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truly believe they saved us during the war?
or we owe them our freedom?
surely they owe use their freedom we gave the country to them?

why is it they all spout off about how great they are and yet they voted in the most incompetent president ever.... twice?

2006-12-19 02:43:37 · 33 answers · asked by t00t5 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

us is the rest of the world yankee boy

2006-12-19 02:46:41 · update #1

and I am not french I am english (you know the people that gave you yer language)

2006-12-19 02:48:35 · update #2

33 answers

I am Canadian...
do you know that there were shows about 9/11 etc that aired in other parts of the world but were BANNED from being shown in the USA... hmmm what does their government not want them to know???

funny how they said it was about freedom and weapons.. yet they never invaded any countires in Africa to give people their "freedom" from opression
and funny how North Korea who obviously HAVE weapons AND are closer are not being invaded...

yet counties who can provide an oil route (Afghanastan) or countries who can provide oil are....

2006-12-19 02:54:14 · answer #1 · answered by CF_ 7 · 1 4

I would not say that we saved you during WWII but, I don't think that England had the natural resources (food, oil, raw materials) needed to go on the offensive during the war. At this point in time Germany had declared a blockade on England and were attacking merchant shipping America was delivering good and materials to England before we were attacked by the Japanese. How long would the English held out in such circumstances if America wasn't delivering the goods needed? I can't say but, I heard at one time as soon as the materials were coming in they were already distributed because of the demand.

As for owing you our freedom for you giving us our country, I'm afraid you are wrong there. As much as I hate to say this, we owe the French albeit they came in later then we would have liked the them to.

By the way, I have been to England and found it to be an interesting country and I would love to visit again. However, I had the wrong type of hair cut and had eggs thrown at me while people called me skin head. And while ordering food, a young girl (with purple hair) asked me "whats your mum think of your hair", I politely asked her the same question, as she then realized I was not British apologized and explained why people were giving me a hard time. And somehow, with all that happened I didn't make a value judgement on British people as a whole, I realized it was only a couple of people and that there was a misunderstanding, that I corrected with a hat.

I also won't pretend to understand what is going on with your government so, I will assume that who ever you vote for is the best person for England first, then the world. As much as I like England, I love America, and I will vote for who I think will do the best for my country first. Sometimes I'm wrong and sometimes I'm right but, every four years there is a chance for change.

2006-12-19 03:31:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you're English, the I'm going to take a guess and say you're from Great Britain. With that assumption, I've never heard anyone say we've saved GB and gave them their freedom. In fact, I always hear how we've done everything with you at our side... Except for the revolutionary war, you know.. the one where we kicked you out of our land? :) Well, the land our ancestors stole from my people (I'm Native American).

Most Americans know that you are our greatest ally, and we both count on each other for a lot of things. From economic to military support, we need each other. You can love us or hate us, but that's never going to change. What does need to change, however, is the way most people in Europe view us. Yes, our President might not be the brightest person in the world but he does not represent every American that lives here. We're not all arrogant like you like to portray us. The problem is, those who show pride in their country are considered arrogant by the rest of the world.

We saved France, and Germany, from Hitler. We saved our self from the Red Coats. We saved Kuwait from Saddam. And we are, trying to anyways, save Iraq from Saddam. The progress we're making there is really debatable though :) Our private sector gives the most money to charitable causes around the world. These are all facts, you can look 'em up :) But, we do good and we are seen as bad. Just imagine what would happen if the US stopped doing good...

2006-12-19 02:57:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

You wanna know somethin Toots?
We and the Canadians and the Australians and the Russians. Saved yer tiny hiney.
We helped you cause we love you and all yer people!
I think the Brits are awesome folks and I wanna give each of you a big ole sloppy kiss!
I want to thank you for surrendering Both Times and give ya a big ole hug!
Think about it folks. If it wernt fer the english we couldnt talk like this. ner spell this good.
We'd a had them nasty damn nazis all over our country blowin uss the hell up. Yep them brits take a bombin and keep on a going like real champs!
Ya just gotta love em.
Just thank. Iffn it twernt fer them there english folks we coulda been watchin hitler and them there goose steppin people do a foxtrot all over france. dayum! we done missed the party.
And that there Tony Blair guy woulda had no friends iffn it twernt fer old G Dubbya. Now thays a payer aint thay? I think we both done screwed the pooch on the last election.
As far as it all goes. I think I'll find me that there Toots and ask her ta be my bride! She's got her some brains dont she?
Come ta me my little english flower. Let ole Kcuhp give ya a smoochy. I'm a fine cetch ya know? You betcha. I done gradiated the third grade!
yup. I'll move ya here ta the swamp and we'll eat us some frog legs and mud bugs.

2006-12-19 05:19:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well lets see here dear sweet English one, I am a French American. Thank you, also may add that I have served in the United States military. We did keep you from speaking another language like I don't know say German!! Ring a bell any?? You also did not give us our freedom, We Americans (Boston Tea Party) took our freedom. I've been to your country and found nothing of interest, infact I didn't even like your Tea! Perhaps, you should concern yourself more with what your beloved royals are doing! I'm sure that there is going to be another car crash that they can blame on someone else who is dead and can't defend themselves. Oh, you also might want to buy a History book and re-read WW2 just for starters. You so have a lot to learn.

2006-12-19 03:16:30 · answer #5 · answered by jamie d 1 · 2 1

I have never heard any American say that they saved Britain or that Brits owe Americans their freedom - where on earth did you hear such rubbish. Britain did not give the US to Americans, they took it from us when the then British Government was busy taking Gibraltar and Malta to use as naval bases. And, as for voting in incompetents, didn't the UK vote in Blair twice so don't' you think it is a case of "the pot calling the kettle black"?

2006-12-19 03:07:50 · answer #6 · answered by blondie 6 · 2 0

wow what can i say ?

i personally am english not british, and as a person i would rather be side by side with america than just about anyone else,

say what you like about history, each person tells their own story often misled by the person telling the stories,

every story has 2 sides, who is right without a few exaggerations?
both say we won or we saw sense and so on,

as for bush and blair, i truly believe that they have the worlds safety in mind when they do what they do, they might sometimes go about it in the wrong way, but at least they keep most of the world safe in their beds as they sleep

and world peace, it will never happen but you have to stem the tide of affront as it happens which both the usa and england have done several times before and will do several more times in the future

so lets walk hand in hand with the usa onto better things

2006-12-19 08:31:50 · answer #7 · answered by ploppy pants 3 · 1 0

As an American I am proud of what my country has accomplished in the past and will in the future. Also shamed by some of its deeds and misuses of power and money. We are over 200 yrs and still growing and changing- why do we have to be the example and why do we always get picked on? Everyone has stupid leaders at times and good leaders and our Demacracy is still growing, it will be a long shot that we ever get it right, but we keep trying. Its the American people I am proud of, their worth and beliefs and need to better themselves in general. Any country will have good and bad and while you are not specific, if you are talking Iraq, I think most Americans agree that we got rid of a crazy evil man and government but the people there are the only ones who can save themselves. Not us. We need to get out, as gracefully and quickly and helpfully as we can. Democracy is a wonderful thing but each country and its peoples will not be like ours, nor should they be- ever. That's what its all about- idividual freedom of growth, education, religion (as long as its not violent towards anyone) and movement. Freedom of press. Schools for kids. Jobs and the whole world is different! Look what Castros grip has done to Cuba all these years?! Better? Imagine the millions in tourist trade alone he has screwed his country on....

2006-12-19 02:54:54 · answer #8 · answered by ARTmom 7 · 2 1

You poor kid. I apologize for your assumed suffering.
I am sorry that the Americans have stood beside the English and been partners with them during WWII and even now.
I am a Real American.
It's hard to get more American.
My grandfather fought beside yours in Germany as a Brother at arms. Yours meaning the English, not you in particular.
My Dad did too.
You owe your freedom to your ancestors and mine,so do I.
Now to the part of your question that truly upsets me.
My people lost our nation, our children and our way of life to soldiers of the American army.Not the British army.
My ancestors fought to save our nation from the American army and died by the hands and guns of the American army.
So.. when you make a statement like "surely they owe use their freedom we gave the country to them?." I don't know who to blame most. You for giving or them for taking.
Who do you think I should blame?
I grew up on a reservation. Did you build it and take away my freedom? If you did, you need a spanking.
All people have something they owe to others. You have the proud British empire. Thanks to the help of others.
America, Australia, Russia and other nations that came to Help the English during WWII. Canada helped to save you too.We all owe each other a "thank you" for that.
I'll make you a deal. You stop complaining about how your so abused by what Americans do to you.
And I wont blame you for "giving" them the country so they could do what they did to my ancestors.
I do agree about the voting thing on Bush. I promise you, I voted for the other guy. Two more years with that joke in office. Scary

2006-12-19 04:01:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well, although its motives were questionable U.S. intervention during ww2 did save britain from certain defeat.

We can also safely say that the soviet union destroyed the bulk of the german army to which we are equally grateful.

However,none of these ww2 allies had british interests at the top of their agenda,so we can say that we were fortunate for the intervention rather than be grateful.

American forces , also fought bravely towards the end of ww1 and were decisive in the outcome.

If we are going to direct our anger at another nation, surely it should be france,twice rescued by the british and americans and not a word of thanks,in fact hatred and resentment.
if it wasnt for the tens of thousands of allied casualties during the 2 world wars, I would have taken great pleasure in cowardly frances humiliation at having to be rescued by the allies it hates so much.

I would say george bush is anything but incompetent,american economy is booming and the vision of bush is protecting your naive,blinkered hide from the enemies of now and the future.he doesnt want your gratitude he just wants you to be free.

2006-12-19 03:17:23 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Yeah.. we Americans saved the world.
Yep... let me think
Brits don't speak German and hail Hitler. They were Losing till we got there.
France still exists. as France and still have yellow stripes as spinal columns.
We Kicked the English out of here for Taxing the livings away from us. They lost that war.
We fed the brits, clothed them, armed them and helped them kick Hitler's a s s. While kicking Japan's a s s.
So no. we didn't help the self righteous little bad toothed limeys
We just saved their nation from speaking German. No biggy.
Oh. Hey Brit? The next time your cities are being bombed and your people are trying to find enough food and clothes in the rubble to make it through the winter. Don't call us, we'll call you.
As far as this pissant president goes. Your Prime Minister got him put back in office. Thanks!

2006-12-19 03:15:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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