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29 answers

You have not to ask that....bcoz it has not a certain reply.
Not all chilbirths are the same, and no all circumstances are the same .
Dont pay attention to the ones that can tell you that is very painful....and dont think that can be very easy either.
Just , i mean....that there arent 2 equals.
Dont think about it too much....and dont ask too many pple about that , in that case you'll get confused, bcoz all the replies will be different.Think that most of us..........have more than 1 kid, so..it cant be so much bad .
The only thing i can tell you, is, that in spite of the way your baby born,,,,,,,it will be the most marvelous experience you'll get along all your life.
So, prepeare yourself to enjoy that moment, and to help ur kid to arrive safe and with happiness

Good luck for both.......and

Merry Christmas

2006-12-19 05:12:56 · answer #1 · answered by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6 · 1 0

All childbirth is different. It depends on a lot of different things. If it's a difficult birth it will be painful.My 1st son had complications and I tore very badly and hemorrhaged. But that was manly because he weighed almost 10 lbs. My 3rd and last child was a nice 7lbs 3oz and was no pain at all. She slide out in 1 push. The only problem i had with her is that the Dr. almost didn't make it into the delivery room in time to deliver her. In other words there is no normal and there really isn't anything you can expect. What i did that helped was watch "A Baby's Story" on TLC. It comes on about noon or so. It has a bunch of different situations. Good luck. I'm sure everything will be fine.

2006-12-19 13:09:12 · answer #2 · answered by Kristin B 2 · 1 0

It is different for everyone and yes, they do have pain meds to help you with the pain. No one can truly tell you what you will experience unfortunately. We can all tell you it hurts big time.

I ended up having to have a C-Section. If I had to do it all over again, I would have opted for that from the start. However, though you don't feel as much pain during delivery, it is excrutiating the day after, Plus, I kept passing out and my blood pressure went so low they thought they'de have to give me a blood transfusion.

BUT-my son is now almost 19 months. I honestly have a very hard time remembering the pain, especially when he smiles at me with that sweet "Mommy I love you" smile. The pain you felt to bring your child into the world, will never even come close to the joy they bring to your new world.

Congrats and good luck really! Try just not to worry so much about the pain, and just focus on the happiness. Why rob your precious minutes during pregnancy worrying about that anyway!

2006-12-19 13:10:39 · answer #3 · answered by Singthing 4 · 1 0

Some people say it is the worst pain you will ever feel and the easiest to forget. I was terrified and had back labor, they gave me drugs and i felt nothing for 13.5 hours. then I had a c- section and ya know what! the whole thing was not all that bad and worth it. if your scared you will have it built up so much that you will look back and say wow better then i expected. expect alot of trained people around telling you what to do LISTEN TO THEM
thats why they are there. They will get you through with as little pain and fear as they can. Labor and delivery is nothing compared to the first sickness, croup, that wonderful diaper or the barf on the only clean dress you had for the dinner party starting in 20 min, the first day of school when they dont look back getting on the bus, or when the bus is 5 min late dropping the munchkin off...Try looking to the good, the first smile, first steps first words, starting to talk like an adult to adults again < my daughter is 14 and im just starting to say bathroom instead of potty> ... GOOD LUCK and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

2006-12-19 13:17:59 · answer #4 · answered by loveamouse7767 2 · 1 0

I elected to have an epidural and then it didn't work for me, so I basically had natural childbirth anyway. I will just say this to you-I have suffered from anxiety problems all my life. I build things up in my mind until they are massive proportions...so I really thought in some part of my mind that there was no way I could give birth, I thought I wasn't going to make it. But then when it was all said and done, it wasn't actually as bad as I had feared. Childbirth is very hard, very painful, and sometimes very long. There may be times when it seems there is no end in sight. But just remember that it will eventually be over, and that when it is, you'll have the joy of holding your new baby. That's what gets you through it.

2006-12-19 13:12:18 · answer #5 · answered by AshletD 2 · 1 1

I went through 9 months of nausea and then I was overdue so I was induced. They gave me an epidural on the second day, (FINALLY) and the nurse thought she was so smart that she'd let my epidural run out halfway through the day. I went through some of the worst pain I've ever felt, and thought it was what I would feel even with the epidural. It's bad, I tell you. The contractions are excruciating. That's what hurts so bad.

I ended up getting a C-section. The recovery sucked. From what I hear, having the baby through your birth canal isn't that bad. I was afraid of the pain of actually pushing the baby out, but that's not what hurts. It's the contractions that hurt. But it's manageable, and the epidural makes a BIG difference.

It's scary, but you'll be okay. I spent months worrying about how bad it would hurt, but even though it's painful, the months of sleepless nights and breastfeeding put it in perspective.

Good luck, hon! You are going to be fantastic, and after it's over, you'll have a love that compares to none... no pet, no man, no nothing compares to the love you feel when you first get your hands on that baby.

2006-12-19 13:12:02 · answer #6 · answered by feistycharley 3 · 1 0

I don't want to scare you. I've had 2 children. My son naturally
and my daughter via c-section after going through several hours of labor.
Labor is VERY PAINFUL if you don't ask for pain killers.
I wanted to be brave and do the natural thing because I'd heard it was better for the baby. I endured 34 hours of labor with my son, before I begged the doctors to knock me out. (They gave me an epidural, instead).
The pain, at first, is no big deal. For a few hours it will feel like really bad period cramps. Then it gets much worse.
There was a movie I saw once with Sigourney Weaver in it.
Alien babies clawed and ripped the human mother to bits emerging from the abdomens of the mothers. It gets to the point where that image appears very mild.

2006-12-19 13:33:28 · answer #7 · answered by txharleygirl1 4 · 1 0

Well it's different for everyone. My mom had seven children and said no two were alike. I just had my baby four months and ago, and they don't call it labour for nothing. The worst part for me was the contractions, especially once they got closer together and longer. The pushing actually felt good compared to the rest of it. It only took for pushed to get her out. I also did this all natural with no epidural. In the city I live in in Canada, that option is not offered at the hospital here. I'd have to drive an hour away to get one. I would do all natural again if that helps. Good luck.

2006-12-19 13:06:42 · answer #8 · answered by kksundin 2 · 1 0

It is different for everyone. It depends on your pain tolerance, some woman say it is worse than others. I have a friend who enjoyed it! Not me, I had good ole back labor I thought my back was going to rip in half with every contraction. A actual contraction to me felt like a horrible cramp that would radiate to my back than go away until the next contraction. I could have handled the pain if I did not have the back labor. As soon as the baby is out all the pain goes away.

2006-12-19 13:17:13 · answer #9 · answered by cliffhanger 3 · 1 0

Well, it really depends on who you ask and if you're going to be having medicine, etc. And every birth is different. No one can even begin to explain what can happen to you because no one will know...till it happens.

For me, I had an epidural...just enough so it didn't hurt VERY bad, but I still felt TONS of pressure (I'm sure no where NEAR the amount a natural birthing mother will feel). The most exhausting and painful part was the first 18 hours BEFORE I got an epidural. I had contractions that were 5 minutes apart for 15 hours so that meant NO sleep for me that night...then, they went to 3 minutes after my water broke right before I was off to the hospital.

Now, pushing was quite painful...more emotionally. I felt that she was never going to come out and I wsa trying my hardest! I pushed most of the time with the nurse and she was great, but the doctor walked in and made a comment to me and I almost kicked him in his head (since my feet were already close by in stirrups). He said, "Oh, come on. You can do better than that!" I was so mad! This wasn't football practice. And I could NOT do better than that. Turns out, her head was stuck...after 1.5 hours of pushing. Part of the way through, I said, "I'm starting to get a lot of pain and I don't want you to cut me when I can feel it." He wanted to at first, and got this HUGE needle. I wanted to die right there. Then, he set them and the scissors down. I said, "Are you going to cut me?" He said in the smartest voice I've ever heard, "Well, I wasn't planning on it unless you want me to!" I was so MAD!!! He tried to shake my hand and tell me congrats after and I just glared at him. I have the worst temper too but I didn't want to embarass anyone in the room so I bit my tongue. My mom came back with the comment, "Well, the one time you keep your mouth shut is when you should've said something!" That made me laugh, but again, it's just a difference experience. the pain is different for everyone. Just don't worry about it too much. Don't listen to the stories people tell you about the HORRIBLE pain b/c you'll work yourself up over nothing. And trust me, it's ALL going to be worth it.

2006-12-19 13:10:51 · answer #10 · answered by Hootie562 3 · 1 0

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