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22 answers

Maybe because their minds are so set on their video games and t.v and they really have no idea whats out there.

Or maybe their parents are to anal to let them go out and accually experience things.

2006-12-19 04:32:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I have heard enough of them whine about being bored to know that many are lacking what the older generation had...the ability to be creative without having a lot of money. We played with whatever we could find and had fun. I believe some of the most successful adults became that way because they were bored as children and learned to entertain themselves, either by being a class clown, an artist, a writer, an inventor, etc. Boredom is good when it teaches children learn to use their minds and imaginations instead of having parents who buy things to fill that need.

2016-05-23 07:34:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now, in general, material things and facilities fill up the physical and mental demands of the kids but due to to much businesses and various competitions of the prevailing civilization, parents fail to introduce and nurse the spiritualities of the kids. So, the kids become bored of something what they can't detect and the parents also can't understand. We forget that human being is not like cattle or other animals; human being has some other entities also and that is spirituality. We try to calculate everything by figures and logics. But life is not exactly like that. Life has many things that can't be understood or regularize by logics and figures.

2006-12-19 04:45:45 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. Shaheen Rayhan 1 · 0 0

Kids will always get bored sometimes, nothing seems to interest them, can't do much about that.

But it's up to parents to get them in the interested mode, foster a sense of activity and exploration in their lives. Do things together and go out instead of watching TV and videos and computer games.

Parents are so wound up with the risks of the outside world that they are frightened of their children seeking the world outside the home.

Parents should actively encourage their children to read, to have a hobby that really interests them and preferrably something that involves them interacting with other people.

Starting at an early age.

Then it stays with them for the rest of the lives.

And then they would not get bored most of the time :-)

2006-12-19 04:42:55 · answer #4 · answered by john015436 2 · 1 0

I remember being a kid and ALWAYS being outside, playing tag, freedom, softball, all sorts of fun games. All the kids in the area got together and found things to do. I think it has a lot to do with the violence in the world, parents are afraid to let there kids be outside alone. Then there is todays technology. Computers, video games etc. The world has become a very sad, scarey place over the years.

2006-12-19 04:43:23 · answer #5 · answered by mom*2 4 · 0 1

i think the entire Western civilization PrePrograms the minds of kids to FAIL. this way those that have Power can maintain power and give it only to iniates.
However now and then there are those that defy all conspiracy, maybe because they are touched by God and Have Faith enough to overcome.
If someone is bored, all they have to do is make a goal and determine to complete all obstacles in obtaining that goal. I guarantee most people will succeed.

2006-12-19 04:33:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because parents today have spoon fed their kids entertainment from the moment of birth. We believe that our kids exist to be made happy and for no other purpose.

We do not tell our kids to get off their increasingly large butts to help around the house with chores or to pick up the Twinkie wrappers they've dropped all over because the parents see themselves as the kids' willing slaves. And if our kids say, "We're bored!", parents today rush to find a way to keep the kids entertained when our parents would have told us to find something to do. No longer do we expect our kids to 'find something to do' -- we give them tv, dvds, video games, all of of which are passive entertainment.

And in school, we have abandoned tried and true teaching methods (like memorizing the multiplication tables) for teaching that does not challenge (lest anyone's self esteem be harmed) in favor of 'Learning has to be FUN!"

Our kids' lives are stuffed with fun and entertainment to the detriment of everything else. We are creating a bunch of lazy slobs with a sense of entitlement and no sense of responsibility.
So today our kids never learn to challenge themselves, to amuse themselves, to find something to do that is not handed to them. They learn what we have taught them -- to be expect to be passively amused by others at all times.

2006-12-19 04:41:01 · answer #7 · answered by Karen L 3 · 1 0

I was bored when I was a kid, geezzz, 20 years or so ago. My dad couldn't figure it out either....as he used to be amused hanging out on the corner, pitching pennies with his friends.

Today, hanging out on the corner isnt' an option for most kids. It's dangerous. We are stuck indoors, safe. Kidnappers, pedophiles....that stuff didn't happen years ago. Now kids are kept indoors....and that can be very unfulfilling creatively. And boring after the first 10 years!

2006-12-19 04:32:24 · answer #8 · answered by nottashygirl 6 · 0 1

I agree there is loads to do and see. I think that their parents may not have shown them to how see and do these things. If you show a child the beauty of nature etc. You plays lots of games with them, etc., they will grow into fulfilling and happy adults and not be bored.

2006-12-19 04:34:09 · answer #9 · answered by patsy 5 · 1 0

Because they're spoon-fed "entertainment", and not forced to be creative.

Books make you imagine the imagery. So does radio. Games like cards and board games and role-player games all make you imagine and create.

Movies and TV and video games leave much less to the imagination. No creativity, just consumption. As a result, if kids don't have these, they don't know how to be creative on their own.

2006-12-19 04:32:55 · answer #10 · answered by TimmyD 3 · 0 1

thats thier problem there is so much to do that they don't want to do it,
I have noticed that kids are getting lazier and lazier every year..
when my kids complain that they are bored, i make them do house work...lol did that for about a month and she don't say she's bored anymore she always finds something to do cause she don't want to do house work.

2006-12-19 04:31:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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