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16 answers

'Intelligent and Honest Neo-Conservatives.. . . .....Please explain the Beginnings and Foundation of Christian Fundamentalism in the U.S. government ??

2006-12-19 03:46:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Islam started around the 7th Century A.D. Like any other religion, there have been radical elements and moderate elements.

The term "radical Islam" these days usually has an inference to anti-Western zealots, some of whom become terrorists. Anti-Western feelings in many Arabic and Muslim lands can be tied to the Age of Colonialism, where European "Christian" powers invaded and dominated their lands. Only a few Muslim-majority countries managed to hold significant international power or influence during that time (ex. Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire.) As an American, I'm sure your understanding of U.S. history comes with an inherent (albeit minor) bitterness towards the nations (primarily England) that treated the American colonies so badly (and the Native Americans even worse). Well, what American colonists faced was child's play compared to what Muslims faced under European colonial rule, which didn't really end until the 1950s (and I'm sure many Muslims consider Israel a European colony that still exists today since Israel was largely a European construct.)

Wahhabism, which started in the 18th century, may be part of the origin of what we today call "radical Islam." In an effort to purify Islam, revolts occurred against Muslim leaders that were too friendly with Western countries and cultures.

Long story short, there are many Muslims alive today that lived through European, "Christian" colonialism. Many more Muslims struggle with continuing Western influences in their countries & are struggling to solidify an identity separate from Western dominance. It's not too much to expect these people to harbor resentment against the West, is it? If there are radical Muslims out there who hate the West, their hatred is the fruit of the seeds planted during colonialism. We reap what we sow.

2006-12-19 03:57:30 · answer #2 · answered by Dave of the Hill People 4 · 0 1

i'm purely particularly astonished that some liberals even attempt to declare that none of their brethren denies the existence of terrorism . Or that any of their brethren diminishes the threat of terrorism . fully untrue and disgusting . They understand their brethren think of that way , yet foolishly attempt to cover it by using denying it . I purely wanna throw-up once I witness this huge Lie . i think of you're analogy substitute into great . EDIT ** warning call -- To instruct a element , I purely asked a query approximately no rely if human beings think of Radical Islamic Terrorists are a grave threat or is the threat overblown . consequence ? properly , to this point 19 solutions and 5 of them do no longer think of it particularly is numerous a threat !! it particularly is over 25% !! So the deniers at right here have certainly BEEN shown incorrect !! And right this is one for you and for all people else easy adequate to learn for themselves . purely previously the mid-term elections , i substitute into posting many questions relating to the negative aspects of Radical Islam / Terrorists . and that i could upload that i substitute into between the FEW at right here who totally known the authentic threat . you won't have self assurance the quantity of persons(generally liberal Democrats) who thoroughly brushed aside it as a thought of folly and pointless worry and concern . i understand , I fought that conflict every day . And the liberals disagreed plenty that they falsely stated me until I have been given suspended for it . many circumstances they stated me for 'insulting an entire faith'. .. faith ? Radical Islam ? What ?!?! . And to make concerns much greater confounding , Yahoo Katie mentioned the comparable !! What ?!?! Yup , those comparable deniers in the present day have been so uninformed that they and Yahoo Katie publicly published that Radical Islam substitute right into a faith !! certainty Be often happening !!

2016-10-18 11:54:27 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm not a liberal, but Read the book "all the shah's men" by Steven Kinzer. It will take you back to the beginnings of all the "why"s. Great read for any American. It's unbiased which is a very rare attribute among recent publications. Must read. It chronicles our interventionism in the middle east over short term gain and how it's biting us in the rear now. Both parties have had administrations with fatal foreign policy mistakes. Read and weep.

2006-12-19 03:51:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Day One, when the big M decided whatever he wanted to do, was good, and that gathering material wealth was worth killing and decieving for, and to protect the faith, he must destroy all temptations, all other cultures or religions. "Intelligent"? "Honest"? They mean well, I believe Liberals have a Utopian view of the world. Modern Liberals fail to take into account human nature, not how they think it should be, but how things actually work, and it's very far apart. The only way they can "make" it work is by removing all choice, an authoritarian/totalitarian top-down control that strips us of the very freedoms (like "Radical Islam" does) that the original "liberals" of the USA like Thomas Jefferson, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, etc. argued for. Karl Marx had nothing but the best of intentions yet by the time he died he didn't like what "Marxism" had come to represent. There is NO "easy button", never was, never will be.
Jesus Christ commanded no one to kill, wipe out other cultures, loot, destroy, etc. he focused on teh worth of teh spirit, spreading the word to those who would listen but accept everyone must have the freedom of choice in order for that choice to matter, He came to revise the beliefs of the Old Testament, but the only blood he wanted spilled was His own, and said that it's not power or wealth or sacrificing the lives of others that gains you entrance to a better hereafter, it's by simply CHOOSING to believe we are all God's children and we can all be joined with him, simply by believing. What evil has been done in the name of Christ was done by man seeking an irrefutable justification for what their own conscience told them and their followers was evil. The "radical" Christian is one who leads by quiet example, not force.

2006-12-19 03:52:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am not an Islamic historian, but isn't it the same as the foundation for radical Christianity?
Both religions (in opposition to, say, Buddhism) have a mandate to "go ye therefore" and make all people of the world Christian or Muslim. They have believers who read their Holy Texts to believe in strict moral codes, and some of those codes are antithetical to the rest of society. Some people that the words mean what they say, regardless of context, and to get the virgins in heaven (or even to go to heaven) you have to do these things in "God's [or Allah's] name."

Remember, there are bombers in the radical Christian religions too (Catholics v. Protestants in Ireland; abortion bombers in the U.S.; the "God hates fags" people in Kansas). Myself, I personally believe that this all comes from the command of discipleship in both religions. It's just that Christianity has been more easily modernized and integrated in society through capitalism and democracy, and so there are fewer of the extremists.

2006-12-19 03:47:50 · answer #6 · answered by Perdendosi 7 · 3 0

Download the movie 'The Power of Nightmares' it takes you through the start of radical islam and Neo cons all the way to the present day. Amazingly they are fueled by the same belief. That humans aren't ready to act without society dictating thier behaviour.

2006-12-19 03:44:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

you seem to be a self proclaimed expert on radical Islam.. so do tell? (Actually my brother-in-law is from Pakistan.. and I have had many well thought out talks with him about Islam.. I doubt you know more than I do.. but I also doubt you would accept my answers)

2006-12-19 03:44:25 · answer #8 · answered by pip 7 · 2 1

Ted Haggard

2006-12-19 03:47:56 · answer #9 · answered by Tawani 3 · 0 1

Possibly in response to the 1947 partitioning of Palestine which displaced the Arab inhabitants.

2006-12-19 03:44:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Any "Intelligent" person could tell you this, regardless of party affiliation. Intelligent people can also do some research and learn it all by themselves.

2006-12-19 03:48:50 · answer #11 · answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7 · 1 1

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