Most people don't listen to the lyrics! So like you said they are ignorant to it. I guess if they walked a mile in the shoes of someone less fortunate and see the things that they have to live with I'm almost sure that they would understand the lyrics. And any musical ensemble is about the power of words( referring to one comment) but if you can't understand it then how can you relate to it or say it's ignorant!
2006-12-18 06:07:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
All types of music promote something that not everybody is going to agree with. I've heard country songs about sex, love, dogs, pregnancy, hunting, the whole nine yards. I've heard rock songs about drugs, drinking, sex, the whole nine yards. I've heard rap songs, but couldn't understand a word they said, so I'm not sure what they were about. Nobody's gonna be happy with every single song, no matter what type of music you listen to. I've even heard a gospel song that has "Scooby Doo" in the lyrics. See? You can't please everybody all the time.
But IN MY OPINION, rap is stupid anyway. What's the point of listening to something you can't understand? Country songs are simple to understand, if you have ears growing out the sides of your head.
As for ruining your music, it was ruined long before suburban teens got ahold of it.
2006-12-18 06:15:39
answer #2
answered by tinkerbell24 4
Different music for different people! Many people could same the same thing about country music. The stereotype of country music is its a bunch of drunk people looking for their dog and truck - not true!
Rap, rock, country and even folk - it depends on the artist. There are good artists that actually influence in a positive way. People need to open their minds and listen to more than one song before they judge!
2006-12-18 06:03:20
answer #3
answered by BAJC 2
For the person that is clearly illiterate and cannot spell...
We are not all like that. Modern day Hip-Hop artists always talk about weed, and having promiscuous sex when alot of them are married with children. They have half naked women in their videos, and are all about gettin' CRUNK! Before you say something about "all" rock artists and how they only talk about suicide, think of one thing. Kurt Cobain is not a very valid example for this type of arguement. I could talk about countless Tupac Shakur songs the illustrated self loathing and depression, and shootin' some *****'s up.Segregation ended in the sixties man. I think that before you ******* judge an entire genre, realize that you are stereo-typing. You also need some grammar lessons.Suburban ***** that call them self rappers, say they're ghetto. They aren't, and they are talentless.
It takes no more than opening a thesauraus and making words rhyme, to be a rapper. It takes years of learning musical chords and singing precautions to be accepted as a singer.
So shut the hell up.
2006-12-18 06:02:33
answer #4
answered by Ashley 3
Preach! No seriously, It is the negative aspects in music period, whether rap or rock, that gets promoted because it starts controversy, which in turn sells records, which makes money for record label owners. So in order to keep this multi million dollar machine running they need controversy. look at Beyonce, talent aside, she is squeaky clean. So they have to make up stuff about her to drum up controversy. Remember when rock music was looked at the same way? And i agree, rock music has way worst lyrics than rap music. But see they're samrt they say it in a way that you can hardly understand so it slips under the politically correct radar.
2006-12-18 06:05:59
answer #5
answered by Esoteric 3
rock and rap has always been viewed as negative by society.
they used to say "Rock n' Roll is the devil's music" and people would call it loud NOISE!
they say "rap music causes violence" and lures teenagers to live their lives by what they hear or see on the videos.
when rap is out of style they will do the same thing with whatever music comes out in the future.
2006-12-18 10:12:39
answer #6
answered by kwatanabe 3
But what about the RAP songs that promote drug use and use very illicit phrases regarding sex? or how about the songs that talk about abuse? oh another one...what about the ones about womanizing?...Dude...Don't try to put other people's types of music down.... I can find something "BAD" in all types
2006-12-18 06:04:21
answer #7
answered by oppsupsideurhead 5
properly, i'm extra of hippie Beatles fan, Jimi Hendrix all rock and roll music fan chick. yet I do like Rap. Ice cube is amazingly cool and Snoop Dogg. Yup. i think its using entire Drake and what no longer crap that we pay attention now and days. worry-unfastened you are able to desire to admitted theirs an extremely few rappers that easily have significant lyrics of their songs.
2016-10-05 11:25:28
answer #8
answered by ? 4
So rap is a positive thing? Is that what you're saying? Get a hold of yourself.
2006-12-18 05:56:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i like eminem. he rox. but some of his songs dont make sense which is weird cus songs are about the power of words.
2006-12-18 05:57:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous