I live about 45 mintues away from the hospital where I had my daughter. In my expereince it would have been nice to be a little closer but it was well worth the drive for my midwife (she is the greatest, I would probably would have driven farther) however I would say this go to the doctor you like, carry on with the plans to drive the hour for birth, but have the doc you like recommend someone closer to you in the event of an emergency(at least you would be comfortable with the fact your trusted doctor recommends that person) I dont know any stats on this but generally speaking from the time a woman goes into labor and has the baby is usually longer then an hour, mine was short (6 hours start to finish) but if you deciede to go to the NYU hosp, when the time comes to have the baby I would let ems know (dont have to call 911 but call the firestation and let them know that you are in labor and driving to the hosp. so if anything happens they already have a heads up (may wanna call a city that is about halfway and tell them also, so if your labor get to the point that you feel in danger of delievering in the car you can have standby help) as long as your preg stays normal and the weather is decent (not gonna have the baby in the winter are ya, that could change my answer) you should be fine! Good Luck
2006-12-18 08:58:42
answer #1
answered by Jen B 3
As my moniker implies, I am a father of 7 which I am told makes me something of an expert here. This is probably your first pregnancy based on your question. It should not be a problem for you to be an hour away as long as you pay attention to your body and what it tells you. When you do actually go into labor, your contractions will be fairly strong and steady. when they are about 10 to 12 minutes apart for 30 minutes, you should head for the hospital. Don't be disappointed if they send you home or tell you to go walk for awhile. In the early pregnancies it is not uncommon to have a long labor. My wife's lasted 27 hours after her water broke before we had a C section. The 7th child, her labor only lasted a little over an hour. We lived in the country during most of her pregnancies and I never had to deliver any of my children on the roadway. Please remember that as all women are different, so are all pregnancies. Most important is to listen to your body and you will be fine.
2006-12-18 17:02:09
answer #2
answered by dadof7n2001 4
i would go to the local hospital and hour drive is a long way and what if there is traffic. like you said, do you want to risk having the baby in the car? you never know what kind of labor you will have. it could be long or only a few hours. with my first i went to the hospital at 11:30 at night and gave birth at 1:30am. so just imagine if there is traffic in NYC (and there always is) I probably wouldn't have made it to the hospital.
Good Luck!!
2006-12-18 16:56:46
answer #3
answered by atruddie 3
i think if you feel comfortable with the farther away doctor then that is what matters. The only hospital where i used to live when i had my daughter was 30 - 40 minutes away. I made it with 16 hours to spare (yes lonnnnnnnnnng labor) ...i figure if you only have 1 hour to get there before the baby is born then whether you hospital is an hour or 20 minutes if its gonna happen its gonna happen..if you feel the need to start pushing NOW..call an ambulance. GOOD LUCK!!
2006-12-18 16:57:49
answer #4
answered by kora_tori 3
well the best answer i can give you is that you need to choose who your a comfortable with. also if you decide that you want to have it in the hospital that is 1 hr away you have to figure out if you want to stay in a motel/hotel when due so you are close or if you have a firend/family member that you can stay with that is closer. Also if this is your first i would say you would be fine because i really doubt that you would have the baby in 1 hr as long as you leave right when you fill the contraction getting closer. If you have already had a child then base it on them. how long were you in labor with them? hope this helps
2006-12-18 16:50:49
answer #5
answered by shorty23_94536 2
well, in my home town the closest real hospital is an hour away, (i dont live there anymore), people have babies there all the time :)
traffic could be a problem for you though, if i had a choice i would go to a closer doctor.
2006-12-18 16:55:25
answer #6
answered by TN girl 4
if you can afford it, then maybe a week or so before you are due, as long as you are feeling nothing new.. if not maybe sooner, but get a hotel near the hospital, i bet they have a decent one across the street.. an hour is forever when you are in labor i bet.. i think my idea is great , personally lol. get a hotel!! and Gratz!
2006-12-18 16:52:01
answer #7
answered by smokingstonersweetheart 4
I wouldnt take the chance of going 1 hr away in traffic.
2006-12-18 16:47:27
answer #8
answered by steven c 2
An hour is very fast to have a baby, but you will be in some pain, and very uncomfortable. When is the baby due? What is the likely weather?
2006-12-18 16:48:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Everyone is different..however I wouldn't chance it! Besides an hour is a long time to wait if you are in pain!! GOOD LUCK & CONGRATS
2006-12-18 16:59:44
answer #10
answered by mommyof372802 3