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It was just voted the #1 cash crop in America. Let me know if you think it would be beneficial to legalize it.

2006-12-19 07:17:28 · 19 answers · asked by kellie 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

19 answers

Well, the government would make BILLIONS taxing it, but our entire work ethic would be gone. Instead of going to work, most people would just sit on their couch and eat cheet-oes.

Is it worth whoring out our country?

2006-12-19 07:20:01 · answer #1 · answered by i hate hippies but love my Jesus 4 · 3 1

The criminalization of marjuana is an infringment on civil liberties considering that its no more harmfull than alchohol and tobacco. The main problem with is its a highly pleasurable substance and in a way it can be addictive as someone can be addicted to watching t.v. for example, there are also unproven links to skizoprenia, I say unproven because although a higher degree of patients with skizoprenia smoke pot none of the evidence explains what is a bi product of what. Therefore its use should be restricted. I don't see why it can't be done, I'm sure if they sat down and ironed out the potential problems it would cause and they can do it there just to stupid and lack the imagination, thats why they went in to politics, then everyone would have the liberty and freedom to enjoy the drug in moderation.

2006-12-19 15:41:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

All drugs should be legalized for at least three reasons:

1 - Criminalizing victimless crimes diverts limited law enforcement and jail resources away from real crimes. I'd rather a druggie be living next to me than a parolled murderer.

2 - The money is much more effective when spent on treatment rather than police action. If you really want to reduce drug use and you really want to help the addicts legalization and treatment is a more effective use of our limited resources.

3 - We have no moral right to be telling adults what that can do with their bodies. We are no better than the Taliban and the other muslim fanatics when we do that. And our rules are very hypocritical anyway. Alcohol and tobacco do as much damage to users as any other drugs, and most police, DEA, and judges use them.

2006-12-19 15:43:06 · answer #3 · answered by blue_prince_of_dallas 2 · 0 2

Even if it were legal who would hire your drugged up @sses? Most employers would still fire your @ss for having drugs in your system and being a danger to others in the work place. Also insurance companies would raise the insurance rate on anyone that hired you to the point that they could not afford to!

Thanks blue prince for your answer! That is exactly what would happen if you legalize one, which drug is next to be legalized. He says they all should! What a fkn joke!

2006-12-19 15:34:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Millions have died from alcohol abuse, drunk driving, domestic violence from alcohol, fights, assaults.

Millions die from tobacco cigarettes, lung cancer.

How many have died from marijuana "abuse"? Zero.

Alaska used to have legal marijuana. No one died. No problems.

Marijuana is necessary for terminally ill patients, to relieve pain. We allow morphine? why not medical marijuana?

Marijuana is good for gloucoma and eye problems.

Amsterdam has legal marijuana. What's the big deal?

America used to have defacto legal marijuana, until the police departments went crazy with enforcement.

Drug law enforcement began with arresting the Chinese for opium when they worked on the railroads. America used to have legal cocaine as an ingredient in Coca Cola. The founder of Johns Hopkins Medical School was a cocaine addict. It didn't affect his work.

Ban tobacco & alcohol, if you're really serious about banning marijuana. We tried Prohibition. It doesn't work. Drug Prohibition doesn't work either.

All legalization will do is stop America's dependency on Mexico, Columbia, Bolivia, Turkey, Afghanistan, China, for drugs. They make major profits off us. We can do it cheaper more domestically, and get tax revenues.

Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, who recently died, advocated legalization of marijuana, as a liberty issue. Freedom to Choose is his classic book. William Buckley, editor of conservative National Review, advocates legalization of marijuana. Apparently, Buckley has used marijuana, outside the 3 mile limit, to remain in compliance with American and international laws.

President Clinton used marijuana, (but he didn't inhale). President Bush almost certainly used cocaine in Texas, and had the conviction expunged and kept secret.

2006-12-19 15:31:51 · answer #5 · answered by randolfgruber 1 · 1 1

Yes I think it should, Marijuana not that bad. It helps ease people's pain. It doesn't make people go crazy and it would be beneficial for the country. We could make sure we could take some of that money to pay the debt we owe

2006-12-19 15:28:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

See , the gov. doesn't want it to be legal because the can make a profit off of it otherwise it would be legal , it has no worse effects on people than drinking or smoking , and plus it helps some people , tests show in some cases it improves brains capacity and can also cure nasea , if the gov. could make a profit off of it it would deffinately be legal , also many respectable people ssmoke it , and in canada it would be legal if the tates didn't have such a big impact on us ...

2006-12-19 15:24:17 · answer #7 · answered by lost in gun fire ...<3 1 · 1 1

I think it should be legalized and tax the crap out of it just like cigarets. If its legal to drink why cant you smoke its not as bad on the body. The only reason I dont do it is because I like my job

2006-12-19 15:25:54 · answer #8 · answered by Mac H 3 · 1 1

Absolutely. Why should the government be able to tell you what you can and can't do with your body? And bedsides, I can't think of something much more beneficial than medical purposes.

2006-12-19 15:37:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Marijuana is like a sword having two edges it can cut in either ways. in other words, it can be used for good and bad purposes. I am in favour of marijuana for its good purposes. It can save lives of people. Its used in medicine. If the same is used for bad purposes like drugging, for leisure, Then it will DEFINITELY RUIN THE COUNTRY. IT SHOULD BE USED REASONABLY.

2006-12-19 15:23:30 · answer #10 · answered by Kisan the LAWYER 2 · 1 1

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