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Why do people decree "State Sovereignty" a reason for not deposing Saddam ??
The most ridiculous argument an activist or diplomat can make in defense of a dictator like Saddam Hussein is that the tyrant cannot be deposed because of his nation Sovereignty. The notion that America did not have the authority to overthrow one of the worst dictators (over 1,000,000 civilians killed during his reign ) that ever walked the face of the earth because of state sovereignty is absurd.

Based on that logic : Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sudan are unable to be touched because they too are sovereign nations.
The genocide in Rwanda, for example, has been mourned theatrically in retrospect – Europeans especially will weep over corpses, but will do nothing to protect those still alive. In America we call this cowardice!

The sole purpose for any government is to protect its citizens. A state that kills its own people has no legitimacy! NO MATTER WHAT THE TYRANNT RIDDEN UNITED NATIONS SAYS. Knowing what we all no now about the mass graves and torture chambers, WMD attacks, and countless other severe infractions of” international law”, how can any moral person state that Saddam should have been left alone?
Sovereignty cannot be an excuse for uninhibited savagery. Saddam was a HITLER to his people. People who objected to the removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime on grounds of state sovereignty are the moral descendents of those who looked away from Hitler’s crimes. The difference today is that those who condone mass murder pose as moral arbiters and demand to know what right America has to decide which governments are tolerable and which are not. The answer is simple. “When the forces for good fail to act, the forces of evil triumph.” And America is the worlds essential force for good. No amount of fashionable anti-Americanism will change that. And though we may not always have the blessing from the rest of the world to depose dictators, tyrants, murderers and terrorists we will surge forward and do what we know is right. The world will be better for it.

We must not fear to act when action is necessary, moral and possible. Whenever the situation allows we should act in concert with our natural allies and those apprentice states moving toward mature freedom. But when we are forced to stand alone in a just cause, we must not hesitate…Let history judge us.

2006-12-18 08:58:07 · 9 answers · asked by quarterback 2 in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

As far as Bush is concerned, it is a valid reason for not invading counties that he doesn't want to invade ie: Pakistan, which is loaded with terrorist.

2006-12-18 09:10:17 · answer #1 · answered by Its Hero Dictatorship 5 · 4 0

You have got your argument and justification confused with USA propaganda.
Your comparisons with other nations is not correct as they had like Germany declared war on another nation state.
1. It is a primary part of the UN charter that no country must invade another countries sovereignty.
"That means the USA too"
The USA is one of the founding members of the UN and helped write the charter.
The UN charter also states that no country should make a preemptive strike against another.
"That means the USA too"
Unfortunately the USA wants everyone else to follow the (USA) rules but blatantly disregards all international conventions itself.
"That is why the world hates the USA" and sees the US as a big bully.
That is why the USA dare not (and will not) sign the treaty for the international court, as it would be full of USA citizens who are breaking international law continuously..
Be sure the USA will come to deeply regret its arrogance, as very soon the world will transfer all its reserves from the US dollar to another currency, it has already begun and the USA economy will return to the 1920's depression.
May be then you in the USA will lose the arrogance and get a little humility.
Poverty gives a lot of humility.
The USA will be destroyed without one shot being fired but by simple economics.
The judgement is now, the USA is a terrorist state by all standards of measurement. - UN Charter & International law.
History will condemn the USA as a phenomenon of the 20/21 century of an immiture corrupt empire that went bad and fell in a very short time.

2006-12-18 19:08:40 · answer #2 · answered by ian d 3 · 0 0

The link below is to the Congressional Authorization for Offensive Military Operations against Iraq which was passed by the Congress in October of 2002. The offensive did not begin until March 19, 2003. Scroll down and start reading after the first "whereas".

2016-05-23 05:08:45 · answer #3 · answered by Stella 4 · 0 0

Don't you think that Western action in Iraq (a sovereign state) is exactly of the same legal status as that of Al- Qaeda's action in the United States?

2006-12-18 13:04:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Violence begets violence. When the British bombed Hamburg they killed more innocent citizens in a day than Germany could have done in 6 months.
It's not just leaders who are tyrannical. It is the collective will of all the fawning citizens that help to inflate the egos of public figures.
Christians who bay for the blood revenge of 9/11 are as tyrannical as the Muslims who bay for the blood of Americans.
You perverse logic for interference in the Sovereign affairs of leaders in other nations can only move the world in the one self defeating direction of annihilism. It is based on ignorance and fear not on intelligent reasoning that you think you have the moral right to act as court and jury in the life of another person.
Using your logic, if I was a Muslim in Falujah watching my family being torched by psychopaths from a foreign country would I not have the moral right to interfere in the sovereignty of American soil and assert my moral position of justifiable homicide in an act of retribution and righting of wrongs done to my loved ones?

The phrase 'forces for good' is a self contradicting statement. For, good is not reified by acts of violence but by acts of non-violence. The Old Testament people who also believed in this kindergarten tit for tat terrotorial tactics simply didn't get it when Jesus showed victory through non-violence.

Your thinking is very much in the mold of the Old Testament kings and leaders whose ignorance about eternal life made them out to be total atheists. They killed their neighbours believing it to be God's moral command when in actual fact it was a contrary spirit, opposing God's direct command to Moses, that prompted them to behave like demons. The same demons that tried to kill Jesus on the first day he officially taught at Capernaum that he was the Christ.

I understand your thinking. It stems from ignorance about the reality of eternal life as demonstarted by the risen Christ. No point in intervening using violence which leads to murder because eternity is a state of mind that the choosing of becomes fixed at the point of death. I have written a little book called 'The DNA of Sin' that attempts to explain the condition of choice and its fixed point at death.

History won't judge anyone. It is revised too many times to be a judge to anyone and it therefore voids any sense of justice.

No, don't be fooled. God will judge us by our wilful ignorance of His promsie of eternal life.

2006-12-19 13:12:03 · answer #5 · answered by forgetful 2 · 0 0

You hit the nail on the head. AMERICA was the country invaded by Afghanistan and Iraq, lest we forget 9/11.

2006-12-18 09:02:36 · answer #6 · answered by x 4 · 0 4

No matter how you spin it, there is NO WAY to validate invading Iraq. Though I'm sure all you blinded, faithful Bush follower's will surely keep trying.

2006-12-18 09:06:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Well said!

And, let the Weak Sisters continue to suck hind tit while the rest of us pull the wagon they ride on for free.

2006-12-18 09:06:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3


2006-12-18 09:00:56 · answer #9 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 0 2

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