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I looked at my email this morning and was found to be in violation by an angry smoker. WOW talk about freedom of speach. My point was this, People that smoke cigarettes are not only ruining their own health which they care nothing about, but also polluting the air anywhere within 20 feet of where they are. I also pointed out the fact that they very act of smoking is littering. Have you ever studied a smoker with their dangling ashes falling onto carpet or floor? They do not care about anything. Also, I am tired of people throwing cigarettes out the windows of their cars or just any old place they choose. On the beach on the street anywhere. These people are zombies and complete idiots. These people have wrinkled up faces look 25 years older than they should and have a terrible gray complexion to their faces. Lets put an end to all public smoking this year and then ban them all together. The cigarette companies have helped ruin America. What should we do?

2006-12-19 00:39:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Suzieq, If you are a non smoker and are within 10-20 feet of someone smoking, yes you are breathing their smoke. Even sitting in a non smoking section of a restaurant, that hideous smell is prevelant. If you want to kill yourself with cigarettes, do it at home.

2006-12-19 00:54:51 · update #1

The negative feedback I am getting after 12 answers in 20 min. Wow, it proves my point smokers care about nothing except nicotine. Cigarettes are more powerfull than I thought!

2006-12-19 01:07:59 · update #2

I am also getting a lot of mind your own business comments. Since when is it your right to pollute the air where people that do not smoke are near you?

2006-12-19 01:12:13 · update #3

Just saw a "I'm sure you do things people don't like too" comment. Probably true however I do not do things that endanger other peoples health. It is not my right nor wish to do so.

2006-12-19 01:15:37 · update #4

19 answers

good driver, i have to totally back you up on this one! one of my biggest pet peeves! why do smokers think that throwing cigarette butts on the ground is ok? who wants to look at that trash? i have the choice to eat in public, but i don't throw my wrappers on the ground when i am done! now, i agree, there are responsible smokers out there who are very careful to throw their butts away. i don't want to lump everyone together. however, the majority of smokers i watch toss their butts wherever. it drives me crazy. when did throwing butts on the ground become ok, but littering for the rest of us is a no-no?? are the butts bio-degradable now?
interesting comments you've gotten...very defensive people out there!

2006-12-19 01:43:04 · answer #1 · answered by kayzee 3 · 0 0

You need to take this arguement up with the tobacco companies. There are more pollutants in the air from cars, factories, and other chemicals; smoke should be the least of your worries. The next time you put hair spray in your hair or use a can of spray paint, I hope the same arguement goes across your mind. You should see how much chemicals is being let out into the air after the sun goes down. People are already addicted to cigarettes and yes, some of those people are downright discusting. However, there are other people who do smoke and distinguish in the appropriate outlets. Those people who rub snuff are way worse than smokers so maybe you should say something to them. I know for a fact that stuff they throw down the sink and toilets is harmful to the septic systems. Stop complaining about one problem and focus on all of them that are hurting the air. Good luck with your quest.

2006-12-19 01:07:52 · answer #2 · answered by cookie 6 · 0 1

It isn't acceptable. Some cities counties impose fines on people who flick cigarette butts out their car window or litter anything. You could set up a tiny trash can and a sign requesting that butts be thrown away in it. It worked for a family friend who was tired of children leaving candy wrappers all over her front lawn. But of course, how many cities have the resources to actively pursue and fine those people who litter?

2016-03-29 00:08:36 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well....I would like to tell you that yes I am a smoker, and yes I do agree with you. I throw probably 10 cigaretts butts out on the ground every single day...yes, i actually think about it....why do i do it? Don't know, guess I'm lazy. Calling us complete idiots is kinda harsh though don't you think? Don't we all have the freedom to do and say what we please? I live in Florida now and smoking indoors is banned everywhere except bars/nightclubs. What we do with our own bodies is our choice. And believe me, if it was easy to quit I would. I hate the fact that I'm a smoker. I stink, my clothes/car stinks, my family hates it and I will probably die of lung cancer in 40 years. That's like saying we should all get together to ban gum-chewing. People spit their used gum anywhere they please....and that stuff stays there for years and years. I see your point, I really do. Smokers suck. But it's our choice.

2006-12-19 01:52:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Cool, its good that everyone has an opinion, yet not All smokers are what you call, " zombie's, litter bugs, and Idiots. " Yes smoking is bad, for everyones health, and for the environment, when they discard butts on the ground, But as one other person has said already, its a drug, and is very hard to "kick" the habbit.

However, don't just limit yourself to "smokers", what about the people who drink ? They get drunk, drive and kill, they litter - What about people who eat fast food ? They get fat, have health problems, litter, ect....

So why stop at just complaining about one group of people, yes I agree with you about smoking, and I do smoke ! I am not offended at all, but you need to realize that there are things that you do that others may not like as well. Have a safe and Happy New Year !!!!

2006-12-19 01:06:37 · answer #5 · answered by madman 2 · 1 1

I am ever amazed how smoking is still not considered an additction by the general public, while acoholics and drug addicts are given treatment to help break the addiction, smokers are seen as nothing more that inconsiderate jerks who wish to kill everyone around them. Of course this is not true, it is an addiction just as any other addiction. Maybe next time you see someone smoking, step away and say a small prayer for them as we need all the help we can get to kick the habit.

2006-12-19 00:52:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is a free country or don't you get that? Why don't you worry about yourself and your own faults instead of attacking other people. When you correct your own faults and reach a state of perfection, then you can hand out advice. You need to get a life that is interesting enough so that you don't have time to worry about controlling other people. Your attitude offends me. Should I wish for a ban on people with bad attitudes?

2006-12-19 01:07:00 · answer #7 · answered by Beth T 5 · 0 2

and you are perfect right!

i bet you use to smoke because those who quit bltch the most about smoking. think before you point at a whole group. you think all smokers litter or don't care? if so you are completely wrong.

2006-12-19 00:46:20 · answer #8 · answered by Acee 3 · 3 1

What should we do??...well, I for one would not be taking up Alcochol or Drugs then get in a car and drive...If I did that, I wouldnt be around to have the luxury of even looking in my bathroom mirror at my wrinkles !!...go figure...Merry Xmas anyway...

2006-12-19 00:45:55 · answer #9 · answered by ozzy chik... 5 · 0 1

Write letters to your senator or state government. Join as many stop smoking groups you can, and help any friends or family that smoke quit. You could go around to schools and teach kids not to smoke also.

2006-12-19 00:43:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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