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It seems to me that one of the greatest fears of the pro-life crowd is that without regulation, people will use abortions as a form of birth control which I agree is wrong. So, in that line, would you favor a 3 strikes law at the state level in which a woman is allowed 3 abortions by choice (that is to say that rape victims get a free pass)?

2006-12-19 05:54:30 · 22 answers · asked by Takfam 6 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

The 4th abortion is not allowed by the state and thus the person would have to travel outside the law to get a 4+ abortion.

There is already an underground abortion trade. This would not fuel it any further as it would be at the state and not the federal level.

2006-12-19 06:00:32 · update #1

IANAL, this is merely a conceptual offering devoid of detail. Is it worth considering the concept of such a law?

2006-12-19 06:02:05 · update #2

22 answers

Sounds OK to me, but I think they should just get one chance. Since people use the excuse that the mother just made a mistake, I think you should learn after one mistake that you should keep your legs closed.

And don't you love all the people who disagree by saying "If we make abortion illegal, people will do it anyway", like that doesn't apply to ALL crimes?

2006-12-19 06:00:07 · answer #1 · answered by i hate hippies but love my Jesus 4 · 4 2

A "three-strikes" or something similar sounds like a reasonable plan to me. I really don't think there are as many women using abortion for "birth-control" as the really adamant pro-lifers would argue. After all, it can be quite a painful experience, both physically and emotionally, even for a woman who isn't ready to have a child. So I definitely don't think there are the number of women who some fear who are dashing down to have this done just because they were too lazy to take a daily pill. Yes, there have been some people who are proponents of adoption who have argued that the child should be brought into the world because there are so many parents who want a child - unfortunately, it's not just a lack of children that is holding back the adoption process, it's the expense and the strenuous regulation surrounding adoption. I think the three-strikes rule would give people some satisfaction that there is a control measure regarding abortions, while at the same time, giving women ample opportunity to correct mistakes.

2006-12-19 07:48:13 · answer #2 · answered by JenV 6 · 2 1

Honestly, if a woman has had to have 3 abortions (that weren't the result of rape), and wants another one, do we want her to be a mother? I don't think so. It may be morally terrible, but sometimes we just need to be pragmatic. There is only so much space on this world, and there are already many orphans and others without stable families - why bring another one into the world?

And it would be incredibly difficult to enforce anyway, as it would require the end of all privacy around abortions (otherwise how could a doctor know how many abortions a woman has had?) Since it would likely be the Doctor who is punished, not the woman, it would put an unreasonable burden on Doctors to verify identity, etc, and put them in constant jeopardy.

2006-12-19 06:01:48 · answer #3 · answered by waefijfaewfew 3 · 5 1

YES!! Abortion was NEVER meant to be used as birth control and I think it happens a lot more than we realize. (A buddy works for Planned Parenthood - that's why I say that)

Abortion has been turned into yet another way for people to avoid personal responsibility. There are so many methods of birth control available that there is NO excuse for multiple unplanned pregnancies.

I also favor a 3-strikes type law for ho-bags who keep dropping kids like puppies, only to have the kids end up in the foster care system. A friend used to be foster mom - she had 4 children that all had the same mother....the 4 finally got adopted, and the mother was STILL having kids. Why?!?

2006-12-19 05:59:34 · answer #4 · answered by Jadis 6 · 6 2

I think it should be outlawed PERIOD..i was raped a few years ago. If I had gotten pregnant and decided I didnt' want the baby..do you know how many parentless couples would have gladly adopted that baby. I want a baby so bad at times I could cry but I can't have any..If someone said there is this baby but he's a product of rape..do you think it would make a difference to me..crap no..ask any parentless couple who have been trying to adopt and keep getting the same "there are no infants available" speech and they would gladly tell you..I will take that baby..I don't care if it's a product or rape or "accident" or what.. BTW, if it did pass, women would be yellling false rapes just to get an abortion.

2006-12-19 07:13:15 · answer #5 · answered by chilover 7 · 3 1

I wouldn't place blame elsewhere, it would be my mistake to get pregnant and by taken the easy way out shows a steady lack of responsability. There are thousands if not millions of people out there that are unable to have children, and if I didn't take the necessary steps to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, i would put my baby with someone that would be able to give the baby what it needs. so to say 3 strikes... no; there shouldn't even be 1 strike. sorry; Pro-Life is my choice.... and no one will persuade me otherwise.

2006-12-22 09:13:28 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Well, first of all it is incumbent upon the "pro-life crowd" as you call them to actually provide evidence that women are using abortion as a form of birth control since that evidence is currently lacking. If they are successful, which I doubt, but let's suppose they are, the difficulty with your proposal is in establishing a system of reliable documentation. Would a woman be allowed 3 per clinic? per city? per state? or 3 period? And how would you verify that??

2006-12-19 05:59:34 · answer #7 · answered by jurydoc 7 · 0 1

No, I would not want a 3 strikes law for abortions. I believe that the choice of aborting a fetus is a choice between a woman and her doctor. No one else, and that includes churches, lawyers, for and againsters should be prohibited from trying to push their views on someone else.

I had the option to choose with my children and for each I chose to bring them into this world. I did not have to worry if I would have enough food to feed myself or my children. If I did, I might have chosen differently.

I say to all those that want women to have children they do not want, if you convince a woman to have that child, you take that child and raise it. Don't force the woman to have the child against her wishes and then blame her for not being able to support and nurture the child.

2006-12-19 06:06:49 · answer #8 · answered by c.s. 4 · 1 2

That would be a good Idea, or limits,
The doctors could probe, see if you have any STD's that could be passed to the baby,

you know the doctors, could probe and find out the reason for the abortion, and either deny or approve the abortion,

But something the pro-lifer's need to ralize, is EVERYTHING can have that outcome,

Do honestly not think that by outlawing abortion the ally and coat-hanger abortions will cease.
HELL NO they are only going to increase.

2006-12-19 06:00:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I would hate to tell you but most abortions today are secondary birth control. In the 40 years of my life I have known many women who have had abortions; white women, black women...

In every case it was because..."oops, I'm pregnant!"

The condom breaks or the pill didn't work or they weren't using birth control. I am sure that there are very few of you out there that know a woman who's life was in danger and she had no choice.

Abortion is selfish and all of you who believe in it, your mother should have aborted you.

"Smile, you could be dead."

2006-12-19 06:54:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

It is not of the goverments business how many abortions a woman has. It is her choice and her business. Abortion should be free until the 3nd month.
Please educate yourself and look at European coutries like the Netherlands or Switzerland where abortion is legal. Women are NOT using it as contraception - they use it as the last option in a desperate situation.

2006-12-19 06:24:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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