12-19 11:49:39 · answer #4 · answered by citrusy 6 · 0 0

Here's hoping you will be able to regain your former lifestyle shortly!

Until then, you should know that depression (especially at this time of year) is / can be difficult and it is usually highly recommended that one consult a medical professional.

Depression is something we all face in our lives at one time or another. We all handle it differently! Some are able to get on with life without help. Many others will seek out therepy or medicines to assist in dealing with it!

If you need help with this, please seek it!

Now, as to your real question ...

You have the right idea! Find something to spike your interests!

Write a short story or a book or a song. Learn to play a musical instrument and write a bunch of songs! Then become famous from your music and remember those who have helped to guide you. Ü

Buy a pet, study gemology, collect friends, collect rocks, watch The Ellen Show and let her know how great she is!

Journey through the woodlands and forests trying to find a real live Sasquatch!

Or ... and I highly recommend this one ...

Keep your sense of humor!

The Ol' Sasquatch Ü

2006-12-19 12:03:48 · answer #5 · answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5 · 0 0

I've been in a 'rut' like that before and the thing that keeps my head up, is knowing that I am alive. I can see, feel, hear , smell and taste. Even if I couldn't do half that - I would still be alive.


When others hurt us, yes, it pains our heart, our mind but we cannot let that live our days on this earth. We must fight for our freedom. We all deal with pain certain ways; alienation, alcohol, etc. but you have to put yourself over all of those negative vibes and LIVE! Breathe the magic of everyday.

Get out and feel that soft breeze in your face and smell the flowers or snowflakes, see happiness, hear the world around you: taste your freedom. Shout for joy! As there is always something worse. Always.

You know that saying, "Live well. Laugh often. Love always"? Go for it! Live each day to the fullest, Laugh as often as you can and always Love. Love your family, your friends and even your enemies. Be beautiful on the inside while still on the outside. You are your own person. Believe in yourself and HAVE FAITH.

Always Have Faith.

2006-12-19 11:57:52 · answer #6 · answered by the Optimist 2 · 0 0

When your life changes like that, you can't help but to sart get depressed. You could take a trip somewhere so you could have a refresher. When you come back you can start those classes. If it is possible, go out just for a walk once a day. Try to limilt your self to this machine. If it does'nt get better soon you can go to the doc

2006-12-19 11:49:50 · answer #7 · answered by Brandy 4 · 0 0

Are you the form of guy or woman who purely needs issues then looses pastime in them as quickly as you have them? you need to be a male - ha, ha! heavily however, in case you get a parakeet and spend time taming and training it, you might have a great little pal for 5-10 years so be sure you're keen to make that committment. A puppy is barely as plenty exciting as you place into it.

2016-10-18 12:26:01 · answer #8 · answered by bridgman 4 · 0 0

You need to see your doctor and tell him/her exactly what an emotional bind you are in. He might need to give you a prescription to lift you out of this funk. Depression can turn into a downward spiral, so please don't continue to be inactive. If you can, get a jump rope and start a little light exercise program right in your own home. That might get you jumpstarted. And by the way, your spelling , punctuation,and grammar are very good, something very rare indeed on YA. Now, take good care of yourself!!! Okay???

2006-12-19 11:54:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

seek outside help. let your dr. that is treating u for your injury know that u r feeling depressed maybe their is something they can do like therapist. from what i read here it seems like your depression is more from boredom and your inability to go anywhere. reach out to others call your friends, invite people over. dress up and go no where. if u are able to go for a short walk do it. go to the library get some books. take a class online, i am assuming that your injury has caused u hardship in getting around.

2006-12-19 12:53:20 · answer #10 · answered by Miki 6 · 0 0

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