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31 answers

I can't say that he did , but he's a proven liar and uses false propaganda in his own right and will be doing it much more frequently after January 3rd and his state of the union address. Watch the major newspapers for the calls for his impeachment and his shananigans brought to light . Only diehards who haven't read the constitution can stick by this man. With his rubber stamp congress gone he's going to be toast . Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has already introduced a house bill resolution for his impeachment .

Mr. Speaker:

Under the standards set by the United States Constitution, President Bush—along with Vice President Cheney, and Secretary of State Rice—should be subject to the process of impeachment, and I have filed H. Res. 1106 in the House of Representatives.

To my fellow Americans, as I leave this Congress, it is in your hands—to hold your representatives accountable, and to show those with the courage to stand for what is right, that they do not stand alone.

Thank you.

2006-12-19 09:58:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

It's very similar to what Franklin Roosevelt did with Pearl Harbor. FDR knew the Japanese were attacking, but didn't warn Kimmel and Short. FDR was more evil than Bush though. To make the scenario seem plausible, FDR had Kimmel and Short removed for incompetence.

That raises a question. Bush had his military watching the planes leave Boston and going off course to New York. The military just sat there and watched as the planes hit the Twin Towers. Why didn't Bush have the appropriate military personnel treated the way FDR treated Kimmel and Short?

Is incompetence now ok? for the military? This isn't like a union, where seniority gets you the promotions. We need some competence, in the military. You screw up and people die, you get a new commander. Of course, George W. Bush is the commander in chief. Cheney seems to be the one who was doing the military oversight at the time of 9/11.

It's weird. It's like Janet Reno sending in the machineguns and armed stormtroopers to get a child Elian Gonzales. Then to top it off, Janet Reno gives the stormtroopers commendations for their heroic actions.

Maybe Bush can give the military who sat and watched as the planes veered off course from Boston into the Twin Towers, some medals? Some promotions? Or maybe they did get promoted? That's the problem with cronyism, political favors and promotions. It turns into a spoils system. We need a military more like a football team, where you fire the coach when he loses. You get a new quarterback if you have a better one. You don't just keep people on because you like them.

FDR did know about the Japanes attack, and did fail to warn the military in Hawaii. Historians who like FDR even defend that, saying FDR had to mobilize America against the Axis powers, and letting Japan attack was the way to do it.

When it turns out that Bush knew about the attack on 9/11, you'll hear the same people who said that's absurd, defending Bush for doing it, saying he needed to mobilize America against Islam.

What's really whacky are the people who defend the president, no matter how absurd his actions are. Who cover up investigations, who destroy other people who are courageous enough to investigate.

Truth is something you only find, if all the information is accessible. If you cover up, don't investigate, all you get is a sanitized version of the official government "truth" that puts the government in the best light.

The only reason we haven't had another 9/11 is not Bush's policies, but Bush afraid to do it again. He knows we'll suspect him if it happens again. And he won't get as much coverup next time.

2006-12-19 09:17:57 · answer #2 · answered by randolfgruber 1 · 1 2

I don't think Bush is capable of masterminding a plot to quite that level of sophistication. I do think, however, that people in Bush's inner sanctum (*coughcough* Cheney *coughcough* Rumsfeld *coughcough* Rove *coughcough* Ashcroft *coughcough*) had the wherewithal to make some less than respectable connections.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that our government was directly responsible for the World Trade Center bombings, however I do believe that this administration's arrogance caught up with them quickly. They had ample warning from the CIA that an airborne terrorist attack was imminent, and they ignored it. Of course, it opened the door to little dissidence towards government wiretapping and other breaches of civil liberties.

Perhaps that was deliberate, but I cannot imagine why they would be so eager to implement these strategies that they would let the terrorist attacks occur. But perhaps that means that I'm not as bright as the masterminds behind Bush's administration, or at least I can't read them.

2006-12-19 10:28:18 · answer #3 · answered by Exochos Andras 2 · 1 1

probably when I found out who made the main funds from the destruction of the twin Towers, what coverage coverage riders have been extra to the homes previous to the attack and what corporation issued them, when I examine the undertaking for a clean American Century, when I researched the Carlyle team, etc. advert naseum. of course Bush isn't the only one with blood on his palms. they're many different Republicans and Democrats who're in charge. of course, recently it doen't remember to everyone in ability no remember in case you're a liberal or conservative. It concerns what your economic corporation stability is, who your pals are, and your ability to maintain your mouth close.

2016-12-30 16:10:55 · answer #4 · answered by mccloy 3 · 0 0


One thing that cracks me up about Conspiracy Theories is that they generally assign a MUCH LARGER level of intelligence and a MUCH GREATER amount of organizational ability to the government than they will ever really have.

The amount of resource and people in the know that would have to occur for WTC to have been an 'inside job' is so extreme there's no way it could have been pulled off and kept hush hush at the same time.

2006-12-19 11:19:29 · answer #5 · answered by JSpielfogel 3 · 1 2

No, but he did get elected in 2000 and 2004. As has been Presidential course since Pres Carter.

I am so sick of all this mess. Seriously, prove it. And not with loose change(farse) or in plane site, or anything from a con site. Hard fast proof. Not some mis-quoted out of context media report. On what someone thought they heard or saw.

Who planted the bombs? Where are all the explosions?

The con sites how 1000's of tiny explosions. The towers show 10 total...Guess the company Controlled Demolitions hid them in the basement near the Janitor closet and tossed them in the air inside the building with a super awesome cool robot on loan from Japan. Who are pissed now cause they lost their robot. It is the main reason why Japan is leaving Iraq. We lost their robot.

PLEASE!!!! 19 terrorists, 4 planes...why is that so hard to believe??

2006-12-19 09:07:28 · answer #6 · answered by devilduck74 3 · 5 5

well.. if you are willing to agree that bill clinton sold out to the chinese and gave them a nukes program 25 years beyond their current state.. so they can eventually attakc US?

then i will agree that george did it.

and.. if george is THAT evil.. isnt it true that the 2nd ammendment is the most important block against him?

2006-12-19 09:14:52 · answer #7 · answered by kent j 3 · 3 0

Why, yes, Nancy. He planned the whole thing. Didn't you hear about that summit? It was Bush, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy......

2006-12-19 11:09:34 · answer #8 · answered by Jadis 6 · 0 2

I don't think he blew it up, but he did take advantage of it and use it as an excuse to invade Iraq. He also took advantage of it politically to shore up himself and his party. It worked in 2002 and 2004. In 2006 the majority of people said "enough is enough".

2006-12-19 09:14:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

No. It wasnt blown up, a plane hit it. And Osama bin Laden organized it. Youre a moron who obviously hasnt read any news or watched any news since that day

2006-12-19 09:16:20 · answer #10 · answered by Together 4 · 2 2

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