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I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Since its my first pregnancy I am really worried about losing a baby we have wanted for years.

I am in my mid 20's, got pregnant the first cycle of trying, and very healthy. My doctor says he has no reason to believe that I cannot carry a baby to full term.

Yet, I am still worried and think about the possibility of miscarrying daily.

My husband suggested to start decorating our extra room as a nursery. He said it will help me keep my mind off of the “what if” and focus positively on the pregnancy. He wants to start picking things out for the baby and paint the room. He is confident we will be holding a baby next year.

What do you think? Is it way too early?

2006-12-19 06:48:31 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

26 answers

There really isn't a safe time in your pregnancy! You can decorate the room anytime you feel you want to. Just know if you do experience a loss the room will be a sad reminder. I'm not trying to scare you but you asked!!

2006-12-19 06:52:54 · answer #1 · answered by JS 7 · 1 0

Do what your heart tells you and don't listen to everyone else. The fact of the matter is that you are at risk for miscarriage..no matter how healthy you are. There are no guarantees. You already know that.

But that being said, why would you want to live your life as if it's going to happen. I say focus on the joy and go ahead and decorate if you want to. Otherwise, you will just be counting down the days that you don't lose the baby...does that make sense?

But society being the naysayers that they are will tell you to be prudent. I say you do what feels right for you. Be happy...it's a joyeous occassion.

EVEN IF something horrible were to happen, there's nothing wrong with having a decorated nursery. In some cultures and not so long ago, baby gifts were given at a couple's WEDDING....so talk about being early!

As for the gender thing. There is no law that says you have to decorate a boys room in footballs and blue and a girls room in pink and ballerinas. Seriously...enjoy your child being a baby and don't put so much of the focus on what's between it's legs. All babies do well with animals, the color white, and primary colors. You don't need to wait until you know what your baby is before decorating or buying clothes. I just don't get that.

Good luck!

2006-12-19 14:53:49 · answer #2 · answered by Jen 3 · 1 1

Why not. Enjoy the anticipation. Get a book that allows you to describe your thoughts, feelings and growth of the baby as you go through your gestation each week. It's quite fascinating actually. Your doctor knows you are a healthy individual. Being the first baby, being nervous is understandable, but don't worry. Enjoy this time in your life, because everyday is an experience worth writing down. By decorating it will put this process into a visual, colorful and tangible place. It is awesome! I wish you the best of luck.

2006-12-19 14:52:44 · answer #3 · answered by sno 3 · 1 0

Hi there

I am in my mid 20's also and, like you, i was freaked out about miscarriage and anything and everything else that could go wrong even though i'm young and healthy and there are no medical reasons for me to think i can't carry this baby to term!

In regards to your nusery - you do what is right for you! Some people are going to tell you its too early because you aren't past the 12wk stage - but why live life anticipating only the bad?

Personally i started buying for my baby VERY EARLY - it actually helped distract me from the "negative" thoughts because buying things for baby was just so soothing and really helped me think of all the happiness that is going to come from this darling child of mine.

I am 23 wks 2 days at the moment and have thus far had a problem-free pregnancy (apart from the general pregnancy complaints). And we have got everything that baby will need - and i do mean everything. Nappies, clothes, blankets, toys etc etc - the only thing left to do is have the car seat fitted. And this pregnancy isn't ending any time soon! lol. But i love nothing more than to sit in baby's room surrounded by everything we have for baby reading one of the many fairy-tale books that line the shelves of the room, to my baby. And each and every time i do, baby moves around (i like to think in pleasure! lol).

I still worry about things that could go wrong, but then i place my hand on my belly and it calms me instantly.

Good luck with everything - i'm sure baby will be just fine! And if you ever want someone to talk to feel free to email me!

2006-12-19 20:47:15 · answer #4 · answered by Smiley One 3 · 1 1

Honestly, honey, I think its a bit early but its completely up to you. Im 8 wks pregnant with my third and while i have never had a miscarriage I still worry about it. If you think it would make you feel better then go ahead and have your husband paint and start decorating but if you think that it would be very hard if something did happen to have the room already decorated than maybe you should wait. Congrats and Good Luck!

2006-12-19 14:58:20 · answer #5 · answered by Kristin Pregnant with #4 6 · 1 0

I think it is a little early. If you are going to find out the sex, wait until then so you can decorate boy or girl. You really might want to wait until the baby is born and you can get a feel for who you think they might be. In my experience most babies stay in the parents room or living room in a bassinet for the first few months and don't even see the inside of the baby's room until they can almost sit up ;) If you decorate now the stuff you find will be out dated by then and you will want something new to look at anyway. I know it is exciting but try to wait.

2006-12-19 14:54:56 · answer #6 · answered by Question Addict 5 · 1 0

I just found out I was pregnant yesterday, and I share all of your concerns.

This was our first cycle trying, too, and I'm so worried that this one isn't going to "stick." They say that most new mothers feel that way.

We are also both really healthy - I was actually so athletic that I didn't get my period for 8 months! I got pregnant right after getting my period back! I'm 28, so it sounds like we're in the same boat.

I'm going to start making preparations for the baby as soon as I get examined by the doctor and the ultrasound looks good. I'd hate to be a pessimist about this and miss out on all the fun until I have a huge belly!

2006-12-19 14:54:30 · answer #7 · answered by Michelle L 3 · 1 0

It's entirely up to you. I would wait on the decorating (unless you are looking for unisex options) just because of the unknown sex. I don't see why you cannot however get things for it such as a crib and what not. With me if we have the things now, then later we can get things but not get in a rush because we don't have them. I worry about miscarrying at 12 weeks still. It is very common. I think it is what a person feels. We already have our crib, bottles, diapers (newborn so far) car seat and so many other things. We are going neutral until we know for sure the sex of our child. Congratulations on the baby. Hope this helps.

2006-12-19 14:54:37 · answer #8 · answered by Kelly s 6 · 1 0

There is no special trimester that you are supposed to decorate a room for your baby. Thats up to you. If you and your husband are ready to start decorating than by all means go ahead! Be glad your husband is that excited about the baby that he wants to start already. I dont think you can ever start that to soon and I dont think you can ever be to prepared for a baby. Good luck with everything, and keep believe that everything will be great. The power of thought and prayer are amazing things.

2006-12-19 15:30:06 · answer #9 · answered by KTINA 3 · 3 0

If I were you, I'd wait until early in your second trimester. By then, you'll have most of your energy back, if you're going to find out the sex of the baby, you'll have done so and will be able to pick the colors according to the sex of the baby, and your risk of miscarriage is nearly completely gone.

Plus, if (God forbid) something DOES happen, you'll have a decorated nursery in your house and no baby to put in it. :( I'm sure things will be fine for you (every woman worries about miscarriage during the first trimester!), but in the off chance something bad does happen, you wouldn't want that painful reminder to walk past every day, would you?

2006-12-19 15:03:58 · answer #10 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 1 1

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