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When my grandmother comes over the first thing out of her mouth isnt a simply 'Hello' but it's 'You shouldnt eat all of those carbs and starches..." and she see me maybe 2 days out of the month. I

t's really annoying cause she acts like just because she eats raw me and my whoel family has to too. Like one day my mom told my great grandmother about her gaining alittle weight and so after that we went out to help rake up the leaves cause she cant do it. My grandmother just had to say "Maybe you should sit down somewhere, you are getting bigger you know." and my mom shot her a glare like 'Maybe.' and when ever she sees me she has to act like I am fat and whatever but my weight is fine.

And then like if me and my brothers accidently do somethign to my baby brother (like one day I tripped and he hit his head) she iwll be like "Oh , go get a wash cloth." and make a big deal of it and right when I start to feel okay with the situation she has to brign it right up again. What should I say?

2006-12-19 01:48:42 · 8 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I know its okay but its irrating, my mom cant even go a phone call with out gettign annoyed so she starts to yell at her. And when she gets angry we know to stay out the way. I woudld liek to see my mom happier.

2006-12-19 01:56:17 · update #1

The other reason why is , because I am not even fat so it is hurting my feelings when she says that. And she always want to make anythign that happend to my brother my fault so thats annoying to. Then we I talk to her on the phone she just hangs up or either is like 'We are just holding the phone.' when I am tryign to tell her somethign important and will hang up on me.

2006-12-19 01:58:00 · update #2

I do respect her, I just want to tell her that it makes me feel bad politely.

2006-12-19 02:19:43 · update #3

8 answers

Nothing, she is your grandmother... they are good at thinking that they know it all... if you do not see her that often then just learn to live with it.. you need to respect your elder...

2006-12-19 01:53:29 · answer #1 · answered by Jessica M 3 · 2 1

I think that there IS a way to say something to your grandmother. I don't know how old she is, or how set in her ways, but I think you can give it a try and ask her if you can speak with her about something that's been bothering you. You can then soften the blow by telling her that you love her and that you know she has a great deal of wisdom to offer....and/but that it hurts your feelings sometimes what she says and how she says it. Explain that you're finding your own way and doing your best and that you'd like her to love you... for you, without trying so hard to change you. Remind her at the end that you love her, and that you just want your relationship with her to be even better (no matter how she responds, what she says.)

If in the end it goes "over her head" or she conveniently "forgets" your conversation, just let it go. You tried. Then try to ignore her if she says mean things to you, and take her advice with a "grain of salt" as you see fit. She is your grandmother and as people point out, she won't be around forever, so you don't want to do anything drastic that you might regret down the road.

It took me 'till I was a grown-up to understand better why my grandmother used to criticize me and my side of the family, vs. the families of her other daughters. Really, in the end, it was her loss that she kept us at arm's length. I stopped holding it against her.

I'm sorry this all gets under your mom's skin, too. It would be great if she could have a similar conversation with her, too!

2006-12-19 14:03:55 · answer #2 · answered by Shars 5 · 0 0

Grandma's are tricky. My 92 year old grandma lives with us...She is racist, she doesn't like girls and she is mean and a gossip. We do our best to ignore her when she acts like that. She's at the age where it's not likely she is going to change.

It wouldn't hurt to tell your grandma that she hurt's you when she says things like that. try to open the door of communication. See if you can get her to talk about how she was raised it may help you gain some insight on why she acts the way she does.

2006-12-22 04:28:23 · answer #3 · answered by Jennifer V 2 · 1 0

Don't say anything. Just nod your head and be respectful. Like you said, she only sees you 2 times a month.

2006-12-19 01:56:38 · answer #4 · answered by spelling nazi 5 · 1 0

no you dont need to respect someone based off the fact that they're older - you should give respect where it is given to you, and shes not giving you any - screw her - my grandmother is senial and gives nobody any respect - just does whatever the fluck she wants cuz she thinks she can use the "im old it dosnt matter" thing - but in reality it does matter and people cant ******* stand it - i cant wait 2 be old and be cool so my grandkids can actually stand to see me - i personally hate old people- they ******* suck and theyre stupid

2006-12-19 03:05:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You should ALWAYS respect your Grandma, she wont be around one day! Just smile and nod if you have to. She cares about you or she wouldn't bother to fuss at you.

2006-12-19 02:18:23 · answer #6 · answered by Montecar3 3 · 0 1

sorry to say this but you can't say anything to her because she is your grandma. mine is like that too and she hasn't realized that times are changing so she'll always think she is right and theres no changing that

2006-12-19 03:34:49 · answer #7 · answered by cubana 2 · 0 0

Say OK, then do your own thing! you can't change her, but it's nice to be nice and polite. she only needs confirmation right now, so give it to her, it's OK!

2006-12-19 01:53:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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