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My last period began on Oct.27.I had absolutely no period or spotting during Nov. My husband only ejaculated inside of me on Nov.27 and Dec.2. I am usually irregular with my periods to where they often come 1-3 weeks late. I was also told by my OBGYN that I take longer than usual to ovulate.I took a pregnancy test on Dec.10, and it showed no results making the test innaccurate.I took another one the following day (from the same box) and that one was negative.I took another test on Dec.16, and that one,along the the other 2 that followed,were all 3 positive.I had a miscarriage about 5 years ago, so I requested an immediate ultrasound to make sure everything was okay this time.Unfortunately, they found nothing but cysts and my uterus seemed to be growing.My pregnancy test was positive again w/ the Dc though.The DC. suggested I may be less than 7 weeks due to my irragularity, & thats why they can't see anything yet. How far along am I then & should I be concerned about the cysts?

2006-12-18 19:20:06 · 5 answers · asked by katiesmommy 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

5 answers

I would say you are 6-7 wks....My baby didnt show up til 9 wks... Ive had cyst, and the pregnancy levels dont have a thing to do with cysts......I called my dad ( ob/gyn ) because you've asked this same question several times in a row........He said if you keep stressing like this you will lose the baby........He said DONT worry, if the story your giving is 100% accurate, you ARE pregnant.........Bout 6-7 wks........Go to www.earlypregnancytest.com........Its a wonderful website ! Q/A on pregnancy myths, conceiving, ect... PLUS they have awesome products !!! Very cheap to ! They carry the very sensitive pregnancy test that detect at levels as low as 20.....

2006-12-18 19:35:33 · answer #1 · answered by Missy 4 · 0 0

It sounds to me like you were probably ovulating the week of November 27 and December 2 ... which makes sense considering that you didn't have a period in November, and your cycle is a little longer than normal. That's probably when you got pregnant, so I guess you would be about 4 or 5 weeks. And that would be consistent with the ultrasound, because there's not much to see yet.

As far as the cysts go, there are several different kinds. If you are talking ovarian cysts, they shouldn't directly effect your pregnancy. You might even still have cysts from ovulation. Your doctor is aware of them, so I'm sure he/she will stay on top of that situation.

Good luck to you and your baby! I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant and have had 2 miscarriages in the past, so I understand your anxiety. Hope this helps.

2006-12-18 19:35:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you may have/had is called a false positive, You did not mention your age nor your race (please hold on, in this case your race is IMPORTANT) usually after a woman turns 25 she can start seeing changes with her body (some women start menopause around that age) and may not go through the full change until later on in life. most women see a change in their menstruation, (being late,being early, or not coming on at all) usually when they go to the doctor they are told that they have fibroid tumors on their uterus, which you have the same symptom as a pregnancy. the signs of this is, when she comes on each or every other month, she tends to see too little of menstruation or too too much. I had mine removed, when I was 34, and had a partial hysterectomy, because my physician said just to remove the tumors would only mean that they could come back. and in most cases
they do. The reason I spoke about your race is because this happen more to black American women than any other race. I haven't had any problems since my surgery and I feel great.I hope this has help you out, but the best advise is if you are not satisfied with your OBGYN, you should get a second opinion. your health is too important to second guess. wish you and yours the best

2006-12-18 20:20:36 · answer #3 · answered by Ann J 3 · 0 0

Usually ultrasound picks up a heartbeat from 6 weeks so I am very surprised they did not see the embryo. Mind you its sounds good if your uterus is growing. Hope everything goes ok for you.

2006-12-18 20:05:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

make sure they check fort eptopic ive had 1 before and they couldnt see the baby TELL THEM TO LOOK IN THE TUBE. seriously!!!!!

2006-12-19 00:19:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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