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I just found out that I am pregnant - after 7 months of trying! YAY! This is my first child, so of course, I have questions! I have not been to the doc yet - I can't get in until Jan 5th, but I took 2 hpt's and they were both positive, plus my period is like clockwork (every 28 days on the nose) and it's late, plus we had been using ovulation kits and were "active" when I ovulated.....so......

For those of you that have kids, what tests did the doc do on the first visit? (If you remember!) Is an ultrasound done a while before a sonogram? What's the difference?

How long did you wait before you told family? Friends? Coworkers/boss?


2006-12-18 09:40:21 · 2 answers · asked by bluez 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2 answers


* An ultrasound is the exam that produces a sonogram. (Basically, two words for same procedure.)

* With my first preg., I had a HGC serum test (to test the level of pregnancy hormone in my blood), a hematocrit (to test my iron levels and make sure I wasn't anemic), and HIV/Hepatitis.

With my latest pregnancy (I've now had a total of 3 first-trimester miscarriages), they also did a progesterone-level test, and did a trans-vaginal ultrasound to determine exactly how far along I was (and to make sure there was really a baby).

BTW -- there are two types of ultrasound used in pregnancy:
A trans-vaginal is done by inserting a wand into the vagina.
A "regular" one is done through the abdominal wall... and you need a very full bladder for it.

Because even by the time of my "first" pregnancy I had miscarried twice (once I didn't realize till later), I waited till I was in the second trimester to tell anyone besides my fiance, our roommate, and my mother. (The people who would need to know if I miscarried again... or who I would need for support.) Other friends of mine have announced it as soon as they knew.

Always tell your boss before your co-workers. You don't want them finding out from someone else (even over the watercooler). And... it's probably a good idea to put it off until you have to, at work. Either when you're missing work because of morning sickness, or you're starting to show.

OH.... and go buy some motion-sickness wristbands from the drug store. (One brand is http://www.morningsicknesshelp.com/seabands.html Seabands). They do wonders for morningsickness, and have no side-effects. (They also work for motion sickness and the nausea with migranes.)

Here's wishing you an enjoyable pregnancy! =D

2006-12-20 15:54:23 · answer #1 · answered by Katherine Blackthorne 5 · 0 0

Well personally I refuse all tests except fundal height, weight and urine dip sticks.

In Canada and Austrailia they no longer routinely do ultrasounds during pregnancy. Nobody actually knows if ultrasounds are safe, however it is fairly well proven that they do not improve the outcome.

I didn't tell anyone until 3 months, and I didn't tell work until I was 7 months.

However, assuming that you are going to an OB and are American and are going to let them do all of the tests here is some info on a few of them:

2006-12-18 16:31:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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