My last period began on Oct.27.I had absolutely no period or spotting during Nov. My husband only ejaculated inside of me on Nov.27 and Dec.2. I am usually irregular with my periods to where they often come 1-3 weeks late. I was also told by my OBGYN that I take longer than usual to ovulate.I took a pregnancy test on Dec.10, and it showed no results making the test innaccurate.I took another one the following day (from the same box) and that one was negative.I took another test on Dec.16, and that one,along the the other 2 that followed,were all 3 positive.I had a miscarriage about 5 years ago, so I requested an immediate ultrasound to make sure everything was okay this time.Unfortunately, they found nothing but cysts and my uterus seemed to be growing.My pregnancy test was positive again w/ the Dc though.The DC. suggested I may be less than 7 weeks due to my irragularity, & thats why they can't see anything yet. How far along am I then & should I be concerned about the cysts?
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