I see where you are coming from. Old School Democrats are not what you get in today's world. I have said that for a very long time.
I think that the hatred comes from both sides. I have lived in the real world long enough to see people from every race, religion, background and more importantly, from every walk of life. I have worked for everything that I have and have also been without anything at all, but have remained a strong conservative, who USUALLY cares about other people. I say usually loosely because I have a hard time stomaching someone who refuses to help themselves, is into drugs, or thinks that they should forever be able to live off welfare and that everyone else owes them a handout.
I think that America, as a whole, needs to be a whole lot more respectful. Everyones view points are worth listening to. There is not one who bears more weight than the next, but some that are so completely ridiculous they would never work.
I personally, am intolerant of child molesters, rapists, murderers and the rest of the rif raf that desrespects people as a whole. I can't and won't be nice to them. I am also intolerant of abortion because I think it falls into that same category.
Other than that, I really try to be tolerant of others that show respect and for viewpoints that differ from my own.
2006-12-18 08:09:08
answer #1
answered by Jade 5
This question does not require an intelligent rebuttal.
I shall attempt to "answer" it by crafting one anyway:
Yes, the Democratic Party of the past was the party of segregationists and racists, particularly in the South (hence the term "Dixiecrats"). The history of political parties in the U.S. is a long, convoluted and interesting one. I would suggest that you read up on it, as it is an interesting part of our heritage, but I doubt you will. In fact, I doubt you will read beyond the first few sentences of this, as it appears you are more interested in smearing and name-calling than actual discourse. But anyway, in a nutshell, the Democratic party has had a fairly strong pro-slavery, anti-Civil rights undertone until the 30's, when Roosevelt introduced the New Deal, and the party became increasingly "liberal." This alienated the Dixiecrats, who abandoned the party. It was a shameful past, but times changed, and so has the tone of the Democratic.
(As an aside, the Republican party was founded in the mid-19th century with a strong abolitionist platform. The first Republican presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln).
I can't quite make logical sense of your next idea, that "leftist and gay community (sic)" are somehow more "full of hatred and blind rage toward fellow Americans" than segregationists who lynched, released attack dogs on and turned fire hoses on African-Americans and civil rights demonstrators. Please provide examples in which gay rights activists or liberals have strung up, terrorized or physically intimidated others?
2006-12-18 09:32:05
answer #2
answered by sparky52881 5
Well, it seems you don't want the ultra-conservative agenda of the old Southern Democrats, yet you don't want the progressive equality agenda of the current Democrats; do you even know what you want?
Conservatives have always been a roadblock to progress. They were the segregationists decades ago, and they are the evangelicals today. Social regressives are a scab on society.
2006-12-18 07:54:20
answer #3
answered by txwebber 3
I would say Southern Republicans are...that is what the Klan and other hate-mongering groups tend to be made up of people, some places from the look of things and attitudes you would never guess that the Civil War was over...
2006-12-18 08:24:21
answer #4
answered by moonnymph42 2
The questioner writes "So, it's close, but I would have to lean toward the 2000's Democratic Party as more full of hate toward their fellow Americans," after referencing incidents that took place forty-plus years ago.
Nice work!
I don't know which party propagates more hatred, but I know which questioner revells in fanning the flames of smash-mouth politics. The kind that poisens the national dialouge and benefits no one.
2006-12-18 07:45:18
answer #5
answered by Timothy B 3
I'd say it was the right wing, conservative, evangelical Republican party of today. They show distain and hate for everyone making below $40,000 a year, not white, hetrosexual, or Christian. Why do conservatives like you always talk about hate and fear. Get over it. You and those like you are losers, just like the majority voting in the last election proved. If you don't like the all inclusive America that's your problem. I don't see much hate coming from the Democrat Party.
As "Austingirl" stated those examples you mentioned are the Southerners who are todays Republican Party. Sen Bryd is nothing like he was 50 years ago and has denounced the KKK. The people that support the KKK today are Southern Republicans.
2006-12-18 07:47:34
answer #6
answered by Pop D 5
Talk about beating a dead horse. What exactly is it you are trying to gain by rehashing incidents that happened decades ago? Intolerance and bigotry are still alive and well in our country, your help is not needed to fan the flames. Instead of worrying your little head about past history, why not concern yourself with our current administration. If you even give it a quick scan I'm sure you can find something to displease you. Happy hunting.
2006-12-18 07:50:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Dems & libs are by far the most hateful bunch in the country.
"...don't see hate in the Dem. party..." even Ray Charles could see how much hate they spew.
They say they're tolerant but are openly rude, intolerant and bigoted against any Christian.
Republicans, including Bush have more racial diversity in their cabinet and staff and associates than Democrats in office today.
More of the dems voted against equal rights than did the republicans.
Take a look at dem and rep. info booths at fairs and at election time. Reps. display the flag and the Constitution, dems display kill Bush signs, profanity and hate.
Bush has tried to work with dems only to be ridiculed, called names, and lied about.
2006-12-18 08:36:30
answer #8
answered by RockHunter 7
The Democrats you mention were so only in name. They couldn't call themselves Repubs because Lincoln was a Repub.
2006-12-18 10:18:47
answer #9
answered by bettysdad 5
Those were Southern Democrats...which are basically the grandparents of today's Southern Republicans...both parties have changed drastically from their original roots...read your history.
2006-12-18 07:45:06
answer #10
answered by ♥austingirl♥ 6