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Clinton's lie didn't increase terrorist recruitment.

Clinton's lie didn't decentralize terrorist organizations making them harder to bring to justice.

Clinton's lie didn't cause a civil war that our own government says we somehow have to win in order to take the steam out of an insurgency.

Clinton's lie didn't cause our allies to be attacked by terrorists.

Clinton's lie didn't cause the worldwide community to call the American public "stupid" for voting for him.

Clinton's lie didn't do anything but throw Republicans in a tizzy and make them spend more than 50 million tax dollars, just to say "it's all good."

2006-12-19 11:15:55 · 19 answers · asked by Mrs. Bass 7 in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

Clinton Lies did not Kill anyone.

2006-12-20 21:15:43 · answer #1 · answered by art_raiders 2 · 1 1

First of all, let me quote from your most recently asked Q:

"Republicans and Conservatives how many of you know Clinton hasn't been in power for 6 years? If you realize this, why bring him up continuously? The man did an inappropriate thing in his private life and lied about it. While President Bush has created a civil war in Iraq."

"I don't think you should keep comparing the two."

I was trying to familiarize myself with your thinking and I read these two Q's you asked consecutively. Am I missing something here?

Instead of asking inane Q's that contradict one another, you could just write the truth...something like:

"Hello everyone. I just wanted to say that I hate George Bush because all the people I hang with say the same thing and I want to be just as outrageous and anti establishment as they are."

This is an old act here on YA... Try something novel.


2006-12-19 14:29:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

a million. Clinton substitute into impeached he substitute into no longer bumped off. comparable subject happed to Andrew Johnson. 2. The Republicans have been in no way going to question Bush (that could mean going up against one in each and every of their very own, and all of us understand which will in no way ensue) and the Democrates and to fowl to do the superb subject. 3. i could in no way impeach all people until I even have the votes to get rid of him as properly. Having impeachment hearings purely wastes fairly some tax payer money (by using fact the Republicans understand). So i would not choose for impeachment until i understand that I even have what it takes to get rid of that guy or woman. The Democrates is properly-known with they don't have that magical extensive style, so what's the element. The Republicans additionally knew (for the time of Clinton) that they did no longer have the votes yet purely out of spite, and with out the choose of the folk, they wasted money. Fiscally to blame, suitable.

2016-10-18 12:25:19 · answer #3 · answered by bridgman 4 · 0 0

The Mukhabarat, a Sudanese intelligence agency, spent the early to mid-1990s amassing copious amounts of information on bin Laden and his cohorts at a time when they were relatively unknown and their activities limited.
They offered this information to the Clinton administration, over and over, but Clinton couldn't be bothered.
According to Tim Carney, the last U.S.Ambassador to Sudan, whose posting ended in 1997, "The fact is, they were opening the doors, and we weren't taking them up on it. The U.S. failed to reciprocate Sudan's willingness to engage us on some serious questions of terrorism. We can speculate that this failure had serious implications at least for what happened at the U.S. Embassies in 1998. In any case, the U.S. lost access to a mine of material on bin Laden and his organization. It was worse than a crime. It was a ****-up."
Because Clinton was being impeached, his administration wouldn't do anything about terrorist information from the Sudanese and their own ambassador!
9/11 and the war in Iraq might never had happened, if President Clinton had been able to keep his zipper fastened and his mouth shut. He might have been remembered as a truly great president for stopping a terrorist in his tracks. But he was busy boffing anything in cotton panties and couldn't concentrate on important stuff like national security.
So, none of it is all good.

2006-12-19 12:07:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I agree with everything you said, and what Bush did is a LOT worse. I wish, however, that Clinton could have behaved just a little better while in office so that the "moral" issue could not be used against Gore, who was a little too close to Clinton, during the 2000 presidential campaign. If Clinton had just left Monica alone, then Gore might have won, and given Clinton's ongoing efforts to catch Bin Laden, I think Gore would have been smart enough to follow up on those efforts, listen to his FBI, etc., and 9/11 would not have happened.

2006-12-19 11:29:11 · answer #5 · answered by firefly 6 · 0 3

Clinton's inaction and pandering did more for al qeada recruitment than any mis perception of Bush ever did. When Cliton turned tail and ran in Bosnia that one act led to a huge recruitment for al qaeda, because of Clinton the terrorist had the biggest most affluential period of growth ever which made 911 easier to pull off. Clinton's bj didn't cause us grief, it was his making America look weaker that hurt us as a nation.

2006-12-19 11:32:13 · answer #6 · answered by JFra472449 6 · 2 3

Which lie are you talking about? Certainly not the one under oath. Now for the truth, oh that's right you can't handle the truth. While Clinton was doing his"lying" ( I am quoting you) he was supposed to be protecting us from terrorists. No he would rather be getting blow jobs from the help and lying" instead of doing his job. Well you are right about one thing for sure he is a liar. Wonder what else he lied to us about?

2006-12-19 11:29:35 · answer #7 · answered by goodtimesgladly 5 · 1 3

Clinton messed up. Bush also messed up. Clinton is no longer an issue, Bush is. So let's concentrate on fixing the mess Bush has got us into and looks like he is trying to just dig the hole deeper and deeper.

2006-12-19 11:59:26 · answer #8 · answered by ash 7 · 0 2

Look...I stopped hating Clinton for trashing the office of the presidency, for knowing his wife took all the files from Foster's safe, for allowing FBI files on regular citizens to be viewed by political operatives, for sending a few missiles into a camel compound trying to take credit for being tough on terrorism, for allowing drug running through Mena, Arkansas, for raping a slew of women including Paula Jones, for allowing White House aide David Watkins' improper use of presidential helicopters for a personal golf outing, for allowing Hillary Clinton's mysterious ability to turn a $1,000 investment into a $100,000 profit on cattle futures, for allowing Travelgate which led to the Clintons' firing of career travel staffers like Billy Dale to make way for Clinton cronies, for his affair with Gennifer Flowers...

Shall I go on?

If I can stop hating Clinton for all that, you should be able to stop hating Bush for doing what he thought was the right thing in protecting your delicate posterior.

2006-12-19 11:26:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Clinton and his scandals, and the public's finally getting sick of them, is what CAUSED Bush to get elected in the first place!


2006-12-20 04:02:24 · answer #10 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 0 2

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