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he was wimpering. said it yelled "no no no" ath him, hit him in the belly and was a woman, and it was green? i do believe in spirits..... i am a little psychic. u think he really saw one?

2006-12-19 03:08:49 · 25 answers · asked by higa1980ash 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

25 answers

I think he saw a spirit yes. But knowledge of what "spirits" actually are would go a long way in keeping him and your family safe from them.

Spirits of this earth are not to be tampered with. They are nothing more than demons of the underworld.

Do you really want demons coming to terrorize your son? I would think twice about dabbling in pyschic experiments if I were you.

2006-12-19 03:20:25 · answer #1 · answered by Drowningbluestars 4 · 2 2

In the world of the spirit realm, no matter what culture you look at, children have always been the most suseptible to spirits, etc. Their awarness is un-sullied by the world telling them not to believe in such "nonsense." Therefore, their brains don't automatically reason the disturbance away. A twenty year old may akin the sighting to too little sleep, too much booze, or even some bad weed, but a child, especially those under five have no world reasoning for handling such a situation, so they call it as they see it. So, it is quite possible that he in fact saw a ghost of some sort. Also, a combination of tv and something already may have had him upset, so the child's over active immagination may have also been the culprit, but I'm of the mind take the child's word for it.

2006-12-19 03:24:57 · answer #2 · answered by Marius K 1 · 3 0

All of the women in my mother's line are Psychic to some degree or another, and my sisters and I are no exception. My husband and one of my best friends are both Gifted, passed to them through their mothers so it's definitely not unheard of for a child to inherit their Gift.

The only one who can truly answer definitively weather or not your son "saw" anything is him...and he fully believes that he DID see this angry green woman. If you're worried, or if this persists, cleanse your house (using sage or salt), and keep an eye on your son. You might also want to put a dreamcatcher above his bed, in case these ARE just night terrors, which are not uncommon in toddlers. Good Luck to you and Blessed Be!

2006-12-19 07:32:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ghost are demons, demons can take any form, why would God being the almighty, let the dead hang around, even if they had unfinished business to attend to. Demons are fallen angels and have the same power as Angels do. They like to inhabit places were a traumatic event took place. This is called a territorial stronghold. Usually called hauntings. "Stronghold"-Greek-strong's-fortress, or prison-fortified place. 2 Cor 10:3-5. Remember the story of the Gergesene Demoniacs in Matt 8:28-34. (Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39) If you’re not religious, you may want to read it. This territory had a stronghold of demons over it, not to mention one man (Personal stronghold-possession) who had a legion of demons in him. Mark 5:9. Jesus freed the man, and in so doing freed the territory of its stronghold/haunting. When the demons went into the swine, the demons did not like the swine, so they drown the swine, this also killed the pigs that the Pagan worshippers used to sacrifice to their God's and killed that business off as well. Jesus healed the land and killed the Pagan worshipping (they used the pigs to sacrifice for food for their god’s) business for a time. My point is, demons are Ghosts and dead people are not.

2006-12-19 06:15:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The Indigo Child may see auras as lights or colors around other people. And show an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty. Destined to be one of tomorrows psychics yet often identified or suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD http://www.psychic-junkie.com/indigo-child.html

2006-12-19 11:05:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well all kids have an imagination but I wouldnt doubt that your son saw something. Kids and pets have this thing about them that ghosts are attracted to.

My son was 3 and talked about this ghost in our house, he had some trouble sleeping. I didn't believe him until one night I saw a silohette of a man in my living room by the door.

The next day we were watching TV and my son was coloring and he looked at me and said: Mommy the ghost is gone. I replied: What do you mean? He said, he went out the front door, didn't you see him?

Scared the crap out of me, but after that he never talked about it and slept fine.

Kids are amazing, we underestimate them sometimes.

2006-12-19 03:24:48 · answer #6 · answered by Momma K 3 · 4 0

I think that he might have had a bad dream but it is possible that he could have saw one early and got mixed up- you childern can see things like that. But I still am going with a nigthmare because ghost's aren't normally green nor do they phyical attack people.

2006-12-19 16:33:54 · answer #7 · answered by Moon Girl 3 · 0 0

At the age of 2, I suspect he was just having a nightmare. If you are a little psychic, it doesn't mean that your child is, too. If he inherited your tendency, it will develop in time. I think age 2 is a little too early to draw any conclusions.

2006-12-19 03:12:40 · answer #8 · answered by harlowtoo 5 · 0 1

of course ... esp if you can... the true question is do you think he saw one and how you are supporting him. My daughter sees them all time. I always ask her questions. that way she doesn't feel strange. Also 2 is the perfect time , my daughter has ALWAYS seen things but now she is communicating to me using words what she has seen, before it was just tears and you now just as much as anyone kids cry for every reason. Trying to figure it out drives you nuts, so be thankful you can help. Everyone has this gift it is whether or not we want to embrace it !! Blessed Be

2006-12-19 03:50:12 · answer #9 · answered by mysticalwaterlily13 2 · 1 1

well,your kid is only 2 years old :P maybe it was a nightmare...or he thought he saw a ghost! O_O believing in ghosts doesn`t mean you are a real psychic!

2006-12-19 04:02:47 · answer #10 · answered by black cat 1 · 1 0

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