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I do admit slapping him before when I was drunk, and I kicked him and demanded to be let out of a taxi on vacation in another country all after drinking heavily, and last night he said I threatened him with an empty wine bottle, but don't you think he's being too hard on me? I LOVE HIM

2006-12-19 04:01:03 · 33 answers · asked by Helene H 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

33 answers

You need help. Look at your behavior! If you love him, get the help you need to quit drinking, stay away from the alcohol! Your life will be better and you will be happily married!

2006-12-19 04:06:31 · answer #1 · answered by lilmama 4 · 0 0

I'm surprised he's your fiancee for one thing. I was involved with an alcoholic once...for seven months. I knew within one date when I saw that she couldn't put down the bottle for even one minute. She never got better...and I shaved myself of that dumbass responsibility...it's pointless when the other person doesn't think they have a problem...which is obviously your problem as well.

Why is it that alcoholics always think everyone else has a problem? Can't they see how stupid and illogical that is?

I love to drink...I love to get drunk. But I don't crave it...ever. I drink probably 3-4 times a month, maybe. Most people are probably like this...they may or may not drink more than that. But that isn't the point. It's not HOW MUCH you drink. It's that you HAVE TO. Understand?

Get help...if not...leave him alone. You don't even love yourself enough to understand that you are damaging your body so how can you love someone else? Answer: You can't. Get help and good luck.

2006-12-19 05:18:02 · answer #2 · answered by jables 1 · 0 0

If you are sitting at your desk craving alcohol then you have a problem and need to be looking for the local AA meeting. No he's not and has every right to not marry you. Baby girl, you need help. Don't you see your drinking is causing you to be abusive and no telling what else you are doing when you are drunk and don't remember. Get the help you need now before you lose more than your fiance.

2006-12-19 04:04:16 · answer #3 · answered by kitcat 6 · 2 0

I understand exactly what you are going thru b/c I have gone thru the same thing myself. I have slapped and punched and bit by fiance and it drove him to clock me once too. I pushed him too far and it was the last time I ever got physically angry with him. That didn't make everything all better but it really woke us both up. I still get angry when I'm drunk but have realized that I have ALOT of anger inside me and I take it out on him even though he doesn't deserve it. You know what they say, you always hurt the one you love....I have alot of personal issues that just come out when drinking, anger from old relationships and deaths in my life. I know I need therapy and maybe that's something you should think about to. I am lucky to have a man that loves me enough to stick thru this with me and you should feel the same. So he's not going to marry you yet, he hasn't left you has he???

2006-12-19 04:27:31 · answer #4 · answered by Jess 2 · 0 0

You have to be kidding, right? You have done all those things to him while you were drinking heavily and you think he is being hard on you [you love him] well little girl, I'd kick your a.. to the curb in a minute. He isn't being hard enough on you YOU DO HAVE A PROBLEM MAYBE TWO PROBLEMS11 What would you do if the shoe was on the other foot, and he was treating you like this, but he [loved you]?

2006-12-19 04:10:35 · answer #5 · answered by inmate3685 4 · 0 0

If you love and respect him , you will respect his opinion and feelings, personally if you slapped me I would have sent you packing. You got mad in another country and got out of the cab.. do you realize how many woman are raped and killed or put into prostitution in our own let alone other countries. Wake up smell the coffee, be glad hes still there because if you keep up the way you are he wont be for long. and then what you get drunk and run someone off the road and kill them. have a baby born an alicholic. end up in jail or dead wow that will show him he was wrong

2006-12-19 04:08:41 · answer #6 · answered by loveamouse7767 2 · 0 0

Didn't you already post a question about this like an hour ago?

GET HELP! You are just looking for someone to tell you that you are ok and that it is alright for you to be physically abusive toward him when you get drunk. If he was doing these things to you, you would have called the police and had him taken to jail by now. I am guessing you would have decided not to marry him too.

If you love him like you say, get the help that he asked you to get and try to repair the damage you have done because you are unable to control your alcohol consumption.

2006-12-19 04:07:49 · answer #7 · answered by PDH 4 · 1 0

Until you are ready to admit that you have a problem with alcohol, things will continue the way it will go or worse! PERIOD!! Sometimes it takes people that's closest to us to make us have rude awakenings as it were. Your fiance' seems to love you very much & is very concern for your welfare as well. Listen to him w/your whole heart & mind & hopefully you're sober communicating w/him. He is not being hard on you. If you continue on this path, you could lose him for good but worse, you will see yourself w/major illnesses due to your alcohol consumption like liver or kidney disease and/or failure, which will lead you in an EARLY GRAVE!!! Is alcohol worth more than your man?? Something to think about!


2006-12-19 04:11:54 · answer #8 · answered by LuvlyOne 3 · 0 0

AMAZING HE IS STILL WITH YOU! I was married to a woman like that and left her. It's amazing when a guy hits a girl (Which is very wrong by the way) he gets He**! But when a girl does it, it's O.K.!! The emotional part of the beating is still there. My ex-wife use to drink and get violent as well. I divorced her and got he kids due to the SAME kind of behavior that you have, get some help and fast.

2006-12-19 04:39:16 · answer #9 · answered by gernblanston 2 · 0 0

He's not being hard on you at all, in my opinion. It seems all he's asking is for you to grow up and straighten yourself out before he's willing to make a lifetime commitment to you. That's completely reasonable.

If you're a drunk and you're abusive to your partner, do you really think anyone in their right mind would want to be with you? Would you be happy with someone who treated you that way?

Try putting yourself in his shoes for a moment and think about how you'd feel to have a drunk woman hitting and kicking you.

2006-12-19 04:08:41 · answer #10 · answered by Heather C 2 · 1 0

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