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This goverment will pass any piece of PC legislation, that the clique they represent tells them to pass. The gay lifestyle is one of promiscuity that is at odds with bringing up young children, young boys especially need a strong father figure and moral guidance. This law should be repealed as it doesnt put the child first it puts the self absorbed persecution complex gay community at its centre. Its like a new toy for the gays, so they will tranfer all their hang ups and bad personality traits on to an innocent child that enters the world not knowing what it should be.

2006-12-19 05:12:11 · 22 answers · asked by asdfsdfsdf a 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Willow and JenD. If you read the point you would see i am specifically talking about young boys, your ignorance of not acknowledging strong father figure is required in a young males childhood is scarey. Gay pursuits are at odds with a typical father figure, who can the young lad go to when he talks about girlfriends, to one of his gay dads who will be able to advise him on cottaging and then to the other about pink curtains. Wake up and smell the coffee you pair of faghags.

2006-12-19 05:27:54 · update #1

Curious. You breathe rarified air the PC bubble that you exist in. You are a num nugget, if one fail breath you claim to know alla about the sexual shenanigans of heterosexuals and then claim gays will make better parents. You are obviousley a social worker with you finger on the pulse of an inebriated drunk namely yourself, lay off the drink you old alchie.

2006-12-19 05:37:57 · update #2

22 answers

only a man and a woman can manage to create a child and therefore i truly believe a child should not live with 2 adults that conform outside of this agenda.

children with 2 mums or 2 dads have a life of persecution ahead, and despite the fact they might be treasured loved and really cared for, other children would always single them out for abuse, because thats nature,

you wear the wrong trainers these days your life is made a misery, what is it going to be like for having 2 dads???

its wrong and we shouldnt panda to the needs of a few selfish people that think the world evolves around them,

2006-12-19 09:42:24 · answer #1 · answered by ploppy pants 3 · 1 4

To say a gay man cannot bring out children because there is no father figure means that children of single mothers, orphan children, and divorced parents are all going to have serious issues growing up. EU and Government legistation were not based on PC issues but academic research which proved without doubt that children of gay parents, single mothers, single fathers, orphan children raised by relatives, all grow up fine. It is not the figure status nor amount of people looking after a child, but the time and love given to the child growing up. And if some gay men are more feminie, some may argue that they can take both roles even better.

I know you have made up your mind and no one will win this argument with you but if you are very passionate about this, read the research one the fitness of gay parents from psychology journals and academic sites.

2006-12-23 13:00:16 · answer #2 · answered by Fadi S 2 · 1 0

I am a gay person but I believe a child should be brought up by a mother-figure and a father-figure but am open to persuasion. Many people, especially gay males, are particularly close to their mothers and prefer to confide in them and that was and is certainly the case for me. I must however take issue with some of what you say. Firstly you state that gay people are promiscuous. Are you seriously suggesting that this is not the case with many straight people? Don't half of all marriages end in divorce? So straight people have no right to cast the first stone where this issue is concerned. Yes people are gay or straight but their personas are not confined to that fact.

2006-12-22 14:02:46 · answer #3 · answered by Paranormal I 3 · 0 0

Great. OK, here's the reality: Gays don't make any worse parents than straights. Bad parenting is not exclusive to any particular community. As a psychiatric nurse, I dealt with people who had spent a lot of their childhoods being molested by HETEROSEXUAL parents (usually their fathers.. imagine). Most child molesters are also heterosexual. There are parents out there who steal, use drugs, are alcoholics, cheat on each other, never hold a job and engage in physical abuse. Or just leave after their children are born. The fact is, any sort of caring, loving relationship based on mutual trust, respect and unconditional love will produce well-adjusted children. Sexual orientation isn't learned behavior, but how we treat each other and our attitudes toward the world ARE learned behaviors. Frankly, I feel sorry for you and sorrier for your children.

2006-12-19 13:37:55 · answer #4 · answered by link955 7 · 4 0

By making a blanket statement that the "gay lifestyle" is one of promiscuity and that gay men are queens shows that your lack of knowledge. I would hazard to say that you know no openly gay people or know very few.

As for gay people making bad parents, I can tell you for a fact they don't. I have a cousin who's mother is gay and yet he turned out quite successful. He runs his own business, has a wife (Yup he turned out hetero) and two sons, the fact his father had very little impact on his life means little.

The fact of the matter is children do well when they live in stable loving families, whether they be gay or not. If a parent is promiscuous be they gay, hetero, bi, vegetairian, carnivore, or whatever it is detrimental to the child. All parent's tend to pass on their personality traits, be they good or bad. I would imagine that if you have any children they're homophobic as well. Sexual orrientation has o effect on someone's parenting skills, it falls to a person's character. Caring and generous people tend to be better parents and selfish and unloving ones.

Personally with the amount of unloved children out in this world I would applaud anyone who would take the time and effort to love and raise them.

2006-12-19 13:35:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

All things considered, can they really be any worse than a hetero couple? Granted, they won't necessarily get the standard family unit with the 2.4 children, but that's an outdated model of a massively prejudiced society.The important thing is that they be competent parents, able to sustain the child and able to take on the responsibility. As long as they meet the same criteria as a heterosexual couple, there's no reason why they shouldn't.

2006-12-19 13:29:24 · answer #6 · answered by Shadebug 3 · 2 0

First of all "Jennifer D" your just jealous that your an ugly biatch that would never be addressed as a "queen". You know you really are a typical American ****.

Second of all you really need to be a little more accepting and understanding, after all this is not a choice for many people, and those that do choose to take it up the bum, have mostly ALREADY been married and had kids, believe me I have had many a married man. (See you women are to blame some times)

The ol switcharoonie!!!!!!

2006-12-20 11:28:23 · answer #7 · answered by GARY WARY 2 · 0 1

first i want to say that this question is a bit offence saying that all gays are not fit to be fathers is not exactly the choice of words i would use. However, i see where your comming from yes some are a little more feminine than others and it may be like having 2 mothers than fathers. With the diversity in todays american culture weather not they will make it in the world is not a issue everyone can find a way in there own way. Also saying that gays have bad personality traits and hang ups that they will pass is also very offensive and you should watch your choice of words. Try to remember that being gay is not a choice thay made just one god made for them.

2006-12-19 13:19:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Bull effin s.h.i.t. ... what a tosser you are. Sorry but fickin ell.

People are people. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they want to make others gay - you moron. The most promiscuous people I know are hetrosexual. Gay people can bring up well adjusted children just as anyone hetrosexual can. In fact, I think they can bring up a child a lot better than a hetrosexual.

What a load of ole flannel you speak

Sweetie, how gorgeous you are. I just love it when you speak to me. You obviously have been peeping through my window to know that I have my glass full of wine. What a peeping tom you are. Didn't I say that 'gays' make better parents? You obviously know this and are trying to fool everyone else. It doesnn't matter what sexual orientation people are, they can bring children up just as well as anyone else. A gay man knows more about girlfriends inner thoughts than any macho man, and would be in a better position to advise his son, or daughter for that matter.

Oh come on ask another question so that I can answer you. You know you love me.

2006-12-19 13:26:54 · answer #9 · answered by Curious39 6 · 2 4

While ideally a mother and father together bringing up children would be best, this is obviously not an ideal world and I would rather see a child being brought up by a homosexual than a violent father. And it isnt fair to generalise homosexuals.

2006-12-19 14:22:07 · answer #10 · answered by scattycat 3 · 1 1

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