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11 answers

It means they were the first fast food place that did customer orders. Time was the big chains were McDonalds, Gino's, Burger King and Roy Rogers (which merged with KFC over the years) - no one allowed you to make changes or substitutions to their food (that's what made them fast) but Burger King's position was that they had people just waiting to hear your specific order before they began making your food - insuring hot, fresh food made to order. They've used that slogan for a long time - it used to be a song, in fact "Have it your way, at Burger King". The surprise is that they brought the actual Burger King back - though I think of Gino the Genie often, oddly enough (he made the world go round, as I recall - maybe it was fun go round?).


2006-12-18 04:04:09 · answer #1 · answered by carole 7 · 0 0

Burger King Motto

2016-10-22 11:45:50 · answer #2 · answered by grable 4 · 0 0

In the olden days.. like the 50s and 60s.. you ordered a burger at a fast food place and you got what they put on your burger. If you didn't want something you just took it off the burger when you got in the car. It was very hard to get a 'special order' until Burger King came along and said you could order without stuff or double up on things like pickles,etc.
You ever try to special order a burger at MacDonalds? good luck!

2006-12-18 03:55:18 · answer #3 · answered by Tapestry6 7 · 0 0

Yes, it meant you could order your burger with whatever you wanted on it. And, if you did that you actually got a "fresher" burger because they would have to make it new rather that serve you from the premade burgers in the warming tray. Sometimes those burgers sit in the warming tray for a looooong time.

2006-12-18 03:59:14 · answer #4 · answered by heart o' gold 7 · 0 0

Little did you know but every Burger King has a brothel in the basement and if you use the secret password you get to go downstairs and have it your way.

2006-12-18 04:05:28 · answer #5 · answered by Aces N 8's 3 · 0 0

Prez say "have it your way" mean that when Burger King opened, they were only fast food that allowed you to choose how you want your burger. McDonalds had all food premade in wrapper and you had to have it that way. Now all fast food let you take it how you want, but Burger King was first. Prez say he like Wendys. Prez say Wendys has best burgers. Prez say fries and diet coke. Prez say junior bacon cheeseburger no mustard please. Prez say he doesnt like mustard. Prez say baked potato butter sour cream. Prez say cesar side salad. yum yum Prez hungry. Prez better know.

2006-12-18 03:55:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That creepy king wants me.

2006-12-18 03:54:20 · answer #7 · answered by Jennie Fabulous 4 · 0 0

You're kidding, right?

No more cookie-cutter fast-food burgers.
Now you order it the way you want it.
This isn't rocket science.

2006-12-18 03:55:51 · answer #8 · answered by Bob L 7 · 0 0

yeah that sounds fishy..

2006-12-18 04:03:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I hope you don't mean what I think you mean...

2006-12-18 03:54:16 · answer #10 · answered by bwiz19 1 · 0 0

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