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18 answers

they're not going to come out and say that right now. wait until Hillary wins in 2008 (which she will) then the rhetoric in America will turn against Israel even harsher.
it's funny, when you study history. time after time the liberals told us a certain thing wouldn't happen, and then it was exactly what happened.

2006-12-19 02:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by cirque de lune 6 · 0 0

good question...
i myself am, although Muslim, am not anti-Semitic...
and by no means would i wish ill-fate to anyone..
but if your question is.. exactly what is says...
"Israel disappear" - - YES!
Not that the Israelis (Jewish) should be dead, vaporized nothing of that matter..
but as your question states.. "Israel disappear" - -
by all means.. i am not a supporter of Israeli policy, or the Billions of dollars the u.s. gives in military backing...
I do not like the way the conduct things in the middle east..
and with out a doubt.. i think the region would be better without Israel...
Now, there are probably many nations and regimes i could give this answer for.. so this is not an "anti-Semitic" ideology...
HECK - - give them Florida....

OH WAIT!! - - thats probably not a good idea.. then they'd be building a fence to keep the Cubans out...

2006-12-19 02:44:49 · answer #2 · answered by seeker 1 · 1 1

What has Israel done to deserve being destroyed? We did not make Germany disappear after WWII and they did things 10000x worse than Israel has done. For the most part Israel has only defended itself from other countries that want to obliterate it. The only reason people do not like Israel is because they are tough as nails and fight their way out of bad situations(many times without help from the U.S. ut it has been there) and take over territory. What other country immediately gives back territory taken in a war? Now Israel has not given back all territory, but in the war 1967 they gave back a hell of a lot of territory that according to the "rules of war" was theirs.

2006-12-19 02:34:19 · answer #3 · answered by smartass 3 · 0 2

This is a ridiculous question. You are asking if people want to kill the people of Isreal? What kind of whacko would say yes to that...Jeffrey Damler or Ted Bundy? Liberals as well as moderates and conservatives would all like to see a peaceful solution to the struggle between the israelies and the muslims (and let's not forget the christian west's involvement) in the middle east.

2006-12-19 02:33:32 · answer #4 · answered by P Y 2 · 3 1

Sure, I'd like to see all the Jewish people moved to Montana and setup with peaceful, plush living accommodation's. Then they wouldn't be running from RPG', suicide bombers on school buses and under the threat of nuclear attack by Iran.

But that would cut into the "Christian" right wing wacko plans to start the apocalypse by dumping all the Jewish people in a hostile environment.

2006-12-19 02:34:37 · answer #5 · answered by arcaemous 4 · 1 1

ME-THAT"S RIGHT I SAID IT,AND I WILL SCREAM IT AGAIN!!!!!ME,ME,ME!!!!!!!!!!!!The reason our beautiful country is dying is because a small clique,of ZIONIST Jews,have taken control of our media,our government,and our stupid puppet sellout fool president,and it only took 7 years!Do you know that the government is building a sh*told of concentration camps,that once were closed down airforce bases,just like the NAZIS did in Germany starting in 1933,Do you even have to wonder who they are for?What if the government really wanted to win the war on drugs?To win a war,you got to kill alot of people,so many,that the other side gives in or is annihilated.Looks like you would need alot of big places to put your prisoners,right before you gassed them,right?Des toying all of Israel would be as wrong as when HITLER,tried to destroy the whole race,it's just the rotten bunch at the top that's got to go,but,that's just me talking again............

2006-12-19 02:48:03 · answer #6 · answered by studdmuffynn 5 · 1 1

i'm a proud liberal and easy adequate to respond to no, yet the place substitute into the scrunity of the traitor who substitute into our maximum contemporary vice chairman previous to Biden. contemporary Republican VPs Cheney-traitor/conflict criminal Quayle-authentic fool in each and every experience of the word (Tomatoe, learn latin to pass to Latin usa, desolate tract typhoon would not be yet another Viet Nam by using fact it particularly is a desolate tract, no longer a jungle etc. etc.) W's Dad-architect of Iran/Contra and bin Ladin whilst Biden does any of those issues i'm going to agree.

2016-10-18 11:52:29 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would like to see the misery disappear. I think we should focus on OUR issues and not worry about other places. They can learn to adapt and deal or they can wither away...it's up to them. They can kill each other off and save us all the trouble. We have too much crap going on here that needs attention.

2006-12-19 02:36:06 · answer #8 · answered by Sherry P 2 · 0 1

I would like for Israel to stop being a parasite on Americas Foreign aid.
I would like Israel to stop being a thorn in the side to all of the Mideast.
But I am sure in your small mind, this is bigotry.

2006-12-19 02:32:46 · answer #9 · answered by dstr 6 · 2 3

Once again I remind you, that the neocons target the uneducated, unhappy and misguided people and tell them the Democrats and liberals are why they are why they are so unhappy and misguided and because they are so misguided and unhappy and uneducated they believe it, so sad but true,

You have to give credit to the power of the press and the uneducated

Matt How can you be Pro Bush and Anti Israel?

2006-12-19 02:30:54 · answer #10 · answered by Jon J 4 · 3 4

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