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How about, instead of criticizing him all the time, we pray for him instead?

After all, we did elect this man to rule our country, and he IS trying hard.

2006-12-19 11:18:15 · 24 answers · asked by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456 1 in Politics & Government Politics

FOR him and TO him are two different things...

2006-12-19 11:20:36 · update #1

Some of you may not have voted for him, but obviously others did, because he was ELECTED, fair and square, no matter what any of you say. That's why this country is a democracy. If you don't like it, move.

He is PRESIDENT Bush. Not dumb*ss Bush. And he IS trying.

I sometimes wonder how Gore would have reacted if he'd been president. We'd probably be in Iraq right now.

2006-12-19 11:39:53 · update #2

24 answers

I agree. A majority of people want to criticeze Bush for what he's done, but nobody offers any solutions. Pulling out of Iraq is not an option and would be a discrace to this country, just like all these people that want us to pull out. Where's the patriotism? Pulling out would only damage our stance in the world powers and provide a safe haven for extremists to plan more attacks against this country. Maybe Bush's policy in Iraq isn't going as planned and needs some readjustments, but you have to admit, his national security strategy is doing very well. This country hasn't been attacked once since 9/11. Many have tried but all have failed so far. His overall job as president is not bad and has a decent rating, his policy in Iraq is the only thing that is holding him down right now. Why should people complain? What good is it gonna do? We are over there, we should get the job done, no doubt. With any long term goal, there will be bumps in the road. I'm not religious, but I think the best thing to do right now is prey for Bush to make the right decisions in moving forward in Iraq and to prey for our soldiers. And every one of you that talk trash about this country should line up and kiss the asses of every soldier that has ever fought to ensure our freedom and protect this country.

2006-12-19 11:28:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

With all due respect to your question...even if I said that I would pray for him, although I am not a praying man. What good would that do, honestly? It might make me feel better, internally. However, the world does not change on thoughts and feelings. Change requires action. Hopefully, thought out action, but action nontheless. In a way, you are right, perhaps we should pray for him. I mean, how does that saying go... something about the "weak and the stupid"? I don't know, like I said, I'm not a praying man. But, if I were, I would pray that our dear "elected by people other than me" President would summon the strength within himself to take responsibility for his actions/mistakes and spend the rest of his presidency undoing the damage that he has thrust upon the people of the world by his arrogance, paranoia and self appointed savior of the free world mentality. He is not in touch with the needs of the people he is supposed to represent and protect. He has had a self serving agenda since his inauguration (#1). After inauguration #2, the majority of the only effectual staff that he had, said "enough of this s#h*i^t*, I'm outta here", and resigned. Mr. Bush may very well go down in history as the most tyrannical and socially unserving president in history. Why couldn't he just get a B*** Job like Clinton did. He definitely needs to relax and unwind. To say that he is trying hard, well... trying hard for what? He has already managed to piss off the entire free and unfree world, basically, everyone on the planet. Even the frickin caribou in Alaska are not all too thrilled with the decisions he's made. If one good thing comes from his presidency, it will hopefully be that the next time America chooses a president, those who bought this man's bull s***, will consider their choice a little more carefully, before electing someone with the kind of judgement who would trade a ball player like Sammy Sosa, and not elect someone who's too rich to give a f*** about the low to middle class public that he's been crappin on for the last six, almost seven years. We should pray. But, our prayers should be for the men and women, who are dying every day (on both sides) of the conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I don't mean that we should also pray for the terrorists, F*** them). We should also pray for the families who have lost their sons and daughters, husbands and wives and everyone else who has been affected by this presidents twisted agenda. I served in the military and I will always support my country and my commander-in-chief, but as a free thinking American, I will also support my own right to say and think as an individual; I will not be in the pack of filthy rats that blindly follow the "Pied Piper" who currently resides in the White House. So, as you say... Let us pray. But, pray for him, I think not.

2006-12-19 12:58:47 · answer #2 · answered by Adam in Vegas 2 · 0 1

bush i'm no longer announcing the different a million cuz he no longer assume to be it and that i discussed a video on ideas of menica of him sticking his midsection finger up and that particular same video on a area yet i forgot what it develop into pronounced as

2016-11-27 21:00:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

How about when raising your kids and they do wrong, don't criticize them, just pray for them...and you'll wind up with really rotten kids.

If we don't try to straighten this guy out with criticism he will only get worse and worse. Trying hard doesn't cut it, he must perform or else take advice from someone who knows what they're doing.

I have always prayed for him also, but that is not enough.

And just as a matter of note, we don't have "rulers" here, we have leaders running the government who work for us, they don't rule us.

2006-12-19 12:12:15 · answer #4 · answered by ash 7 · 0 4

What are we in third grade "I didn't vote for him"-so I don't have to respect the office of the President Ya I'm sure your parents are proud of you !!!

2006-12-19 12:11:14 · answer #5 · answered by josh m 5 · 1 1

It is your own problem, when you have elected him, my friend !

a. I didn´t choose the satan to rule the superpower who gave a command to kill 10 years old boys in Iraq. My heart is bleeded.
b. I will choose the good american woman or man to be a president without being a bloodthirsty taster.

Imagine, I was a military soldier and I would come to your beautiful village to kill your parents and rape your mother and sister ! And finally I´ll burn your beautiful village.

what would you think about me ? Am I a satan ?? that would be the same thought like you ask me and the others.

2006-12-19 11:28:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Wow, there are some real wackos answering this tonight! How sad. Its easier for Dems to critcize him than to pray for him, most of them are atheists, they don't pray to or for anyone. Very, very sad (shaking head)

2006-12-19 11:31:16 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 3 1

We didn't elect him
His father cronies on the Supreme Court gave him the election in 2000. In 2004 the Republicans disenfranchised enough voters in heavily Democratic(the party) districts to swing Ohio to Bush.

p.s. I never voted for him

2006-12-19 11:31:06 · answer #8 · answered by Bobuck 4 · 1 5

well i have been praying for this idiot for years now to wish him bad is to wish myself the same . i "pray" that before he leave office he will do the right thing and get the hell out of Iraq . i never have voted for bush ever .i knew that bush becoming president would become one of my biggest nightmares. and every thing have came true about this man .

2006-12-19 11:27:01 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 4

There was an innocent 10 y/o boy in Iraq run over by an American convoy because they are under orders never to stop. I pray that people in the White House feel the pain that Iraqi family must have felt.

2006-12-19 11:22:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

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