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Ive just had my date through for my 20 week scan. Im really excited. What can i expect to happen and how long does it take?

2006-12-19 04:46:20 · 5 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

5 answers

At the 20 week scan, they will take a whole bunch of pictures via ultrasound/sonogram! They take somethign like 100 pictures, and usually take about 45 minutes or so. Your doctor might want you to be wearing a hospital gown, however my doctor just tucked my pants down a bit and pulled my shirt upwards a bit as well.
At this appt/ultrasound, you will be able to find our the sex of the baby if you want to know. Sometimes the baby will not be 'cooperative' and have its legs crossed or not be moving around too much. To help out a bit, try drinking a bit of caffine abotuo an hour before your appt. This will get the baby moving a bit. (Even though they say caffine isnt good for you or the baby...small amont sof it will not hurt either of you...it is safe to drink up to 4 sodas a day or 3 cups of coffee...thats what my doctor told me). If the baby is moving, there is a better chance of the technician being able to see hte right 'parts' to tell the gender.

The technician will also measure certain things on the baby and check all of the major organs. Its amazing how much they can tell by those little blurrs on teh screen. The whole time you get to watch on the monitor and see your baby squirming around and everything. It is very cool. The technician should answer all of your questions...EXCEPT they are not allowed to tell you if somethign is wrong with the baby/pregnancy. They will get a doctor to tell you all of that stuff...and a doctor will usually tell you right away, or give you a call the next day. If you do not hear anything/any news...then everythign is good to go usually. They usually dont wait until your next appt to tell you those types of things...so dont worry abotu that. :)

But if you want to know what teh tech is looking at, just ask...alot of times, they are 'zoomed in' so much onto one specific part (the spine for example), that you will have no clue as to what part of your baby it is...but if you ask "Hey...whats that part?" they will tell you what it is and everything. (I asked a million questions).

Also, they will typically give you 4 or 5 pictures/printouts of your baby. The usual pictures you will get is one of the feet, one of the profile of the face (possibly even sucking his thumb if your baby is doing that at the time), one of the profile of hte whoel body (where yu can see his spine) and one of hte face lookijng right at you, and one of the sex if you want to know what you are having. These pictures vary as well, depending on how your baby is positioned and whether or not it is moving.

Good luck and have fun with it...it is a great thing to witness!!!

2006-12-19 07:16:26 · answer #1 · answered by Kelly J 3 · 0 0

It takes a long time--45 mins about--this is when they take all the necessary measurements of the organs and some of the bones and check for some abnormalities and illnesses as well. They will also check your placenta to make sure it is in the right spot. Sometimes, the sex can be determined. It's nice to have your significant other with you to share in seeing your baby in this much detail. They may ask you to drink 16-20 oz of water an hour ahead of time too--it can allow them to get better details of the cervix and placenta. It doesn't hurt though--they may poke and jab at you a bit if the baby is not cooperating--but don't worry--it doesn't hurt you or the baby. Good luck!

2006-12-19 13:00:08 · answer #2 · answered by gspmommy 3 · 0 0

Usually at the 20 week scan they can tell the sex...IF the baby is in a good position to see. Be cautioned that if they tell you it's a boy then it probably is since they have to see the external boy parts..if they tell you it's a girl or thry think it is then there is a bigger chance of them being wrong.

At about 20 weeks it really starts looking like a baby. You can make out most body parts in detail!
I am at 34 weeks and TIRED of being pregnant!
good luck!

2006-12-19 12:50:11 · answer #3 · answered by jachooz 6 · 0 0

about 15-20 minutes.

You go in, you get naked, put on a gown, and lay on the table and they use a sonogram to view the baby. Its much like the doppler your doctor uses to listen to the heart beat.

You can have people there with you, the father and your parents or what not.

You get to watch everything on the screen, generally you also get some photos, and the tech points everything out to you.

This is also where you find out the gender if you're wanting to know.

2006-12-19 12:49:22 · answer #4 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 0 0

15-20 min congrats

2006-12-19 12:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by barrett_s22 3 · 0 0

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