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if i were to do a clean install would i need the exact copy used on my laptop or can I find any windows xp disc and use that?

2006-12-18 07:41:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Laptops & Notebooks

3 answers

Unfortunately Windows XP disks are not universal. That means the serial number that worked on your install will not work if you borrow someone else's disk. EVEN if it is the same version of XP (i.e. Home, Media, Professional).

Microsoft did this in an attempt to make life a little bit harder for software pirates. . .but they ended up just making life difficult for your average user.

You can contact your system's manufacturer. If they are nice, they will ship you a working XP disk. If the are not nice, they will charge you ~$100-200 for a copy.

2006-12-18 07:44:42 · answer #1 · answered by arcaemous 4 · 0 1

You should use the disc that came with your laptop as a disc from somewhere else might be a slightly different product (e.g. Home vs. Pro).

If you can't find your disc at least contact the laptop manufacturer to find out exactly which version you're licensed for.

2006-12-18 15:44:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You can buy a new copy and use that. If you use someone else's copy, it will detect the hardware difference and not work.

2006-12-18 15:44:49 · answer #3 · answered by Just Bored!! 5 · 1 1

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