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that I dated for 2 and 1/2 years e-mails me here and there.
I know he still cares about me a lot - I think he still loves me. I broke his heart and tore him to pieces with my marriage but now we talk every so often by e-mail. I know we probably shouldn't but I feel drawn to him - I just miss so many things about him. Sometimes I regret getting married but now my husband loves me but his family always gets in the way! My ex always makes me feel good when I've been miserable. I don't know what to do. I also think about how I'll feel if my ex got with someone and I would be so upset about it! Anyways he kinda both know we miss eachother. It truly is a battle! What should I do???

2006-12-19 07:58:03 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

44 answers

I definitelly have to tell you no. If you leave your husband for your ex, then you are just going to break a nother man's heart, and you have to think about that, it may be hard to live with that. Also, think about why you left your ex, there may be many things about him that you love, but there must have been something that made you leave him before, so dont think it might not happen again. And if you do leave your husband for your ex and find out why you left him before, and then leave him again, then you wont be able to win back your husband, and things will just not be good, soo stick with your husband hunny because you would'nt have married him unless you really loved him!

2006-12-19 08:04:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It can be hard when you know that you hurt someone in the past. Unless you hate them for some reason your always going to be drawn to your ex's because HELLO,you did love/like a lot about them at one time and more then likely those quality's are still going to be there. Be careful. There is a reason you got married and there is a reason you arn't with your x anymore. It can be easy to be distracted by the attention of another man. Becuase it's different then what your used to having all the time. Just remember the reasons that you got married and remember the things you love about your husband. Also know that you can't be married and have part of your heart wondering about someone else, When you get married you give someone all of your heart and if you can't, then maybe you should re think about things. I'm not telling you to get a divorce or anything, just look at your life and make sure that your where you want to be. If your husband isn't making you feel good about yourself you need to tell him. Alot of men don't know that they arn't doing something unless you tell them, then when they see there is a problem hopefully they try to fix it. Good Luck

2006-12-19 08:11:06 · answer #2 · answered by lilmama120306 1 · 0 0

Well you have made a big error in judgment. You should have never got married in the first place because you did so for all the wrong reasons. If you truly love your husband you will cut off all communication at once with your ex. Since you seem to be questioning everything you better tell your husband the truth and get the divorce proceedings over with before it gets worse. But please respect your husband enough to not get involved with this other person until the relationship/marriage your in right now is completely over...i.e. divorce

2006-12-19 08:20:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hi there you are married to youre husband for over 1 year and as they say the honeymoon period is over and its down to the hard work of runbning a home and dealing with the washing and all the crap that goes along with it ,its great that you have a good relationship with youre x b/f but how does he feel about you ,he could just now befriendship that he is looking for and nothing more .....you are putting a lot on the line for someone that you fancey .....even if you got with this guy the same thing could happen to that .....you need to take a step back from both of these guys and find out what you really want and i really hope you find what youre lokking for ......as for at the moment you seem a bit confused .....here is a question for you to answer ....on youre own see when you where building up to youre marriage with youre husband did youre x b/f even get thinking space ??no thought not ....you need to sort out youre marriage and put more effort into that !! good luck and take care xx

2006-12-19 08:14:05 · answer #4 · answered by a parent hows been there !! 4 · 0 0

I know how you feel. I've been married for 2 and a half years. My ex and I still talk and there's the mutual atrraction and the good times we had when we were together. However, there were some bad times and thats the reason why we're not together. I've thought about how it would be if I left my almost perfect husband for him and its not worth it. I mean how do you know whatever caused your relationship to end wont happen again? Like everyone said you NEED TO STOP TALKING TO HIM!!! When i wasnt talking to my ex for like 2 yrs i never thought about him until lately when he came back to my life. But, i plan on not talking to him anymore as soon as his medically better. Take care and don't leave your husband for someone whos not worth it.

2006-12-19 11:14:09 · answer #5 · answered by LD82 2 · 0 0

First thing, Do not over text her. She will get annoyed and if you keep telling her "TAKE ME BACK I LOVE YOU." Learn here https://tr.im/WQ7MW

She will not want you even more. You need to show her that you don't need her and can live your life without her. She still cares about you I am sure. Maybe try "flirting" with other girls around her to make her jealous. I know its bad, but if i saw my ex flirting with someone else it would make me REALLY ANGRY. However, you still need to show her you care about her too. Show her what she's missing and remind her of it. Be confident and don't show your broken heart. Try ignoring her? Girls hate that. You want her to come to you. Once she does this YOU have all the power.

She will realize what you mean to her and she will hopefully come crawling back. (I am in the same situation as you, except I am the girl trying to get my ex back). Try not to be so clingy and give her space. But try to be around so she sees you, but don't talk to her much. Keep convos short and if you txt her, which you shouldn't, then also keep it short and bland. This will be hard to do because you just want to let her in your life again, but you can't. If you show her that you are desperate to get her back, she won't go for it. Make her come to you and REMIND her of all that she is missing out on. Hope this helps. And trust me, I know how you feel. Girls usually come around easier than guys so you should be lucky. ughh wish i could say the same.

2016-07-19 19:38:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you should stay in your marriage,you made that commitment you owe it to your husband to try and make it work.Think back on why you broke you exes heart,there had to be a reason,and would you really want to go back to that?You should just completely cut off contact w/ him that way you won't be so tempted.As far as your husbands family getting in the way,I think everyone in the world has that problem w/ their spouses,it sucks but you only really have to deal w/ them now and then!I know you situation sucks,but give your marriage a chance b/c you don't want to wind up regretting another break up?!

2006-12-19 08:05:30 · answer #7 · answered by molliehollie 7 · 1 0

Stop talking to your ex! Your married now and you need to respect your marriage. Would you like it if your husband was talking to another women and ex behind your back?...Not really right, then stop doing this to yourself and your husband. Your ex is only looking for something he can't have. That's why he wants you because your taken, but the minute your available he will leave you, and your not making a good name for yourself either. You have to realize that your relationship with your ex did not work awhile back for a reason. If it doesn't work it just not worth going back. Work things out with your husband...live today, not yesterday. Tell your ex your a married woman now and have made a promise to your husband. Do this before you get caught and lose your credibility.

2006-12-19 08:06:30 · answer #8 · answered by ♪♫♫♪ 5 · 1 1

A great way to get your ex back is https://tr.im/tlKxF

They might realize they need you and come crawling back!

If you do get back together, don't let the same issues that destroyed your relationship crop up again. Have a good, long talk about how you're both going to make it right this time.

2015-01-28 11:49:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First you are married but just chatting with ur ex is no biggie, second y is ur husband family interfering in your marriage,and has he told them not to. Why did you marry your husband? for love or other reason,I think married people should stay together IF they are both completely happy but sounds like you have unfinished business you need to take care of cause if you dont you will spend the rest of your life unhappy about it.

2006-12-19 08:12:52 · answer #10 · answered by ncgirl 1 · 0 0

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