I also would post one at retirement centers so retired people can read it and talk about it, to get the word out.
2006-12-18 05:43:41
answer #1
answered by anne g 1
I think most of the answers thus far are good. I would recommend finding a park with lots of kids and hopefully you have kids of your own or you can borrow some and just hang out there with the kids and just network.
This might sound tacky but get a few t-shirts made with your companies interest and have cards and info. packets available for people.
Also, bring a puppy or a dog and the kids will want to pat it. Where the kids go the parents will follow and use that as your segway to introduce yourself and use some business savvy to get some potential clients and run with it.
Good luck and let me know how it works out.
2006-12-18 13:33:21
answer #2
answered by Jimmy P. 3
Host a party at the facility with fun stuff for the kids and have an info/q&a session with the parents while the children are being cared for and entertained by your staff.
2006-12-18 21:57:29
answer #3
answered by MerryKerry 2
i think a good place to advertise for daycare is at small diners and eating establishments with place mats. also putting signs up like at wal-mart or any local business that will let you post those things. i know on more that one occasion i have look at the ads that were posted at wal-mart. good luck and happy holidays=)
2006-12-18 13:20:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Post an advertisement at schools, fitness centres, church, community centres, etc.
2006-12-18 13:18:12
answer #5
answered by Nicole 4
word of mouth or maybe you could host a pre party to have parents register there kids.
2006-12-18 18:09:35
answer #6
answered by BabyDolll128 3
The pediatricians office, school or if you take kids that old.
2006-12-18 13:22:31
answer #7
answered by Marcie E 5