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2006-12-19 08:15:59 · 3 answers · asked by brianna<3 4 in Entertainment & Music Television

3 answers

Coffee Crew go Indigo
Jenna's excited to be at the spooky Indigo - surrounded by potential murder suspects. Vic chit chats with Rebecca - Brad's a pleasure to have around - he'd like to talk about his past. Where did he go to school again? Rebecca tells a touching tale - as a boy, Brad saw a turtle in the middle of the street - he stopped the cars so he could scoop up the creature - he was willing to risk his life - that's the kind of person Brad is.

JT swears Jenna to secrecy - then strings her along about his going over crime scene photos (a lead pipe turned out to be a pretzel JT dropped). Lame, Kevin mutters as he pulls Jenna away.

Jenna's all excited - she found some masking tape - it's a clue - we can all touch it. JT breaks it to her - they already searched the club. Let's have a bit of fun, she continues until Vic scolds - save your antics for another day and place. Vikki rejoins her parents and blabs that Brad had an older brother. He was a big time jock - Brad joined the navy under his brothers name. Where's the other Brad Carlton now? the Newman's wonder. He was killed after Brad enlisted - kept his name to honour him - nobody questioned it. Vikki hopes her parents believe her elaborate lie - Vic and Nikki don't look convinced.

Turtle Rescuer
Brad flashes back to sleeping with Sharon (as she sleeps with her head in his lap) - then looks at a photo of Vikki and gets up from the couch without awakening Sharon - looks tormented. Once awake, Sharon wants to know everything about his past. Over wine, Brad talks about the bond he had with his sister. This leads to Noah - kids are so resilient - the sister he'll have is the one good thing to come out of Phyllis and Nick's relationship.

Brad entertains Sharon with his heroic turtle story - he likens her to his sister Stephanie. Sharon suggests poker. Strip or regular? Brad wonders - then is reminded that they're trying to stay out of trouble. After cards, Sharon suggests they plant a tree in his sister's honour. Knowing just the place - Brad coerces her to brave the weather to go look.

Back at Indigo, Vikki's and JT are frustrated - still no power - no signal on the cell phones. Vikki assures JT that Colleen's somewhere warm and cozy.

Professor of Passion
Over at GCU, Korbel stops the kiss - this is wrong - we shouldn't be doing it. Colleen agrees - I have a boyfriend - what was I thinking? I'm the adult here - I should be practicing restraint, Korbel confesses- I crossed the line. That said, the pair are soon kissing passionately. Wow, Colleen says after they have sex - as Korbel kisses her again beneath the blankets.

Korbel thinks her body perfect - like a famous statue - it's in Paris - maybe I'll take you there someday. You're stunning. Colleen snuggles in his arms - what happens when the lights go back on. Forget this ever happened?

Over at Indigo, the lights come back on. JT calls Colleen - and over her protests, is on his way to pick her up. Korbel dresses - he's your boyfriend - and worried about you.

JT chides Vikki for lying to her family. You lie to your girlfriend, Vikki points out as she returns to the family. As Rebecca speaks highly of Vikki, Nikki smiles sweetly - Can't ask for a more genuine, honest young lady, she says pointedly. Vic discreetly talks to JT about this new development in Brad's past. He knows Vikki's telling tall tales to protect Brad - and vows to get to the bottom of it.

JT arrives and hugs Colleen - you OK? What did you guys do all night? Worked - by flashlight, they answer. Hope I didn't bore you, Korbel says. Not at all, Colleen says - then leaves without further ado.

Back at Indigo, Kevin gently tells Jenna that some people think her obsession with murder is kinda creepy. As the guests begin to leave, the Winter's worry about Lily.

Brad and Sharon race back into the house - laughing. Vikki walks in - clearly NOT impressed to find the two soaking wet and laughing.

Summer's Here (and the time is right for dancin in the street)
Nick manages to haul Daniel from the car seconds before it explodes into flames. He drives while Lily holds Daniel in the back seat. You saved me life, Daniel tells Nick weakly. Lily panics - Daniel! Can you hear me? Talk to us. Hurry! Lily she orders Nick. He gets on the phone with the hospital - we're 10 minutes away - see you soon.

When Phyllis demands Jack cut the baby out with scissors, Jack refuses to take her that way. He blames himself for her being unable to leave work when she should have. This little girl will be just like her Mom, he says - she'll come on her own terms. Phyllis believes this is what she deserves - I'm not the greatest mother - but I want the chance to try. Jack holds Phyllis - try rest. We'll get you out of here and to a hospital - this little girl will had a full head of red hair. And Nick will see her born, Phyllis adds - before her water breaks!

Phyllis answers her cell and doesn't tell Nick how dire the situation is - Jack gets on his cell to ask that someone come and get them out. Nick passes the phone to Daniel - who doesn't mention his dire situation either. I gotta go - love you. Nick asks Jack to level with him. She's hanging in there, Jack says (as Phyllis tries to stifle her groans). She's coming out now - Jack!

Speeding to the hospital, Nick instructs Lily on how to give Daniel CPR - completely seal your mouth over his - can you handle it? Keep going til we get there.

Jack calls the doctor again - I'm getting a ring tone - this is an emergency! Tell me what to do! I can see the baby's body, he shouts from between Phyllis' thighs. I have to push, Phyllis says - as Jack loses signal. If you see the chord first - pull her out - do what you have to do! she wails - Do this - this baby has to live! Jack looks terrified.

Nick carries Daniel into Memorial, plops him on the gurney - then asks the desk nurse about Phyllis (who of course hasn't arrived).

The legs are out - but Jack can't tell if they're against her head. Phyllis will push as hard as she can. Shrieking in pain, Phyllis pushes her baby out. She's alive and she's beautiful. Phyllis cradles her baby. The power is then turned on. In tears, Phyllis thanks Jack for giving her a miracle.

A grateful Lily hugs Nick. I'd do anything for that kid, Nick tells her. Phyllis is brought in on a gurney - Jack follows - baby in his arms. Who's the father? the nurse asks. I am, Nick steps up. Say hello to your baby girl, Jack hands the bundle over - then nods as Nick thanks him. He looks devastated as Phyllis mouths a silent thank you as she's wheeled out.

My Thoughts - Today's show rates an 8.75...... Never mind Vikki lying, isn't Victor stretching it a bit by saying Brad's 'a pleasure to have around'? I guess he's not including the time Brad was sharing a bed with his wife Nikki - or taking over his company - saved only by his 'golden parachute' clause ... Jenna's becoming just plain annoying with her fascination with the macabre - hard to imagine Kevin being the 'normal' one in a relationship ... Nice to see Victor take Jenna down a notch ... It may not have raised eyebrows that Brad (supposedly) took over his brother's identity - but isn't it a bit icky that he wants to sleep with a woman who reminds him of his sister? What IS it about Brad and sisters? And how could Sharon possibly be like his sister? Didn't she die when both were children? ... Smart Colleen - whine because your boyfriend treats you like a child - then sleep with the professor who then says 'I'm the adult here' ... Shouldn't the clever PI in training JT, have been able to detect that Korbel and Colleen had just had sex? Aren't there any um.. telltale signs lingering about?? ... Nice that Lily finally thanked Nick - after barking at him from the back seat like he was driving Miss Daisy... Sure Jack put the @ss in jackass - but who can't sympathize with the poor guy - clearly devastated as he handed the baby over to Nick (who'll at least hopefully offer to cover Jack's dry cleaning bill).

Next: I couldn't bear the thought of you losing another daughter, Phyllis says. It didn't happen, Nick replies.... Vikki tells Brad that he needs to know something that happened last night.. As Lauren tries to calm fussy Fen, Gloria asks Joanna to butt out so she can help Lauren. Excuse me - she's my daughter, Joanna reminds.

2006-12-19 08:26:32 · answer #1 · answered by Tra 3 · 0 0

If it is the reason and it develop into because once again the nasty *** manufacturers were attempting to push him to play an element depicting him as a gay like they look to opt for on to do to all of us lately because it truly is "IN" area of do, then i am going to completely understand his motives. I for one as a heterosexual am completely unwell of merely having to observe it, i am going to't even imagine having to play an element the position my activity may be on the line if I refused to have actual contact. by means of the undeniable fact that is i modify channels consistently because I refuse to observe shows which have it on. at the same time as all have it, i wager i am going to throw the television out altogether or watch older reruns. For the list i do not care what each person does in the back of close doorways it truly is their employer I do merely not opt for to work out it. To me staring at 2 homosexuals kissing and fondling one yet another in a sexual way isn't any a lot less offensive than seeing someone connect to a dogs or different animal because neither were created to be mutually in that way.

2016-11-27 20:33:28 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hey Brianna, do you think phyliss baby is jacks or nicks?
I think this snow storm is gonna be like the nights went out in georgia........everybody doing everybody else! wheeeewww what do you think sylvia brown is gonna tell kathrine

2006-12-19 10:25:36 · answer #3 · answered by Joyce D 2 · 0 0

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