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13 answers

At first they had their place and did allot of good to change American industry and labor for the better. Now they are more about power and a political agenda than about their roots. Now they are over all a detriment for the US and our lack of manufacturing has been driven out of country by stubborn unions.

2006-12-19 05:48:48 · answer #1 · answered by dem_dogs 3 · 0 1

Unions have been good for some of the American people and the American economy for a period of time. However, if one looks at the membership of Union over the past years, it has been in decline while the American economy chucks right along with general upward trend. All else being equal, while it is still doing some good for some people in some industry, by and large, it is not doing much good for the American economy.

2006-12-20 00:46:57 · answer #2 · answered by ele81946 3 · 0 0

Unions workers for the economy create greater inefficiencies and raise prices on other consumers buying union made products.
Also, unions had a purpose 100 years ago when working meant life or death. Now in the 21st unions don't really do much for the worker because the Union Bosses will take your Union Dues and spend it in Vegas.
Unions should exist because its freedom assembly allowed in the constitution, but Unions are bad for the economy long term because erodes competitiveness of workers, and not always low skilled workers in Union airline pilots made 160k a year flying planes, Athletes make millions with Unions. Unions is bad for the American consumer that is non-union, and bad for workers that are more talented in the field and because of seniority don't get paid the premium for the work.

2006-12-19 16:53:27 · answer #3 · answered by ram456456 5 · 0 1

Yes. Earlier last century, they really helped get better working conditions, pay and benefits for the workers, who really were being treated poorly.

In the latter half of of the 20th century though, they went too far, and obtained too generous of pay and benefits for what was essentially low skilled work. That has gotten companies like Ford and GM in trouble now, as they have these legacy benefits that are hurting them.

The unions also started working to protect jobs to unreasonable lengths, often requiring companies to keep workers on staff who had little in the way of job duties. We've all heard stories about union rules requiring an electrician to stay on work sites to maintain the power system, which was essentially throwing the switch at the beginning or end of every day, etc.

I think their time has passed.

2006-12-19 14:42:56 · answer #4 · answered by Uncle Pennybags 7 · 0 0

All of the answers above pretty much sum it up.
Initially, unions were beneficial because they gave employees a platform and power to negotiate for much needed improvements in working conditions.

Today, however, they are completely unneccesary and are ruining the American economy. They add too much to companies' cost structures and make it impossible for American companies to compete globally.

Need evidence? Compare Nissan to Ford or GM. Two of them have unionized labor, one doesn't. Can you guess which?

2006-12-19 14:46:02 · answer #5 · answered by Time to Shrug, Atlas 6 · 1 0

No. I believe that was one example of how the road to hell is paved with good intention.

Unions have become money and power hungry entities that can easily send and employer out of business, thereby hurting the very employees they were meant to protect.

For example: I work in the construction trade. I need a sidewalk bridge installed. The union price for the job is $59,172.75. A non-union, yet fully insured company, with an impecable reputation, does the same job for $14,900. The same job, same insurance, but non of the political bigwigs getting rich off the honest workers.

With the economy as it is, who do you think the client is going to chose?

2006-12-19 13:48:20 · answer #6 · answered by CJ 3 · 0 1

Working conditions, wages and benefits and on job safety and health can all be bettered with unions.

Historically, unions helped increase the size of the middle class which helps to drive the economy.

Unions, now on the decline, will always be needed to equal out the power inequality between the boss and the little guy.


2006-12-19 23:05:50 · answer #7 · answered by zingis 6 · 0 1

I come from a family of union workers and they have been great for us. But to truly answer this I suggest you read the book "Memories of Another Day." This book really puts work conditions and wages into prospective for those un-familiar.

2006-12-19 13:48:11 · answer #8 · answered by Patrinka E 1 · 0 1

Hell Yes! We need more unions every where in the world. Its the only way to get your boss to take you and your co-workers seriously and get the wages and benefits that you deserve.

Most of us go to our jobs and bust our asses 40 hours (or more) a week we deserve respect. The only way to get that respect is by being active in a union.

2006-12-19 22:27:39 · answer #9 · answered by woo-lee 2 · 0 2

they were until they got to big and started to just care about there bottom line. of course the regan administration did not help at all

2006-12-19 16:42:40 · answer #10 · answered by robert s 3 · 0 0

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