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I'm so frustrated with my life right now. I'm 3 months pregnant. I do have the baby's father very close to me. We've been together for 4 years, but he's going through a lot at this time too. I need some encouraging words. I just found out I have diabetes. And not because of the pregnancy. I have it permenantely. They say because I had it the first 2 months of my pregnancy without knowning, the chance of birth defects is higher. I'm only 21. I just want a healthy, happy baby. Also, on top of all this, we're moving on Dec. 29 into out new apartment, but money is really tight. My credit card company called me last night to tell me if I didn't make some sort of payment by the end of December they're taking me to court. So I agreed, but it leaves me with no money and not enough money for my insulin. I'm getting so irritated with everything that is hitting me at once....I just want to give up. I'm being stretched too thin. Could you please give some kind words...I need them

2006-12-19 01:59:29 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

35 answers

There are some great suggestions from others. Talk to your pharmacist, as many drug companies can offer discounts/programs to those who need medication. I have gotten these discounts for our patients, so I know they exsist.

2006-12-19 02:08:28 · answer #1 · answered by AzOasis8 6 · 0 0

First of all take a deep breath! Now, you need to worry about you and the baby alone. NOT the credit card company. Depending on how long you have been late and how many notices you have received and the amount that you are deliquent, they can't take you to court anytime soon. PLUS since you are pregnant and limited income there's not much they can do. Worry about you an the baby, that is your first priority, and you can't be healthy if you don't do that first. Next time the credit card company calls, tell them you are pregnant w/ diabeties and you have a very limited income, you will make the next payment very soon. Or ask them if they can lower your payment for the time being till you can get situated and pay them. Good luck to you, and I promise things will look up for you. I am not sure if you are a religious person, but even if you aren't try and remember one thing, God won't give you more than you can handle. It's how you handle it! =) Merry Christmas and God Bless you and yours!

2006-12-19 02:15:33 · answer #2 · answered by Kimberly K 2 · 0 0

Bless your heart!!! Take heart because things will get better. First thing about the insulin, call your Dr. Tell his/her nurse what is going on and that you don't have the money for insulin. They might give you some samples until you can afford to get them. 2nd thing is, don't worry about the baby. Worrying isn't going to change anything, but will make you miserable which it is doing a really good job right now. The fear of the unknown is always really the worst part of anything. I do have a suggestion though, if you have a tablet or just some paper, you can even do this in a Word document on your computer. Every night before you go to bed list 5 things that you are thankful for from that day. One time my sister was going through something very similar and she even had a difficult time finding something she liked about herself. I suggested that she had pretty toes! We both laughed and that was the first thing on her list that day. Sometimes we only see the things wrong and miss the things right in situations. Thank the Good Lord every day that you are having a beautiful baby. God bless you!

2006-12-19 02:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by Becky 2 · 0 0

Wow - what a trying situation. However, you just need to take it one day at a time. First of all, you need to concentrate on being pregnant and being positive - despite all the bad things going on in your life. Put your health first and find out if you can get some type of medical assistance to help pay for your insulin (such as Medicaid for you and the baby). Don't worry about birth defects - you baby will probably be just fine as long as you take care of yourself and do what your doctor says. As for the credit card company, let them sue you. You need your money for more important things right now, so put yourself first. I went through my entire pregnancy with no health insurance, and it is not the end of the world if the credit card company come after you (trust me). Don't dwell on the bad things going on or you will feel bad. I am sure that everything will work out fine in the end and you will have a wonderful baby to enjoy. Just concentrate on YOU in the meantime and do the best you can. I hope that helps, I can't say I have been in your exact situation but I know the feeling of wanting to give up all too well (and you can't give up :)

2006-12-19 02:19:15 · answer #4 · answered by Michaela 4120 3 · 0 0

The Lord nevers gives you more than you can handle. It may seem like an unfair test, but this is just life, and you will always come through it. Right now times are bad, but you have to keep thinking how wonderful it's going to be on the other side of this. You will have a new apartment, a beautiful baby, and that credit card will be paid off. Don't let yourself stress, take things one step at a time and it will all work out.

2006-12-19 02:02:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I realize that talking about faith and God are very touchy subjects, but all that I can say is give your problems to god and ask him to help you, tell him that you cannot do this on your own. I know what it's like to be tight with money. My husband and I live with his parents (a household of 9 mind you!) I have a 10 month old and I'm 2 months pregnant. We both work but our income is minimal. some how God always provides! Just remember that everything will happen in HIS time. He is never late and never early always on time. He may wait until the last possible second but prayer really does work. Try it you have nothing to loose and you don't have to talk out loud. We are currently looking for houses right now, I don't know how we can afford one, but I'm leaving that in Gods hands. That doesn't mean sit back and wait for something to fall out of the sky, ask for peace in the issues that disturbe you. Best of luck and things always get better, trust me I understand how you feel, I talk to my girlfriend about it all the time.

2006-12-19 04:53:24 · answer #6 · answered by rnavarro 2 · 0 0

Hang in there. Hubby and I go through this stuff all the time. But through it all we lean on each other and we come out in the end stronger and even more in love. You will do fine. Also... because you are pregnant you may qualify for government assisted medical insurance and if you do it can help cover some of the costs of insulin. The baby will be fine. You would be surprised at how stupid we women act before we find out we are pregnant. Good luck and hang in there. It will get better.

2006-12-19 02:02:52 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs. Always Right 5 · 1 0

Sorry, you are in a rough stop right now. You need to apply for all the help you can get. Apply for WIC (Women, Infant, Children). They give you a voucher every month things, like milk, bread, cheese, cereal. Also apply for food stamps, now they give you a card so that other don't know, it seems as if you are just using a credit card. And you can also try and get a medical card from the state. It will at least help you out a little. Just hang in there because it will get better. But youu do need your insulin. Just make sure you are watching watching sugar.

2006-12-19 02:10:06 · answer #8 · answered by asyan_butterfly_jbc 2 · 0 0

AAHHH...my dear, this too will pass. I know how it feels to be down and out. This is a very emotional time for you with the pregnancy let alone all of the other worried that come along with it. As far as your problems go...I would suggest that you tap into some community resources. Food banks, churches, ministries....they may be able to help you out or at least get you going in the right direction. Do you have medical insurance? Is there anyone who can lend you a little money to get your meds?? If not, call your doctor and tell them that you cannot get them right now and see if they have any suggestions or if they offer a sample pack that you can use temporarily.
Now, about your pregnancy...we as mothers can only do the very best that we can and regardless of the outcome, we need to know that sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. I know that it is difficult and scary to think that your baby may be born with some sort of defect...but I can tell you from experience that you will love him or her just the same. Chances are this early on that you probably will be okay and that your baby will too. Just make sure to take care of yourself the very best that you can from this point forward. You cannot blame yourself for this as it is out of your control. The only thing you can do is start taking care of yourself now.
Pardon my language, but **** happens...sometimes we just have to roll with the punched and remember that tomorrow is another day. I have been in some pretty bad situations financially and emotionally (death of a parent when I was very young, being on welfare as a teenage mom, divorce, remarriage, miscarriage of triplets, the list goes on and on) .....but I forced myself to have a positive attitude and not feel sorry for myself and keep my head up.
It worked...I am in a place now that I wouldn't trade for the world! I am 3 weeks away from giving birth to my third child, I have two wonderful step children, we are on a frugal budget but we make ends meet, I am able to be a stay at home mom and my husbandand is my best friend. Sometimes you have to take a few steps backward to be able to take one step forward...but it is worth the walk!

2006-12-19 02:30:59 · answer #9 · answered by Sunshine 3 · 0 0

I know what you're going through. I'm 11 wks preg.
My husband has been out of work for a couple of months due to a back injury. I'm getting out of the military so I can make my family a bigger priority. But, I have gov't loans I have to take care of when I get out. My last paycheck won't be a regular one and we have to try to defer a car payment because it gets paid automatically out of my check, but it won't this month. We are moving back to Texas sometime between the 29-31 december. I have suddenly developed a nerve problem where my hip will get stuck when I try to stand up or when I'm walking, my whole leg will lock up. I almost dropped my 8mos daughter at wal-mart when my leg did that. I had to hand her over to daddy.
Last night, a credit collection company called and when I asked who they were with they kept avoiding my question, so I didn't tell them I was who they wanted. I handed the phone to my husband. He asked them the same questions, they were very rude and asked if i was still with my employer. I think they want to get me in trouble which is the last thing I need right now, because that could loose my health benefits for this pregnancy. I'm 22. I was 21 when I had my daughter.
We are living identical lives practically. I wish you the best. Don't let it get you down. Just enjoy the holiday season. Take this time to experience christmas for what it is truly about. I might not be able to buy my daughter presents for her first christmas, but in 20yrs, she isn't going to remember or even wonder about the gifts we gave her....she's going to remember all the love we gave her. the sacrifices we made.
If you need meds, you can try medicade if you're in the us. There is no shame in accepting charity when you need it and giving charity when you have some to give.
Get on WIC, do what ever it takes to get out of this rut. If you're religious, you can speak to some one for comfort.
I wish you the best and will be praying for you.
Don't worry, be happy!!

2006-12-19 02:11:04 · answer #10 · answered by Laura R 3 · 0 0

Hun, I am so sorry to hear that you guys are struggling right now. Mostly cause I know what is like to struggle finacially and it can really take an emotional toll on a person and on the relationship. My husband and I have been dealing with a lot of the same things. We already have one daughter who just turned 3 yrs. old and we are trying for our second right now. We just married after 4 years together on Dec. 2nd. My husband found out on Dec. 13th he has type 2 diabetes and we are struggling with that cause just the test strips for his blood sugar tester cost $50 per small box. We are also finacially tight and still working through it all. Believe me I know how you feel and you have to just think about the good in your life and be happy you have your man there with you. But we are trying for our second child cause we want another baby and if we keep waiting until we are totally finacially ready we would never have another child. This world is a tough one and you just to lean on the ones that you love and love you to get through. But trust me you will get through. It may take some time but until then you should see what government programs you can get involved with. The have so many different things that can help and you should take advantage of them at least until you can afford to do it on your own. Once you can afford to do it on your own then you won't need the government anymore but until then you need some peace of mind from somewhere and even getting help through the government will help you settle yourself a little bit cause it will take some pressure & cost off you. Try to relax and look to the future. Enjoy your holiday and it will all work. Trust me cause I have been through hell and back and still dealing with it all. But now I am dealing with it a lot better than I was when it all first started you just got to keep working for it to get better and it will.

2006-12-19 02:48:26 · answer #11 · answered by Nicole 2 · 0 0

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